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Netherland Crisis the Main News Not Reporting

Friends Cattle farmers in the Netherlands are being TOLD to reduce by 50 percent their livestock farms, because of the Nitrogen gases the Cattle produce. There is 78 percent Nitrogen levels in the world, it is what the world is made up of, so why are these Politicians forcing the farmers to cut the livestock farms by 50%? Tens of thousands of farmers are Protesting. They are driving their tractors and blocking roads, and Grocery stores. They are tired of this New World Order CONTROL, of being told what to do with their Crops and Cattle farms. The Farmers have finally had enough and it has gotten so bad that Grocery store shelves in some areas are Empty! The Farmers and the People in the Netherlands are aware of what these Globalist are trying to do in creating food shortages by demanding the farmers to reduce by 50% their cattle farms The News in America have been Silent. Ask yourself why that is. Obviously they dont want us to know here in the States that people are standing up to their Orchestrated Agendas for fear of Americans doing the same. Ask yourself What is going on in the World we live in. What are they trying to do to our food, especially beef supplies. Friends Please start realizing what is happening around you, by these Global Elites. Understand that they control the Media and they arent reporting all the devastation they are creating all over the world and here in the states. They have destroyed 95 food processing plants within six months. If you search the lying fact check that they control, it will tell you it is not true. Please be diligent in verifying everything, and be a critical thinker always checking and verifying what you hear from the Main stream Media. Get your houses in Order and start stocking up on Food. God bless you all... PS another corrupt Politician resigns. Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. These are the World leaders people Trusted. Friends he resigned because he got caught. Dont put faith in your Leaders, most of them are corrupt, put your faith in Jesus, for he is the only Truthful One to Trust. God bless you all. Have hope and don't trust but Verify... They have shut down A Call For An Uprising on YouTube He has a new Channel. The Prepared Homestead on YouTube is another great Channel to get the Truth.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 11/21/2022 2:19:00 PM
Just returning to this one Michael, I beleive the Reason they are pushing so hard in Aus and Holland is they are at heart quite a hard nosed Lot. And if they win there they think they will Everywhere Canada maybe because of tur**aux And a less armed citezenry Also the proximity to the U S, they know Ideas and news will seep in there in hopes to demoralize people.' Its a big problem but there Are a lot of them going to hell anyways ' Stay strong, fight for right fight long.' I am soupmailing you.'
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Date: 7/26/2022 11:21:00 AM
You would like people to think critically, a laudable but challenging aim. I admire that you aren't knee-jerk red or blue, as Johnson and trump are simpatico. A politician's goal is to be elected. A statesman's goal is to do what's right for the country; but there have never been many of those. Just look what they did to Lincoln, Gandi, King-and Jesus. Robert
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Date: 7/22/2022 12:59:00 PM
Hi Michael, the world seems to be going down the doo-doo. We can't trust those in power for they have their own ajenda and it usually has nothing to do with helping the normal Joe. I did hear somewhere that the world wanted to cull the cattle and sheep, something to do with helping global warning, wanting us to eat less meat. Politicians always seem to be wanting to help those who have more and leave behind those who have less. An insightful read, my friend ..... Mike.
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Date: 7/15/2022 8:25:00 AM
Thank you for this informative write, Michael. This New World Order ideal of the worldwide elites is the beginning of the end for everone except the elites and maybe them too. This is the same thing our current leaders in the U.S. are supporting. It has to stop. I agree, "In God We Trust" better be how we believe, there's no other hope IMHO. Bill
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/15/2022 3:39:00 PM
being forced our throats by these Politicians. It has to stop. If it continues this Country will be completely ruined and that is what they want to accomplish. They are organized, wealthy, and evil. God help us all Bill. Thank you for your insightful comment. Hope you enjoy your weekend Bill. Blessings your way...
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/15/2022 3:34:00 PM
Bill you are welcomed. Your absolutely right Bill it has to stop. Their orchestrated plans of World control, collapse of the dollar, rising fuel prices, shutting down the keystone pipeline intentionally to create dependence on Russian oil, and dcreating a shortage because of the war. Rising inflation and interest rates, destroying the economy. Division between the Politicians, watching them destroy our Nation. Saying men can have babies. We have a perverted agenda
Date: 7/13/2022 2:00:00 AM
Another prime minister leaves his country, crisis in Sri Lanka, love to see his swiss bank account.
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/15/2022 4:00:00 AM
You should always have a common sense approach in your thought process when you receive information. I question everything and verify. A great percentage of information they let out is fake and misleading. They are constantly lying about everything, believe me Im not exaggerating. The Netherlands, Canada and Australia are their testing grounds for the New World Order. China is their Model. They want every Country to be like China. I spent all night doing research listening to Drs that I trust. Harry there is so much going on right now, it would take me a week eight hours a day to write to inform. They are coming at us in every direction.
