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Why is poetry often neglected? - Ariana Pataki's Blog

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My name is Ariana Pataki, and I'm 15 years old. I'm from Spain, from a beautiful city called Zaragoza. English is not my first language. I apologize for any mistakes my grammar may have. My parents are from Hungary and Romania, so I speak five languages: Spanish, English, French, Hungarian and Romanian. I'm currently learning Italian and Portuguese. 

I love languages, since I want to work as a translator, travelling round the world and helping people understand each other.

I define myself as someone very positive, kind and sociable. I always think about others, and I try to help them out. I love being with my friends, reading novels, writing my own novels, obviously poetry and learning new stuff. 

Usually, people say I'm too young to write poetry. I have been told this for years.

I started writing my own short stories at the age of ten. Those small histories were not a big deal, but led me to start to write novels at the age of 12. I started my first book in 2021, and I finished it in 2023. Right now, my goal is finishing my third thriller novel, which I called "Pulse of panic". Finally, I recently finished another short novel, which is called "Wild Heart"

My parents are not big supporters of my work. They believe my novels and poems are just a way of wasting my time.I've been struggling with many stuff and writing has always helped me out. I want to have an optimistic view, and say that everything will get better.

In 2023, at school, I began to write small verses on my notebooks, words that could rhyme and could express how I felt. Slowly, everything made sense, and I made my very first poem: Overthink. After that one, everything flowed good. I began to write more and more, when I felt happy or stressed. Poetry is my way of scaping reality.

I found Poetry Soup, and started posting my poems. Lots of wonderful people started reading my poems, commenting on them and saying such beautiful things, I had to keep going! They all inspired me, and encouraged me. I'lll cherish each of them in my heart. You all are the best!! I never thought my words could be appreciated the way they do. I'm really grateful.

I'm just a teenage girl, with so many dreams and hopes. I'll keep trying my best, trying to make good poems. I'll keep learning day by day. 

Thanks for reading such a long biography. Honestly, thanks for everyone who reads my poems and spend some of their time reading this biography. I'm so happy to be a part of Poetry Soup's community.

Have a great day, and take care. Be safe!

Ariana :-)

Why is poetry often neglected?

Blog Posted:1/25/2024 10:20:00 AM

Hello everyone,

I'm delighted to be back on Poetry Soup, and I've prepared a new blog to share some thoughts that have been on my mind for the past few months. Life has thrown a lot my way, and amidst all the chaos, there's one aspect that has significantly affected me— the neglect of poetry.

I've touched upon this topic in a previous blog titled "Why Do You Waste Your Time Writing Poetry," but today, I feel the need to delve deeper into it. As a teenager navigating the halls of high school, I've found myself  in the study of classic poets such as William Blake, Antonio Machado, and Edmund Blunden. While these literary giants have contributed immensely to the world of literature, it's disheartening to witness the lack of enthusiasm my classmates and friends show for their work.

Teachers often place great emphasis on these classic poets, considering them pivotal figures in the literary realm. However, the sentiment among my classmates is that this subject is boring and pointless. The stereotype surrounding an appreciation for poems, novels, and literature, in general, has led to a rather unfortunate label – being a nerd. Unfortunately, I've been on the receiving end of this term MORE times than I care to count.

Just a few days ago, while peacefully engrossed in "Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman during a break at school, I was called a freak for choosing to read instead of scrolling through my phone like everyone else. It left me feeling offended, as if enjoying a good poetry book was somehow a sin. Should I apologize for finding solace in the written word? It's a question that seems absurd, yet it highlights the attitudes towards those who choose to engage in reading and writing.

Surrounded by teenagers who neither read nor appreciate literature, I find myself feeling somewhat out of place. The general consensus among my classmates is that reading is a waste of time, with their focus squarely on social media, technology, and video games. While I acknowledge everyone's right to spend their time as they see fit, the judgment that follows for not conforming to their interests is disheartening. It seems that deviating from the norm automatically labels me as a freak or a nerd.

Having only recently started writing poems, I've come to realize the extent to which they are underestimated. In my eagerness to improve my craft, I approached my teachers for guidance, hoping they would help me improve my skills. Unfortunately, my literature teacher's response was pretty harsh, dismissing my passion for poetry as a mere hobby with a casual, "Oh, how sweet. You write poems? Good for you. Why would I want to read them?" In that moment, my sense of purpose felt utterly diminished.

It's disconcerting to witness poetry being treated not as an art form but as a mundane activity relegated to the elderly. Which is a silly stertiotype! At just fifteen, the value of my poems is often undermined because of my age. This sentiment reached a peak when I aspired to publish a book, only to be met with laughter from a publisher who found the idea of a book written by a 15-year-old girl amusing.

Yes, I am young, but that doesn't equate to being naive or lacking the ability to express myself. I've written almost three novels, each surpassing 200 pages, and accumulated over 50 poems. While I may not consider myself a superlative writer, the dismissive attitudes I encounter hinder my growth and discourage me from pursuing my goals.

