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Our Spiritual Grace

Text without context Are words without soul Man without nature Won’t exist in this world Life without relationships Are shoes without soles We’re all interrelated By the soil of the earth Spirit of forest The air that we breathe Clean flowing water Every living thing needs Flowers exude aromas Smiles must have face It’s the unseen intentions Our spiritual grace

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 9/26/2019 8:22:00 AM
Wonderful thoughts penned and I hope God blesses you richly.
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Date: 9/23/2019 6:19:00 PM
Lovely little tidbits.
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Date: 9/14/2019 1:28:00 PM
Beautifully done Arturo. The Native American people believe all life is enter woven. It's a circle. One can't live without the other. Love this. God Bless, JB
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Michael Avatar
Arturo Michael
Date: 9/14/2019 7:03:00 PM
If we were taught to love the earth...we would never pollute it...we would be hurting ourselves...
Date: 9/10/2019 11:47:00 AM
You are right, all living things are designed to thrive on earth 'together'. It's a perfect balance...when it is in balance. Nicely penned!
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Michael Avatar
Arturo Michael
Date: 9/14/2019 7:03:00 PM
Thank you my friend
Date: 9/10/2019 2:48:00 AM
This is truly beautiful in all ways, my friend. You have captured the spirit of God and nature in this one.
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Date: 9/9/2019 1:57:00 PM
Arturo, that video made me so sad. But it is true that greed and ignorance are destroying this world, there is no compassion for the innocent creatures or nature and your words are powerful....
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Date: 9/2/2019 12:31:00 PM
Another marvellous write Arturo.
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Date: 9/1/2019 5:15:00 PM
wonderful poetry Arturo. You have a spiritual soul which you show us through poems like this.
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Michael Avatar
Arturo Michael
Date: 9/2/2019 12:08:00 PM
Thank you Andrea...All the best my friend
Date: 8/31/2019 2:56:00 PM
Spiritual grace - an important gift within us - but do we all exercise this wonderful phenomena. So well penned - loved the lines 'life without relationship are shoes without soles, WOW. Hugs, Jenny
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Arturo Michael
Date: 9/2/2019 12:08:00 PM
Hi Jennifer...Thanks a lot...Very sweet of you
Date: 8/30/2019 5:17:00 PM
Wonderfully knit! I find this piece quite refreshing to peruse...Kudos mate!
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Michael Avatar
Arturo Michael
Date: 9/1/2019 5:06:00 AM
"peruse." I haven't hear that word in a while...Thanks Hannington
Date: 8/29/2019 9:56:00 PM
Wow!! The video matches your thoughts perfectly my friend. This is exactly how Mankind acts and then reacts. (Most anyway, not all) We exist because of God! This is so beautifully written and presented. ~ Brandy
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Arturo Michael
Date: 9/1/2019 5:05:00 AM
Thank you Brandy...
Date: 8/29/2019 3:47:00 PM
Such lovely words Arturo, this is wonderfully penned. Blessings, Gordon
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Arturo Michael
Date: 9/1/2019 5:03:00 AM
Thank you Gordon...Very kind of you
Date: 8/29/2019 11:54:00 AM
My friend, this is an excellent piece, thoughts coming from the soul. I love the flow and the thoughts within spiritual grace. May the gold ever flow from your pen my friend. A fav. Have a wonderful Thursday. Hugs....Mike. XX
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Arturo Michael
Date: 9/1/2019 5:03:00 AM
Thank you Vladislav...All the best
Date: 8/29/2019 7:10:00 AM
I like how you expressed these thoughts.
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Arturo Michael
Date: 8/29/2019 9:24:00 AM
Stringing or maybe even weaving...word art...All the best Richard
Date: 8/28/2019 10:28:00 AM
Yes, a picture of what should be...what we should most miss.
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Arturo Michael
Date: 8/28/2019 1:20:00 PM
What matter what we think or do...Thank Kim...All the best
Date: 8/28/2019 10:26:00 AM
i love how you penned this one and your thoughts within...people without souls are as good as shoes without them... beautiful poem :)
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Arturo Michael
Date: 8/28/2019 1:18:00 PM
Just walking and talking shells....Thank you Sandy...All the best
Date: 8/28/2019 9:20:00 AM
It's the unseen intentions, our spiritual grace. Wow, Arturo, so powerful Pamagiota xx
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Arturo Michael
Date: 8/28/2019 1:18:00 PM
It's not what you do or don't what you are...Thank Panagiota
Date: 8/26/2019 4:55:00 PM
Smiles must have face, and if you saw mine now, its smiling a mile long. xo
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Arturo Michael
Date: 8/28/2019 1:16:00 PM
A seed in the womb of soil bears a mystical rose, ... its scent a healing pleasure for the heart and soul...Thanks Pixie
Date: 8/26/2019 3:05:00 PM
the oneness of being so wonderfully arrayed through this divine piece, arturo... huggs
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Arturo Michael
Date: 8/28/2019 1:05:00 PM
Thank you nette...
Date: 8/26/2019 1:56:00 PM
So beautifully written, Arturo! I love the way you compare life with relationships to shoes without soles. The soles protect our feet, just as people in our lives help protect us. You have a gentle, kind soul, my friend. Hugs, Carolyn
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Arturo Michael
Date: 8/26/2019 2:20:00 PM
I'm opening up...I see all things matter, my last chance to share , care and love...don't take life for granted anymore...Thank you Carolyn...I wish you well...
Date: 8/26/2019 10:41:00 AM
Sweet words, kind words, words that make a difference. Lovely... Ann
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Arturo Michael
Date: 8/26/2019 2:12:00 PM
It would be great to even contribute to a better way is thru poetry...Thank you Ann
Date: 8/26/2019 10:08:00 AM
Hi Arturo: Bravo! It steadliy flows until the concluding sentence.
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Michael Avatar
Arturo Michael
Date: 8/26/2019 2:09:00 PM
Natural Poetry...just flowing in the breeze...Thank you Ralph...All the best my friend
Date: 8/26/2019 7:18:00 AM
- A poem that describes our lives .... "Life without relationships - Are shoes without soles" - Excellent written, Arturo :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Arturo Michael
Date: 8/26/2019 7:31:00 AM
Thank you Anne-Lise... imagine shoes without souls...Ouch...
Date: 8/26/2019 4:10:00 AM
Beautiful and inspiring! Poetry with great wisdom.
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Michael Avatar
Arturo Michael
Date: 8/26/2019 7:28:00 AM
Thank you Joe...All the best
Date: 8/25/2019 10:28:00 AM
Wow, I love this poem! Beautiful and straight from the soul. Thank you for sharing Arturo.
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Arturo Michael
Date: 8/25/2019 3:42:00 PM
Very sweet of you blessed...

Book: Shattered Sighs