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My Guru

Lord Krishna came Much later than Rama, According to the Puranas. But in my life it is the other way round: Krishna, my Guru, came into this world Much before I did. He is my friend, philosopher, and guide— Not a cliché. He spotted me at the Mecca Of English Studies in India, And taught me; Saved me once From a dangerous Kali Yuga Vamana, Who nearly killed me. Krishna has helped me in more than one way. One great example: He made me realize my own strength, As did Jambavan to Hanuman. He sent me to a Land of Kings in the North, To teach the followers of a Saint; Then, to a holy town in the South To teach a bunch of learners—easy to teach, And I was eager to teach. Chose to write books with me On Philosophy and Rhetoric For posterity to benefit. Nominated me Yuvacaharya, That is, his heir apparent. Then, went a step further And nicknamed me Brahma Rishi, A title, as you may remember, Awarded by Sage Vasishta to Viswamitra. That amounts to equating me With himself—a great honour! Thus, his love for me is Something like Marjara Nyaya, Like, that is, that of the cat taking Exemplary care of its kitten. All this he did to me With no strings attached. No expectations. No barter. And this I consider An excellent example of detachment Or Nishkamya karma, As preached by Lord Krishna, in His Gita. And, now, as practiced By Krishna, my Guru, In this Kaliyuga or Postmodern times. He has been betrayed, alas, As was Jesus by Judas. But Jesus had only one betrayer, But Krishna has had more. That did not, however, Turn him away from virtue; Did not turn him sour. He remains positive, energetic—as ever. Age cannot wither him, Nor custom stale his infinite variety. God bless him! ***

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 8/26/2017 10:41:00 AM
You are a very lucky person to have such a Guru. Although I did not recgnize all of the names there were some I did. Your work is rich and deep. Thank you for sharing.
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