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Poems by Tahera Mannan

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Below are poems written by India poet Tahera Mannan. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Tahera Mannan.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
09/02/2013 Old Horn 1289 Rictameter
08/19/2013 Blooming Love 912 Free verse
08/07/2013 The Carousel 1016 Rondeau
06/30/2013 Dancing With Flowers 1147 Rhyme
05/08/2013 Black 949 Tanka
05/02/2013 White 1417 Free verse
04/29/2013 Memories Beyond the Door 981 Rhyme
04/26/2013 The Love of Lady Earth 759 Rhyme
04/11/2013 Ocean 1482 Haiku
04/08/2013 Cherry Blossoms 1057 Haiku
04/07/2013 Lavender Rose 1297 Tanka
04/03/2013 Green Ladybugs 811 Quintain (English)
03/27/2013 Beautiful Old Age 911 Free verse
03/20/2013 Echoes of the Heart 844 Rhyme
03/20/2013 The Corner of My Garden 906 Free verse
03/13/2013 Cleopatra and Anthony 839 Rhyme
03/10/2013 The Miracle of Green Tea 726 Free verse
03/03/2013 The Pearl 696 Couplet
03/01/2013 The Power of Flowers 2166 ABC
02/25/2013 Raw Onions 1660 Haiku
01/15/2013 Petals In the Wind 1355 Free verse
01/14/2013 Soft White Daisies 1115 Haiku
12/12/2012 Lost Magic 789 Terzanelle
12/09/2012 Small Kindness 867 Verse
12/04/2012 The Light of Love 929 Couplet
11/18/2012 An Empty Mind 1104 Free verse
11/07/2012 Winter's Blanket 779 Free verse
10/30/2012 Embers 702 Verse
10/26/2012 The Race of Life 797 Rhyme
10/23/2012 A Summer Day 750 Free verse
10/15/2012 Sleep Little Princess 2046 Rhyme
10/10/2012 First Night 1051 Quintain (English)
10/10/2012 Peacock 906 Rhyme
10/09/2012 Angel Dust 1114 Rhyme
10/07/2012 Multicoloured Tutu 1121 Crystalline
10/06/2012 Reign of the White Witch 889 Tanka
10/03/2012 Time For a Wish 800 Tanka
09/30/2012 Death 903 Epigram
09/28/2012 Birthday Unicorn 2114 Free verse
09/26/2012 Dusk 845 Rhyme
09/26/2012 Eternal Rainbow 1074 Rhyme
09/25/2012 New Sofa Covers 875 Senryu
09/24/2012 Sir Alexander Fleming 3695 Clerihew
09/19/2012 Life These Days 994 Bio
09/18/2012 Happy Birthday 902 Free verse
08/30/2012 Hammock 1114 Verse
03/18/2012 Touched By An Angel 790 Rhyme
03/09/2012 My Friend Sona 934 Verse
03/08/2012 The Dance of Death 878 Dizain
03/06/2012 A Wedding 808 Verse
02/28/2012 The Tamarind's Call 743 Rhyme
11/25/2011 The Orange Tree 2018 Rhyme
11/12/2011 A Smooth Stone 1376 Quatern
11/04/2011 Glitter 1319 Free verse
10/05/2011 Life Passes By 1403 Haiku
10/03/2011 The Cage 745 Rhyme
09/28/2011 The Walking Trees 959 Rhyme
09/24/2011 A Low Church 923 Free verse
09/16/2011 Between the Worlds 844 Free verse
09/10/2011 A Piece of Heaven 1083 Free verse
08/28/2011 Under the Banyan 997 Rhyme
08/23/2011 Precious Dream 816 Free verse
08/21/2011 A Broken Fragment 881 Rhyme
08/10/2011 The Sun Fairy 1458 Rhyme
08/05/2011 Wisdom 905 Acrostic
08/04/2011 Before Christ 1277 Rhyme
08/03/2011 The Sacred Month 764 Tail-rhyme
07/29/2011 The Door 870 Couplet
07/26/2011 Isis 1021 Enclosed Rhyme
07/25/2011 Lovely Blonde Locks 850 Rhyme
07/23/2011 The Journey of a Soul 932 Rhyme
07/22/2011 The Circle of Love 816 Free verse
07/19/2011 The Message In the Balloon 990 Free verse
07/18/2011 Life Renewed 1119 Haiku
07/15/2011 A Prayer 842 Free verse
07/13/2011 A Hot Eve 885 Tanka
07/13/2011 Seafood Boil 1062 Epulaeryu
07/07/2011 Dreaming Butterfly 867 Rhyme
07/03/2011 Why 964 Verse
07/01/2011 Homeless 856 Rhyme
06/27/2011 Sublime 1023 Rhyme
06/25/2011 My Oracle 870 Free verse
06/21/2011 Luminous Fragments 768 Free verse
06/18/2011 The Virgo In Me 3234 Rhyme
06/15/2011 My Greatest Gifts 830 Rhyme
06/14/2011 Blessings From Stone 1172 Rhyme
06/07/2011 Woodland Path 1073 Rhyme Royal
06/05/2011 Feline Top Ten 1368 Free verse
06/04/2011 A Bicycle Made For Two 1006 Rhyme
06/04/2011 A Paradise 761 Rhyme
06/02/2011 River's Journey 862 Free verse
06/02/2011 Embroidery 1362 Free verse
06/01/2011 Pink Joy 814 Free verse
05/30/2011 White Jasmine 1050 Tanka
05/26/2011 Mona Lisa 989 Ekphrasis
05/23/2011 Crunchy Apples 1880 Haiku
05/23/2011 Majestic Trees 830 Dodoitsu
05/20/2011 In Laws 853 Senryu
05/19/2011 Life 838 Free verse
05/15/2011 Temptation 1287 Villanelle

Book: Shattered Sighs