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Once upon a time there lived a mother duck, whose eggs hatched. One of the little birds was perceived by the other birds and animals on the farm as being a homely little creature and he suffered much verbal and physical abuse from them. He wandered sadly from the barnyard and lived with wild ducks and geese until hunters slaughtered the flocks. He found a home with an old woman, but her cat and hen teased and taunted him mercilessly and once again he set off alone.

The duckling saw a flock of migrating wild swans. He was delighted, but he could not join them, for he was too young and could not fly. When winter arrived, a farmer found and carried the freezing little duckling home, but the foundling was frightened by the farmer’s noisy children and fled the home. He spent a miserable winter alone in the outdoors, and mostly hid in a cave on the lake that partly froze over. When spring arrived a flock of swans descended on the thawing lake.

The ugly duckling, then became fully grown and had matured, but because he was unable to endure a life of solitude and hardship any more, he decided to throw himself at the flock of swans. He had decided that it was better to be killed by such beautiful birds than to live a life of ugliness and misery. He was shocked when the swans welcomed and accepted him, and he realized by looking at his reflection in the water that he had grown into one of them. The flock took to the air, and the now beautiful swan spread his gorgeous large wings and took to flight with the rest of his new kind family.

The beautiful story of the ugly duckling was written by Hans Christian Andersen, and has been repeated throughout history even to this day.


Prince Andrew was a gorgeous young man who married a princess named Natasha. Andrew and Natasha lived in a palace near Lake Guinevere in an enchanted kingdom. The prince and princess lived in the luxuries of life as their kingdom had many mines of gold, silver, and copper. In time the two royals had children. Edward was their first-born child, Scarlett was their second-born child, and Rose was their last-born child. When Edward reached the age of fifteen, his father took him on a carriage ride throughout the kingdom, and showed the young prince what he would one day inherit. Princess Natasha took her daughter Scarlett throughout the palace, and showed her what she would one day preside over. Rose, however, was left alone in her well- appointed room.

“They don’t love me because I’m ugly. Father and mother only love Edward and Scarlett because they are as beautiful as they.” Rose lay on the bearskin rug talking to her pet cat Galahad.

“Galahad, I may be ugly but I love all animals. And even though father and mother do not love me, I will still love them. Galahad, am I ugly to you?” Warm tears fell from Rose’s eyes and down her smooth face. Galahad brushed against her and arched his back.

Rose picked up a parchment sheet and began to draw a lovely picture of a distant land, where people of a plain countenance lived happily. In her picture there were faeries and unicorns, rainbows and butterflies, white lilies and red roses.

“I’d like to go there someday, Galahad. Perhaps the people there would love me. Do you think so?” Rose stroked her pet but Galahad only purred.


“Rose come to the table and sit down to eat your meal.” Princess Natasha called to Rose, and pointed to the lone table set in the grand kitchen of the palace. The rest of the family took their meals in the dining room, sitting at an extremely long oak table.

“Why does she wear her gown with the royal crest? It’s not fitting that she should be considered as royal as we.” Edward took his silver fork to the duckling on his plate.

“Edward! Rose is your sister.” Despite his lack of love for his youngest daughter, Prince Andrew at the very least respected the dignities royals gave to other royals.

“Mother, may I have some fruit with my meal?” Rose called to her mother.

“She cannot hear you princess. Let me find an apple for you.” Jocelyn worked in the kitchen as one of the many cooks.

“Jocelyn, you have been so kind to me. Please tell me about your village. What are the people like?”

“My village is at the eastern part of the kingdom. The people there work very hard, and there are times when the winters are so cold that the food becomes rather scarce. We have plead to…well….” Jocelyn gave a wonderful red apple to Rose.

“Are the people there as ugly as I?” Rose took a bite of her apple.

“Princess, looks do not matter as much as the heart. And you have a very beautiful heart.” Jocelyn smiled and then went back to her duties.

When she had finished her meal, Rose retreated to her room and once again spoke to Galahad.

“I don’t understand why my own family hates me. To me it seems as though they thoroughly hate me. I know that my ugliness is my curse, but why don’t they blame the gods for having made me so ugly? Why do they hate me? I have done nothing wrong. Galahad, I would love to be a beautiful white unicorn, or even a dark and glorious hawk. At least you are beautiful to me Galahad. And perhaps I am beautiful to you.” Rose climbed to her bed and rested.


In the springtime, the prince of Guttenberg rode to Lake Guinevere to speak with Prince Andrew about the trading relationship between the two kingdoms. Prince Thomason brought silk, spices, and implements of medicine, science, and war.

“Prince Thomason, welcome my dear friend.” Andrew warmly shook the hand of Thomason.

“My friend, I have brought a bounty of treasures from my kingdom to trade for your gold and silver.” Thomason pointed to the caravan of horses and carriages.

“Gold, silver, and copper I have, but what have you brought?”

“Many, many valuable treasures which you shall surely want.”

After the two princes negotiated a trade agreement between the two kingdoms, Andrew and Thomason relaxed to discuss their domestic affairs.

“I have three sons and I wish to gain the hand of one of your daughters in marriage.” Prince Thomason and his sons were of plain countenance.

“I have two daughters, Scarlett and Rose. If you will accept Rose as a betrothed for one of your sons, I will pay you one thousand gold coins, and two thousand silver coins.”

“My friend, that indeed is worth a quick agreement between you and I and our kingdoms. I accept your generous offer. May I see your daughters?” Prince Thomason was unaware of the beauty of Scarlett, and the ugliness of Rose.

When Scarlett and Rose were called before their father and the prince of Guttenberg, Thomason’s eyes widened when he saw the ugliness of Rose.

