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Best Poems Written by Tahera Mannan

Below are the all-time best Tahera Mannan poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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White is the tiny jasmine growing in my garden
The soft snow that falls on my nose
The cumulus that drifts in the blue sky
The heart of a pristine lotus

 White is gown I wore for him
And the gloved hand on his arm
The Arabian which ran wild in the desert
As mystical as the first ray of dawn

White is the baby in Mary’s arms
And the lilies in the church
The rice and confetti thrown on the bride
The veil which hides her blushing cheeks

White is the dove which brings peace
And the tiny bell that hangs on its neck
The moon that shines gently at night
The stars that shine in her eyes


Copyright © Tahera Mannan | Year Posted 2013

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Awaiting Admittance Haiku

a gentle dew drop
slides softly down the petal
awaits admittance

Copyright © Tahera Mannan | Year Posted 2011

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Triumph of the Soul

As I wandered alone without a task
All around me wild flowers sprang forth
My face a sad contorted mask

Of emotionless strife since birth
My eyelids closed against the day
Enjoying the fall of darkness on my Earth

The sun tried to spread its ray
The sweet smelling fruit kissed my head
As beneath the mighty mango tree I lay

The deep red scars on my heart fled
When a strange melody on my fancy grew
And the balm of stillness on my limbs spread

An unknown peace I soon knew
When the leaves danced with the breeze
The shadows of my life I threw

The butterflies and the bees
On me did comfort heap
That amazingly I found under this tree

My shallow life and forgotten sleep
This wilderness made new
With pleasure my heart started to weep

The grave cares now seemed so few
My life found a new definition
And into the azure sky my soul flew

Copyright © Tahera Mannan | Year Posted 2010

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The Virgo In Me

The Virgo In Me
A virgin goddess,  pure simple mind
A fervour in heart, kindness for mankind
Always yearning for eternal youth
In search of undying truth
High aims of touching the sun
Enjoys the company of the young
A craving for perfection as close as it can be
That’s the Virgo in me
Little actions and deeds observed
But very easily perturbed
Even if a dear one steps out of bounds
I’m ever ready with my sharp bullet rounds
People adore me for my abilities
Oh my it is the Virgo in me
I’m famous for my devotion
My heart an ocean of emotions
 Its love that makes me passionate
Trying to immerse my loved ones in it
I’m often quite forward and bold
But nerves quiver turning me cold
No chains bind me, a spirit free
Oh yes it is the Virgo in me

By-Tahera Mannan

Copyright © Tahera Mannan | Year Posted 2011

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The Power of Flowers

A is for Aster dancing in the wind
B is for Begonia as many as you can find

C is for Cornflower adorning a maiden’s hair
D is for Dandelion waving in the air

E is for English Daisy shining silver along the brook
F is for Fairy Wings kept in granny’s book

G is for Geranium in our pretty garden
H is for Hollyhock atop the Afghan’s turban

I is for Impatiens a carpet beneath the tree
J is for Jewelweed visited by the bee

K is for Kalimeris white as the snow
L is for Lily that in the church glow

M is for Marigold all over the hills
N is for Naranjilla without any frills

O is for Orchids that the pretty lady got
P is for Pansy drawn on the riverside yacht

Q is for Quail bush bright in the summer sun
R is for red rose in the senora’s bun

S is for Sunflower thousands in the field
T is for Tailflower out of its shield

U is for Uncarina deep in Madagascar
V is for Verbascum shaped like a star

W is for Wisteria soft as satin dress
X is for Xyris which grows without a fuss

Y is for yew fresh as spring dew
Z is for Zinnia that once in the yard grew

These flashes of colours in our everyday life
Gives meaning to that endless strife

By- Tahera Mannan

Copyright © Tahera Mannan | Year Posted 2013

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Winter's Blanket

The winter Queen has arrived
Silent and soft and slow and divine
Slowly thru icy breath she whispers
As her silver garments open wide
Miracles appear swirling free
As tiny angels dancing above
Softly drifting to the ground
On the wall and rooftops
Window ledges and branches bare
Tiny crystal flowers bloom
As she spreads her blanket around
Tinkling and glittering they enter
Frigid human lonely hearts
And like wild butterflies
The warmth flutter again
As each flake a beautiful dream weave
In the white tapestry of life

By Tahera Mannan

Copyright © Tahera Mannan | Year Posted 2012

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Summer Restored

peaches sweetly poached
warm bourbon drizzled slowly
summer now restored

Copyright © Tahera Mannan | Year Posted 2011

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Do not tempt me so with this life
I have left all behind
It was too much to be a perfect wife

It had become one big strife
The stone wheel in which my soul did grind
Do not tempt me so with this life

Amongst these mountains I do not strive
No chains are here that could bind
It was too much to be a perfect wife

Idle life, why do I yearn for a busy hive
I have left behind mankind
Do not tempt me so with this life

My raging mind in tranquil pool did dive
Peace and enchantment here combined
It was too much to be a perfect wife

My soul seems dead not alive
Oh why did I leave behind mankind
Do not tempt me so with this life
It was too much to be a perfect wife

Copyright © Tahera Mannan | Year Posted 2011

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Graveyard Rendezvous

On the fateful day before Halloween
Dressed as a vampire queen in green
I passed through the graveyard
With all my senses on guard
When I heard a rustling mean

In horror I turned around to see
Who had the audacity to scare me
Saw an old man bending low
Chiseling his name in a row
Looked to be a veteran escapee

I told him not to disturb the grave
When he started to turn and rave
His family didn’t spell him right
And he with his might
Had come out his name to engrave

Copyright © Tahera Mannan | Year Posted 2010

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Limitless Love

As she walked thru limitless pain
Her body contorted and old
She ached for his divine grace
And freedom from binding chains
Her soul clearly broken
Into tiny glittering points
And dark night enticingly beckoned
To pass into limitless sky
And as day blurred into dusk
Her soul took its flight
Among the burning starry way
She at last found what she lacked
A limitless ocean of love and peace
That He held in his arms


For Paula’s ‘Limitless’ contest

Copyright © Tahera Mannan | Year Posted 2011


Book: Shattered Sighs