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The Limerick Style of Poetic Humor

by Joseph Spence Sr.

There exist several forms and styles of poetry. Some are more serious than others; alternatively, some are very humorous. One of the most humorous form and style is the limerick, which is written with a special flair. There are other ways of writing poetry with humor, such as using the narrative form; however, once the word limerick is mentioned one knows it is time for humor. The following limerick series is all about humor in poetry and it is related to a "Girl Named Ann." It is written in the trilogy format of three poems in a set linking with each other. It starts like a narrative storyline, a period of rising conflict, a climaxing point, and ends with a resolution where things return to normalcy and stability.

Girl Named Ann Limerick Series

There is a real sweet girl name Ann

Wearing a smile just like-oh dang!

Along came sweet Pete

Thinks he is real neat

His moves land him in right the can


She is like a fast spinning top

Will make you hop while drinking scotch

Stepping up is Sam

Mighty slick-oh man

He gets off her lap with a slap


Along came silly and sweet Jack

Offering to rub her back

For her hand he did ask

Without wearing a mask

They raise a Cracker Jack pack


© Joseph Spence, Sr., 8/6/09

© All Rights Reserved


The limerick is a light humorous, nonsensical, or bawdy verse of five lines usually with the rhyme scheme aabba. The first, second, and fifth lines must rhyme with each other. The third and fourth lines also rhyme with each other in a manner that is similar to lines one, two and five. Additionally, the limerick must be funny. It normally tells a story in some way, shape, or form, and is easily followed.

Joseph S. Spence, Sr., is the co-author of two poetry books, A Trilogy of Poetry, Prose and Thoughts for the Mind, Body and Soul, and Trilogy Moments for the Mind, Body and Soul. He invented the Epulaeryu poetry form, which focuses on succulent cuisines and drinks. He is published in various forums, including the World Haiku Association; Milwaukee Area Technical College, Phoenix Magazine; and Taj Mahal Review. Joseph is a Goodwill Ambassador for the state of Arkansas, USA, and is an adjunct faculty at Milwaukee Area Technical College. He has completed over twenty years of service with the U.S. Army.


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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry