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There she sat watching him swing his axe. Her need turned to affection. Watching, waiting to see what happens next. The trees mimicked the times he's spent in her eyes, The woodsman who gathered logs for his cottage not too far. Soon he’d look up to find her gaze. There he stood, his axe coming to a halt. Alluring was she, the fox who gazed from a distance. the times she's unknowingly kept him company. Her eyes shone a deep ember as the sun peaked through the trees. Her copper fur shone A filled emptiness through the piercing of their souls. The leaves riddled through the wind & the shadows gave way to the light that felt the space of cut down trees. Could there be more she thought. The echo of his axe littered through the forest. Fresh wood could be smelled through the air. Many times, she’s stood in the distance & watched. Through the times his yells could be heard in frustration. Through the calm moments where nothing but the crackling of trees could be heard. There she stood, watching all along. They often brought a loud rumbling, The trees that hit the ground. Scattering & rustling the resting leaves, Her affair couldn’t help but be noticed by everyone except him. Out of fear he’d try to scare her away. Holding up his axe & charging at her. Only to turn around & see she'd scurry right back to where she left. she knew the risk, getting that close to a human. But with that, only brought more excitement. As with everything, time grew older. As did she, as did he. He’d grown too old and one day while out. Died of a heart attack while out in the forest. There he laid against the tree Struggling to crawl anywhere. Finally she had the courage to inch closer until they were nose & nose. Her wails could be heard for miles as she approached the love of her life. & for the first and final time, He rubbed his hand against her head
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