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I. Espy, distinguish divinely made lively, lovely Trees Unisex Trees, inhales carbon dioxide, then breathes out for us humans, life given clean oxygen Stout roots run deep, holding God's earth Also, with you we were taught our first lesson II. Animals take shelter upon your strong limbs The squirrels, birds, hornets and bees, nest; while robins, monkeys, leopards, sloths and sparrows repose taking their mid-afternoon rest A linked caterpillar metamorphosis into a "beautiful butterfly" III. Mankind uses are the firewood, fences and picture frames Furniture from the oak, cherry and mahogany are made: these into chairs for seating and escritoire desks for reading Cedars carved into chest cabinets are for clothing compartments Lovely log cabins houses are made for lovely family home abode IV. Maple Tree saps are so sensuous sumptuous and sweet, do disseminate it heartily on your pancakes when you eat Shields of shade: spread out for the weary and needy Upon paper writes of love songs and poetry Including writes like our first ten-page article V. Nutritious Tree fruits are the apples, mangoes, peaches Yet, certain leaves make for sweet ice-tea This is to be drunk in the middle of high heat Thus, saturating our mortal human thirsty needs Refreshing rain-forest water drunk with a big green leaf VI. Medical medications are in particular Trees Aspirins are derived from the Willow's bark Red Stinkwood trees a multiplicity of cures One is for mild benign prostatic hyperplasia Soap-berries fruit plucked are nature's natural clean VII. Circular rings, are the past times etched therein A garden sculpture of arbors arrayed, beautifully displayed Ornamentals artworks pieces called art Topiary A lovely couple do circle heart engrave their names on a Tree Youngsters in a tree-house hoots sounds of joyful merriment VIII. An alignment of Trees straight does stop soil wind erosion This makes for a strong sturdy, plant protection Desist worldwide Trees deforestation devastation They are a beautiful natural land conservation With an abundance of arbors we built many pier ports harbors IX. Cast a sail upon a sturdy Tree; then sail the mighty seas Lacrosse sticks are jousting at Lacrosse games Wooden baseball bats are banging at beautiful ballparks Cricket Bowlers attempt to strike at wooden wickets A Child wields a yellow pencil at school and does exceed X. Treasure troves and teammates; symbiosis are lovely Trees Nature's natural emerald green, to be loved and gleaned Plant a Tree seed in the ground and cultivate it See it grow like tall magical beanstalk beans Be like a Tree, extend towards golden bright sunbeams XI. If, you could be a Tree, what kind of Tree would you be? An ash, aspen, apple, beech, birch, cherry, chestnut, cedar, coconut, cottonwood, elm, fig, hawthorn, hickory, larch, maple, mango, oak, palm, pine, pear, redwood, spruce, sycamore, walnut, willow Characteristics are easily seen; of these “Mighty Trees" XII. In being an evergreen Tree, I would always be green This in all seasons and in every variant weather condition Bearing the Winter’s cold snows and Fall’s harsh winds blown Deciduous, are the fruit Trees like the peach, berry and orange “Trees are benevolent givers;" Enjoy them in the fields, parks or gardens XIII. Magnificent, and robust are Trees, hopefully one is nearby thee Parallel stories of Life can be seen in many a hardy Tree Hope is seen, inspired by every budding bearing fruitful Tree If a Tree writes, “what would it might write I believe,” this “recognize, care and do appreciate me" XIV. Bible, speaks of a future certain hope, “I would like to state,” this of a Heavenly Tree, which is the “Tree of life” For to eat of it would be with much gratitude and glee It bearing twelve kinds of delicious fruits each month Leaves, are for the healing of all the nations "that is we"
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