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Wake up every morning, Knowing it will be the same; Feel an endless longing, Inside a rage that can't be tamed. Haunted in my thinking, I let my big chance pass; And with it all believing, That my song would always last. Invited to 'The Boot' to hear a band, Saw a flicker of what I used to be; A young man lost in his music, Yesterday that man was me. I remember making melodies, The world was in my hands; But it slipped through my fingers, I had to grow up and be a man. Let my hopes just fly away, All my dreams of entertaining; Now I'd give any thing to know, There's still one dream remaining. Sitting at this restaurant patio, The guitar's magic in his hands; His voice is smooth and effortless, Oh how I wish I was that man. The joy of being lost in the music, Alive, young at heart, and free; The tapping feet and smiling faces, To see how good your song can be. Let inhibition just fly away, He lives the dream of entertaining; Looks out at the admiring crowd, Says I got one demo remaining. Play your songs for all their worth, Never let them go; The world is your audience, Give them your best show. Don't let your chance pass you by, You can't stop believing; Life is in the music, And love is in the feeling. Let inhibition just fly away, I took the one demo remaining; My soul moved by the music, Tonight my dream reclaiming! ~Lyric Man Note: When I was a young musician I had an old guy in the crowd who was really into our set. On a break, he told me that he was just like me years earlier. But he listened to voices telling him he had to grow up and let his dream go. This song is through his eyes. Never let anyone take your dreams. They are real. And they are the secret to really living!!
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