In a world that seems to prioritize the tangible and immediate, the art of poetry often takes a backseat. It's my hope that through sharing my experiences, we can foster a greater appreciation for the written word and encourage a more inclusive environment for those who find solace and inspiration in the beauty of poetry.

Thank you very much for reading. I'm always down for a chat, let me know your point of view in the comments. Also my Soup Mail is open.

Have a lovely day!

Ariana Pataki!

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Date: 1/28/2024 6:14:00 AM
Well Ariana, in my long ago younger days as a muscular, foul mouthed, Ironworker in Boston I was often looked upon "strangely" when I would recited or sing a poetic verse in the midst of construction confusion. I have used my poetic mantra "DON'T FIGHT IT - WRITE IT" as a workshop theme a few times. My first "conflict" with a teacher in high school centered upon his telling me what the poem we had read meant to me. Just keep on reading and writing Ariana
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 1/28/2024 7:15:00 AM
I'll keep writing. Thanks John!
Date: 1/27/2024 4:24:00 PM
Ariana, great blog, my advice read on, write on and never mind the cellphone scrollers! You are doing something that makes you happy. I experienced similar situations as a teen and now I call myself Poet I also learnt from reading the poets of old, Constance
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 1/28/2024 7:14:00 AM
Hi there! Thanks for such kind comment and for reading my blog. Have a lovely day Constance.
Date: 1/27/2024 12:47:00 PM
Thank you, Ariana, for sharing your experience! That is why I am so glad we have this community of writers at PS! Many people I want to listen to a poem that takes like a minute (probably less to read) including my husband don’t want to listen. I was enthralled when a group of ladies at my aunts house actually were interested. Be who you are and you will go places. Those classmates are wasting their time and that teacher (rolling my eyes). Keep writing! Love that you are reading Walt Whitman’s poetry book! Pat..Pat..Pat on the back.
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 1/27/2024 1:09:00 PM
Hi Kim! I love PS's community because of that, people read my poems and enjoy reading them. I'm grateful for being a part of this amazing community. I'll keep writing both novels and poetry! Btw I adore Walt's poems. Years ago, before I started writing my own poems, I began to read his books, among other amazing poets. I really enjoy it! Have a lovely weekend, happy Friday!
Date: 1/27/2024 3:08:00 AM
Thanks for sharing this, Ariana. As a teacher, I admire students who hone their writing skills by learning from the experts through reading and then writing from the heart. Such is what I feel for you. God bless you in your writing pursuits.
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 1/27/2024 8:31:00 AM
I wish my teachers could understand it the way you do, Beata. Thanks for such kind comment. Have a lovely day.
Date: 1/26/2024 8:41:00 AM
Ariana (beautiful name btw), you're an exceptional and mature young lady which makes you different than others your age, but different in a "good" way. Stay the course and your rewards will be well worth the difficulties of your journey. You'll find that you're not alone and you'll meet more and more who are much like you are. Hugs, and thank you for sharing your emotions.
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 1/26/2024 9:59:00 AM
thanks for such sweet comment Craig! You're really kind. Have a lovely day. Thanks for reading my blog!
Date: 1/25/2024 1:23:00 PM
Teens and sadly, many adults are hooked on SM. Good for you for wanting to pursue literature, poetry, language and other artistic endeavors
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 1/25/2024 10:27:00 PM
Hi Tom! You're absolutely right, nowadays there's so many people that are 24/7 online and on social media, which is a very sad fact. I believe the relationship I have with words and poetry will be a forever kind of thing. Thanks for reading my blog!
Date: 1/25/2024 10:54:00 AM
This Blog entry is an excellent communique for anyone, let alone a fifteen year old. Your poetry appears ageless. Historically many writers have been thought of as out of the main stream. That is a GOOD thing, Young Lady. Welcome to the world of literary practitioners and amazing spirits! Follow that dream, Ariana. We'll all be better for it. :o)
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 1/25/2024 10:59:00 AM
Hi Arlo! I wasn't sure if this blog was a good idea, but finally i posted it since i wanted to share my mind with PS's community. it's for support and kind comments like yours that i keep going. thank you Arlo!

My Past Blog Posts

Revitalizing Life.
Date Posted: 2/18/2024 5:48:00 AM
Why is poetry often neglected?
Date Posted: 1/25/2024 10:20:00 AM
Invisible words.
Date Posted: 11/28/2023 10:23:00 AM
I love Poetry Soup's community.
Date Posted: 11/17/2023 8:06:00 AM
Verses of the heart.
Date Posted: 11/16/2023 10:41:00 AM
"Why do you waste your time writing poetry?"
Date Posted: 11/16/2023 10:31:00 AM

My Recent Poems

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2/18/2024 Flowing Rhymedeep,how i feel,nonsense,
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1/13/2024 simple dreams Rhymefuture,imagination,self,t
1/8/2024 fourth of January Rhymedeath,grandmother,how i f
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