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/15/2022 3:53:00 AM
Harry I hear you loud and clear. These traitors are all getting caught and are jumping ship. Honestly when one leaves another one comes in. Believe you me, these people aren't fools they are clever, they know the system, they have planb,c,d, right on down to z. They have planned for the worst every option possible. Also the manipulation and lies by the media programing is incredible. People dont even know they are being programmed.
Date: 7/11/2022 6:09:00 AM
The reduction is to be 1/3 instead of 1/2 but I think the problem is not this but other problems. If what food animals they now have helps to feed the world, I say let the farms continue. God has a plan, and we just have to believe in His plan. I don't know what the plan is, but I think He will reveal to His believers what they as individuals should do. Thanks for the visit to my page. Sara
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/11/2022 12:34:00 PM
Hey Sara your welcome love your page. According to the sources I have they are stating 50 percent reduction in livestock farms and 30% percent of their cattle. So the information in my Narrative is correct. AlsoGeneva Radio are reporting the same figures I have stated and The Theoria Apophasis Channel on YouTube verifies the same numbers given in my Narrative. I try to be very Meticulous when I give information out. So these are my sources. You might have thought the 50% reduction was for the killing of the cattle when in fact it was stated a 50 percent reduction of Cattle farms instead. Thank you for your visit and I hope I was able to verify and clarify the figures in the Narrative. once again thank you for your comments...
Date: 7/10/2022 1:21:00 PM
just here to say hello and that I read your response to me. Yes, I have talked to people whose parents lived through Nazism and other frightful things. My students from Venezuela. They all can see the signs of what is coming. It's so sadly clear
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/10/2022 9:11:00 PM
Every thought we have, every action we do or don't do we will be held accountable. People in their hearts know right from wrong. Lets hope they make Gods Choices not theirs for it is written that we will all be Judged for our thoughts, and our actions, all of them. God bless you...
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/10/2022 9:09:00 PM
The almost everyday shootings by young teenagers, The gun control legislation, and removal of Assault weapons in Canada, The Canadian Trucking Protest, The Election Voter Fraud, The Attack on the Capital it goes on and on and on. If anyone thinks this is just by chance they better check themselves to see if they have a pulse or are brain dead. The Tolerance agenda, and all the other bulls--t agendas they are forcing down our throats. I serv One God and answer to him. He leads me in his way and his way is the only way. I live and try to act my life like our Savior has written. Im not trying to win a populaity contest, I want to serv my Lord...
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/10/2022 9:01:00 PM
When you see the censorship taking place on Youtube, Twitter, when you see the Orchestrated Destruction of Food Processing Plants, Destruction Of Cattle Livestock production, Main stream media Channels not reporting vital information Americans should know, Including vaccine related deaths that have increased 40% among18/64 year olds and the serious side affects, The War that is taking place, the fake oil shortage, the giving of part of our emergency oil supply to China, the Price of oil in this Country, The division being orchestrated to divide Americans...
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/10/2022 8:53:00 PM
It is so sad Andrea. I love people even my adversaries. God commands me to do that, it is not easy but I try. I feel for Americans who served this Country with honor who are being victimized without knowing of the dire circumstances, that are happening as we speak. We will all face this Tyrannical Movement of Controling Satanist. It is real you can see their hidden signs on tv constantly. Their Control is everywhere.
Date: 7/10/2022 9:32:00 AM
Gas is $14 a gallon in the UK, and 15cents a gallon in Venezuela or so I,'m told.'
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/10/2022 8:48:00 PM
Wow have to check on this information you gave me. I wouldnt doubt it. Thanks for sharing...
Date: 7/10/2022 9:29:00 AM
What a situation Michael. Thank you for posting This, people are resisting and becoming aware On many fronts..' There is so much that can be Done to regain a sane reality, for all and you are Doing, the thing they fear most is exposure ' God bless.'
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/10/2022 8:46:00 PM
Thank you Joe I wish no one to perish. Joe you have to understand I have spent thousands of hours researching this topic of their agenda and control. This is as real as a heart attack. So many people are going to wake up when it is too Late! Their close mindedness will be their demise, unfortunately. They are either in denial, or they believe the Main stream Media, either of those choices are not helping them at all. I pray for people to listen, to be critical thinkers, to verify, and most importantly do research. God bless you Joe...
Date: 7/10/2022 12:27:00 AM
We all must take a stand. Our farm land is being bought up by guess who? Pfizer King Bill Gates. Will he be growing crops on this land, of course not. If you want to read uncensored news try or The truth is there for the seeking. Thank you for sharing this Michael. The angels are keeping a spot warm for you in heaven. Blessings xxoo
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Marcum Wong Avatar
Connie Marcum Wong
Date: 7/26/2022 12:41:00 AM
There is an impossible breakfast sandwich at Starbucks. It is supposed to be vegetarian. I have had it, but stopped going there. Thank you Michael xxoo
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/10/2022 8:40:00 PM
Impossible burger I believe is Burger king. Not quite sure Connie have to look that one up. Its been a while always want to give the correct facts.
