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Poems by Paige Turner

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Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet Paige Turner. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Paige Turner.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
07/20/2024 Pirate's Gold 116 Rhyme
03/17/2024 The Vasectominator 106 Rhyme
12/19/2023 A Man-child's week 132 Rhyme
09/26/2023 Word Bank 2: Animal Names 181 Rhyme
09/26/2023 Word Bank:Holidays 111 Free verse
09/05/2023 Camping Capers 160 Rhyme
07/27/2023 The Storm 199 Rhyme
07/27/2023 Stinky Pete 242 Rhyme
07/17/2023 The Bluebottle Buffet 163 Rhyme
07/12/2023 I'M All For Espirit-De-Corps 114 Rhyme
07/12/2023 My Ineffable Bottle Garden 133 Rhyme
07/12/2023 Away On a Booze Cruise 204 Rhyme
07/03/2023 Hiding Behind the Mask 455 Acrostic
07/02/2023 The Flobbadobbing Communication Translation Tale 401 Rhyme
07/01/2023 Knickerbocker-Glorious 314 Rhyme
07/01/2023 Emotional Whiplash 316 Rhyme
06/25/2023 Steve Seagull 279 Rhyme
06/24/2023 I'M Fighting Back From My Panic Attack 405 Rhyme
06/23/2023 Poop Pain 399 Limerick
06/23/2023 Therapy Zoo 482 Rhyme
06/21/2023 A Year of Adventures Part 2 285 Rhyme
06/21/2023 A Year of Adventures Part 1 297 Rhyme
06/21/2023 Busy Bee 250 Rhyme
06/21/2023 Just a Friend 293 Rhyme
06/21/2023 The Stream 'story Poem' 288 Narrative
06/21/2023 Scraps; Volume 2 165 Rhyme
06/21/2023 Scraps; Volume 1 237 Rhyme
06/21/2023 My Dearest Wife 280 Rhyme
06/21/2023 I Heart My Stool Chart 404 Rhyme
06/20/2023 Smudge 211 Rhyme
06/20/2023 War Wounds 217 Rhyme
06/20/2023 Apprehension 208 Rhyme
06/20/2023 The Big Issue 203 Rhyme
06/20/2023 Backwards Boy 316 Limerick
06/19/2023 Jimmy Carew 160 Rhyme
06/19/2023 Yawning All Morning 233 Rhyme
06/18/2023 Analysis Paralysis 466 Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things