“Good Prince, I would rather accept Scarlett as a bride for one of my sons.”

“Thomason, I shall increase the amount of gold to three thousand coins, and six thousand silver coins.”

“Agreed.” Thomason felt that he would be a fool to turn down such a great offer.

When the day came for Prince Thomason to leave, no one from the royal family came to bid Rose goodbye. Beside her clothes, the only friend she had was her pet cat Galahad. The caravan took one month to reach Guttenberg.


“Princess Rose, this is your new home. I trust that you will be comfortable here. Your room has been prepared and in the morning you shall meet my sons.” Prince Thomason walked away wondering if any of his sons would agree to marry the ugly Rose.

The morning came.

“Rose, these are my sons Matthew, Jonas, and Richard. They will speak to you now.” The prince stood to the side.

“Princess, I am already betrothed so perhaps one of my younger brothers will seek your hand.” Matthew stepped away.

“Princess, I also will be betrothed to another princess. Good day to you.” Jonas stepped away.

“Princess, I would like to marry you, but I am only five years old.” Richard moved to Rose and took her hand. Rose simply looked down at the young prince. And then, she cried.

The morning turn to midday, and then it turned to evening. Rose had been walking around the palatial gardens of her new home, when suddenly she discovered that she had wandered too far off into the cool emerald forest. In the dark of the forest, she heard the movement of branches, and the brushing of leaves. Owls began to hoot, and the mournful cries of other animals could be heard. Rose became terrified.

“Hello, princess. Why are you so terrified?” An old ugly woman in a black gown moved from behind a large tree.

“Oh…my…who are you?” Rose peered to look at the old woman in the dark.

“Call me one who communes with the stars and the elements. I am Metasta. Behold!” Metasta suddenly changed her form into a beautiful young woman with pitch black hair, and blue eyes.

“Oh, no, you’re a witch!” Rose shook.

“Don’t worry. I am a friendly witch. What is your name and where do you come from?”

“My name is Rose, and I come from the kingdom of Guinevere.”

“Guinevere? By Lake Guinevere? The enchanted kingdom with the mines of gold, silver, and copper?”

“Why yes. Why do you ask?”

“Dear, would you like to be as beautiful as I?”

“But…but…what would it cost me? I would love to be as beautiful as my mother and sister.”

“The only cost will be a returned favor. If I turn you into a beautiful young maiden with flaxen hair and glowing blue eyes, then you must permit me to stay in the palace for one month. Do we have an agreement?”

“The palace belongs to my parents, the prince and princess of Guinevere. But if you change me to be as beautiful as you are, then I am certain my parents will reward you by granting your wish. My father and mother treasure beauty above all else. Now please, make me beautiful.”

“Granted!” With a waving of her hands and the speaking of an enchantment, Rose suddenly become a glorious young maiden with flowing blonde hair, and glowing blue eyes.


Metasta the witch had a plan to steal the kingdom of Guinevere away from Prince Andrew and Princess Natasha. She would place a magic enchantment upon them and the rest of their household.

“Father, mother…Edward…Scarlett…I have come home! Please, look at me now.” Rose hurriedly ran to the vestibule of the palace.

“Young woman, who are you?” Andrew was stunned.

“I’m Rose. I’ve changed father. Am I finally beautiful to you?”

“Rose?” Andrew was dumbfounded.

“Rose! Is that you? You…you…you’re beautiful.” Natasha ran to her youngest daughter to embrace her.

“Rose?” Edward stared awkwardly.

“Rose? Rose? Why are you so beautiful?” Scarlett felt jealous of her younger sister’s new beauty.

Metasta entered the palace and spoke.

“I am Metasta, and I commune with the stars and the elements. I have been given the power of beauty, and I have bestowed it upon your daughter. Now please, if you will permit I shall like to share with you my secret of beauty.”

“Yes, by all means, we would love to hear you speak.” Andrew motioned for his servants to attend to Metasta’s needs.

When the royal family had settled in, Rose was still excited about the wonderful reunion with her parents and siblings. She wanted to thank Metasta once again and left for the witch’s room.

After knocking on Metasta’s door, Rose peered in through the slightly opened door. Suddenly, she saw the witch in her hideous and ugly form once again.

“You! I will turn you into an uglier girl. I will curse your entire family. I will curse this kingdom.” Metasta hissed at Rose.

“I won’t let you. I’ll tell my father and mother. I’ll summon the royal guards.” Rose saw the witch begin an incantation, and she saw the witching implements on the bedroom table. On the table was a dagger. Rose ran to retrieve the dagger to kill the witch, but instead the witch grabbed the dagger and struck Rose in her heart.

The royal guardsmen rushed to the room to kill the witch, but the young princess lay on the floor dead. She was dressed in a white gown, and red blood flowed from her chest. Her beautiful blonde hair fell over her soft shoulders. And her glorious blue eyes were now dulled.

The whole kingdom of Guinevere mourned the loss of their beautiful young princess, and Prince Andrew and Princess Natasha laid a grand wreath at her monument.


“Princess Rose, though you were born with a lowly countenance of face and form, you remained pure of heart. To the end of your life you sought to protect those you loved. In our eyes, you are worthy of an eternal estate in Valhalla. So, come now Princess, for your ship awaits you to take you to your eternal home. And behold your glorious new form. A heavenly face, and a heavenly body.”

And so it was, Princess Rose will forevermore be remembered as Lady Guinevere, and not The Ugly Duckling.


Note: Dedicated to the glorious God of Heaven and Earth; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


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Book: Reflection on the Important Things