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/10/2022 8:37:00 PM
Connie your words mean so much and I am so happy your feeling better and are maybe back to normal. I'm still praying for you. Your right on. Both great sources of truthful news. Bill Gates owns Beyond Meats. Plant base death serum he peddles to the unknowing. I think he may also own Impossible burger, they are both toxic. I feel a responsibility to share information no matter what the consequences are. You wouldnt believe how many people have come up to me and say, you know you were right, lol. I say that in truth. When people do their own research there is only one conclusion that can be drawn. God bless you Connie and keep getting better xoxo
Date: 7/9/2022 8:56:00 PM
B.B. is watching us... Like I care... What is going on appears to be pure 1984! Thanks for reporting on it, Michael.
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/10/2022 8:30:00 PM
Gershon you said it best. I definitely agree. Your welcome Sir thank you for stopping by. God bless you Gershon...
Date: 7/8/2022 10:52:00 PM
That's politics for you. They leave out what doesn't suit them; And lie to persuade the ignorant. Still we have all seen it all.
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/9/2022 8:48:00 PM
Yes Victor the American people hardly have a say so on what these Politicians support and do. We have lost condidence in our elected officials. I found out yesterday, President Biden gave not sold but gave to China part of our Emergency Oil Supply. Can you believe that? When Americans are struggling to pay their bills. His son who is as corrupt as his father probably owed the Chinese some favors and thats how Joe is paying them off. I'm speculating, what ever the reason Victor it is a darn shame he did that when we are paying 5 dollars a gallon for gas and people cant heat their homes in some areas because they cant affor to. God bless you PS even his own Democrat support is turning on him, its about time. God bless you Victor...
Date: 7/8/2022 10:21:00 AM
and of course, none of this stuff in Netherlands will EVER make the news in our country.
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/10/2022 9:27:00 PM
Your right Andrea they only share the news that divides us. To divide and Conquer.
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/8/2022 1:02:00 PM
I talked to two New York State P officers in the store today. They were off duty discussing the New World Order, I walked over and introduced myself and we must have talked for the longest time, lost track of time. We shared information, and off the record he told me that he knows what is going on with the planned food shortages, the Incident with the farmers in the Netherlands, all the depopulation information. He says its here and its not going away. These are Law enforcement officers speaking the truth. He shared personal information I promised not to say to regarding the Russian war on Ukraine. Alls I can say is get ready Andrea because the Manure will be hitting the fan very soon. God bless you and thanks for your comment...
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/8/2022 12:39:00 PM
Andrea your right on with your comment. The News Media is covering up the truth about everything relating to The Orchestraded Agenda of the The individuals creating the food shortages and Chaos everywhere. Yes they own the fact checkers and of course their facts are misleading people by their control lies, so they keep them from believing. They are very intelligent and they have planned this for years. They have all their ducks in order trust me. It is very difficult now to get the truth. Through the fact checking lies, the false Media coverage, and the no reporting of events by the Main Media people are left clueless of what is taking place around them. Critical thinking people go by what is happening around them, to know the truth. (Continue)
Date: 7/8/2022 10:20:00 AM
The problem is those fact checkers. I can't get anyone to believe the stuff I tell them . They just say, "it does not check with the facts" When news is not being reported, how can we combat this? It is really sad how many animals (not just cows) are being killed just so these monsters can introduce nothing but plant based crap to us. We are in very strange times, very very strange!! Good for the Netherlands for taking a stand.
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Maverick Avatar
Joe Maverick
Date: 7/16/2022 11:21:00 PM
Oh those 'fat checkers' giving out big fat lies Andrea.. That Really gets me, do you thing They're like the 90s drone pilots Around 17 to 25 years of age.? And geekey.?
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Michael Tor
Date: 7/10/2022 9:24:00 PM
This is how we can combat this. Start by Telling them to read their Sunday paper, obituary section. Almost half of the deaths will be 62 and younger. That is unheard of and it is in the paper every week, young people are dying like you wouldn't believe, and you know what is causing their deaths for the most part. Tell them about the Netherlands, and ask them why the news isnt reporting this Important headline. Ask them why hasnt the Ukraniane leader Zelenskyy given up yet?? Ask them why Zelenskyy is Hanging out with Klaus Shcwab and was groomed by him, also ask them why Putin was groomed by Klaus Schwab also. Andrea sometimes it is sad but you cant convince people. They dont want to believe what is taking place even though it is all around them. In the end the truth will be told and the naysayers will believe when they see there is no food, the Economy has collapse, etc. The Storm is upon humanity...

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