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Aves Appetiser

How dare goddamn Laura divorce him After thirty years arduous pre dawn sacrifice Menopause made her dismiss marriage on a whim Told Rod he'd not have true love twice Victim adamant to prove prowess To construct his dazzling platform Marina tower apartment, salesman finesse Enamour for strawberry blonde, he'd perform Abattoir visits supply excess meat Too good to discard, soon crows found Raw morsels upon sunny balcony heat Slowly rotting, sixty metres above ground Pleased frequenting feathered friends Swoop hungry, hot tiles smeared in grease While his platonic blonde sidestepping pretends She's not ready to consummate their needs Shimmer photoshoot illusion windswept strands Whip her dazzled face in gold to behold Pristine boat grid below, his meaty hands Suddenly clamp her jugular, slowed blood cold Duck egg irises fear increases, dance shoes slip Held up by Rod's determination to murder Strangled finally to submission in his sausage grip Remote controlled bird saw and heard her Floating microphone, struggled inhale caught Quad propellers wing nimble, zoom eye snaps Amor of flaxen haired dancer he sought Filmed before her fatty floor collapse Cocky Rod knows how to remove her corpse Platonic blonde diced by cow carcass blade Churns through her chaste, chest flesh warps Chuck steak beak struck, friends caw unafraid 20th July 2022 Written for Contest: Start Sleuthing Sponsor: Natasha L. Scragg

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 7/23/2022 3:24:00 PM
Fed to the birds, brilliant writing Sigrid, what an imagination you have, and vocabulary to match, after reading this one, and many of your other diverse works over the years, I’m sure you could write a novel, all the best in contest, cheers David
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Sigrid Ermine
Date: 7/23/2022 5:00:00 PM
Hello, my cherished prolific witty poet, David! Ta! Aware this write doesn't tick the criteria Natasha asked for, - but had fun in a similar vein, of course attempting to keep it culled! Your comments enrich my day!

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