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elaine7 - all messages by user

4/30/2024 12:57:07 AM
The Palm in One's Heart The Palm in One’s Heart
It's a heartwarming and loving memory.

There’s a glow in one’s face,
As one looks at these roads
Traces this memorable place
And reminisce about the unforgettable day.

Remembering then the flowers swayed in the air,
With varieties of colors; blooming everywhere
Pine trees so high, numerous as ever,
It made this place so cool and tender.

Walking along this sloping hillside
One's heart beat fast, as they stood side by side
Within smiles, happiness and peace linger
They gazed at each other, seemingly speechless.

Sitting on this lovely bench,
With drops of rain drench
Telling stories that amazed oneself
Enjoying one another seems endless.

At last, you turned to one and gazed deeply
Lifted one’s hand, and caressed it gently,
Put thy hand in your heart
And close your eyes slowly.

Poem Style: Free Verse
4/30/2024 1:15:47 AM
The Smile of a Child The Smile of a Child
Peep out and see the genuine smile of a child.

The smile that brings happiness,
which takes away loneliness
Lighten the burdens within
with smile of a child.

Poem Form: Dodoitsu Poem
This poem has four lines. Rhyme and meter are not required.
The syllable structure is 7/7/7/5.
4/30/2024 1:31:28 AM
The Mysteries of Love The Mysteries of Love
Love is mysterious in many ways.

Mysterious love
You will never know
Sadness in sincere love
Transcended with inner glow.
Enchanted by true heart’s desire
River so deep, love overflowing
Inside feeling hard to comprehend
Entangles at majestic love
Surrender inner self to
One’s heart desires and love
Forever cherish
Love that is true
Or genuine
Vow; No–

Poem Form: Acronet Poem
This is an acrostic poem with a sonnet and a reverse sonnet. It has 18 lines.
The syllable structure is 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1.
Rhyme is not required.
5/12/2024 4:17:41 AM
The Smile of a Child Thanks Amanda for your inspiring comment. I really appreciate it. :-)
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