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there is a reason i requested this restaurant much to ponder tonight in our realm i brought you here on our first date praying anxiously for a Lady and the Tramp moment you brought the romantic within me to fruition red and white checkered tablecloths chianti bottles dripping Bistro candle wax the weekends with musicians the night i held you dancing sang "That's Amore" when you hold a dream know it isn't a dream Vita Bellissimo, cuando ti tengo tra le mie braccia i fell deeply in love with the woman in my arms each kiss a creme brulee heavenly sent i became hopelessly entwined as you flowered a vine that never left the heights as love grew each moment the heavens ascended in your arms years we have been coming here the anniversaries, birthdays, graduations the loss of our child how the umbra embraces you soft lights piercing, dancing across your face time slowly accentuating the changing hair as i matured, i became hopelessly captivated with the advancing years as we danced thru time holding your hand across the table fingering the ring i long ago placed there offered once to change it to a larger one a mistake made, never mentioned again her ring is not a status, it is devotion women attach the deepest of memories sentiments cherished to depths men find at times unfathomable wise men cherish such an honor silence is more than golden crushed flowers, theater tickets are moments together it is here i watched you blossom becoming the potpourri of my heaven scent it is here aging into a fine wine we are at a precipice a need to talk it is here knowing what lies ahead yet at this moment my only wish to dwell in your eyes where the soul you are harbors all of my earthly desires it is now I want to languish in memories of you it is here i am so grateful for every moment you have given me it is here i breathe Loves Immortality it is here i grasp tightly to eternity it is here i know whatever Love holds for us we will have held but a modicum of its entirety we will have earned, Love's Promise we will sing in the glow of the star we are we drive home, my hand rests on hers soon I will have to look into her eyes i am dying i must be the strength she carries forward i must be the vision of the hand waiting when life becomes a table for one Vedi, la vita e sospiro di etenita breath is the first step into eternity it all has been a dream Lucia i wait at the balcony door to take your hand escort you down the stairs, out the door to where all dreams become the forevermore Abilene 3/18 Kismet
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