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Tears of Disbelief

Tears of disbelief ran down her cheeks, as she watched her husband once again hold the woman tightly, wanting to kiss her and make worse romantic overtures to her. She could see it all, even in her blind confusion. Her husband’s inner most desire at that moment was to undress “The Bitch” on the spot and worm his way into her. No doubt, she’s a bitch. A whore…. Or what else should one call a woman who’s fiddling with somebody else’s man?

What Mrs. Sylvia Okechukwu found particularly provocative in the whole business was that the woman in question was not half as inviting as her. Certainly not with her harsh pimples, squeamish look, near-knocking knees, blood-shot eyes and unusually thick lips.

“But, what the hell has he seen in her to be doing this to me?”

It was Mrs. Sylvia earnest wish to furnish a quick answer to this anxious question. Any quick answer followed up with instant action was what she needed to salvage her fast dilapidating marriage and rekindle hopes of living out her life blissfully with Sebastian. Dreadful events were now threatening the fulfillment of his dream and rather bent on setting it ablaze like a thief in an extra-judicial setting.

But what other quick explanation would she need now other than Mrs. Anthony’s, after the latter has espied her husband’s illicit love dealings with the woman and drawn her attention to them?

“You see, some acts we’re ready to perform a million times over, not because they’re truly exciting nor grand…. Only that there’re severe prices to pay for indulging in them, but somehow we believe we’ll never get nabbed for them, for being a little too smart!”

“I’m sure…” maintained Mrs. Anthony” ….. That’s the state of mind of your husband as well as his problem.”

Scarcely did Mrs. Sylvia know she would recall in her present desperation Mrs. Anthony’s philosophical words. They served to make her the more helpless and caused more water to gather in her tear duct and stream down her cheeks, although she was modest enough to withdraw noiselessly from the venue to avert the two lover’s suspicion of a foreign presence in their midst.

As for Mr. Sebastian, he remained unflinching in the relationship, always helping himself with his handset to arrange for more meetings with his lover. This was a man whom providence had blessed with a wife of Lavish Beauty; a man, whom when he proposed marriage to his presence spouse, was hopelessly expecting something between a clever suspense and outright rebuff from her, before she suddenly surprised him with “A Big Yes” and a giant smile.

Ten unrepentant years had since flitted by and Sebastian would rather he continued with this extra-marital shit. Most probably, the affairs dated back to 2011, when the woman had walked into their office to pay her electricity bills in arrears and plead with the Power Holdings Management to reconnect her line. From his swivel chair, Sebastian had barraged her with questions, most of them practically unrelated to her mission at the venue, except that she was placidly obliging him with answers:

“Yes, I’m a business woman- a dealer in Second-Hand Clothing…”

“That’s right, I take them to Port-Harcourt, every Tuesday for sale

“No, I’m not living with my parents. I’m now married, with two kids.”

The last information, rather than throw Sebastian off-guard, fuelled the more his ill-conceived passions for the woman. Her status as a married woman would definitely add flavor to the relationship, so far as nobody finally got to know about it or snatch a whiff of it in the air.

And he was prepared not to let that happen. 2021 rounded off ten years he and Mrs. Agnes had been meeting at devious rendezvous for the release of their pent-up emotions, with neither party looking like he or she would soon get tired of it.

Sometimes though, Mrs. Agnes would summon the bold pretence to ask Sebastian, why their romantic escapades were getting unusually regular.

To these he would respond with a vacant stare into the distance and a slight, soft “You’d never understand if I told you…”

Then, the God of Faithful Trusting Married Women pitifully remembered long-moaning Mrs. Sylvia Okechukwu by punitively wasting the life of her secret rival Agnes James in a fatal road accident in which a heavy truck appointed by Him hit her occupied side of their Mitsubishi Bus and of all places on her Adulterous Waist and Hip!

Just that way, on a Friday, 19th November 2021, Agnes James ceased to be a Pestering Third Party of a Church Wedded Couple by ceasing to be The Alive.

A Real Big Blow to Lover Sebastian Okechukwu – Mrs. Sylvia’s Husband.

Sebastian Okechukwu just turned a disconsolate mourner for a good one month affectionately sticking to two black polo shirts for a top and two pairs of trousers of domineering black for civilized concealment of his adulterous groin.

But Agnes James sad end could not be a raised topic between Husband and Wife. Officially, the Late Agnes had neither existed in their world not really had a face that sometimes showed itself within the perimeter of their No 4B Calendar Avenue, Ovaimi. Rather scarily real in a Love Triangle of which they were the Legitimate Parties and she the More Loved, More Hated Stinking Party.

Doubly Grateful Mrs. Sylvia Okechukwu knew that she owed Lord God Special Thanksgiving or Special Thanks plus a Giving, a tuberous yam or yams and sleek plantains not to be skipped items, if they could not be a Bulging Envelope and Jewish Ram to The Pastor of their U-Turn to God Ministry…

Once, briefly, Mrs. Sylvia labored with the idea of mentioning to Sebastian her observation that he had for some three or four weeks clad himself in black without mentioning his subject of lamentation. But almost as soon she dropped the idea for the sake of the wisdom in letting sleeping dogs lie. Dramatically, it was time to wonder what the Lord God would do if Sebastian of his own accord confessed his romantic escapades with Agnes James and she was moved to cast aside all justified hurt feelings and prejudices to tell him that “bygones are bygones”.

Would the God of Faithful Married Women raise hell, accuse her of Spiritual Naivety and deal with her accordingly?

While patiently wait she shall for the needed answers to these questions, She, Sylvia, would have to join some Ultra Modem Faithful Wives in their city in their Love-Making Rehearsal Classes under “Christ Canopy”. There has been recently a progressive sprouting of such Reality-Facing Christian Wives Groups wishing to put a profitable stop to their husbands’ shows of amorous interests in other women between spinsters and other men’s spouses said to be very good at The Act.

Of course, Sebastian knew better than to forbid the idea when wife Sylvia made it a proposal to him.

“All to the Glory of God, Sylvia,” Sebastian released and it was stammer-free, clean; very honest.

But Sebastian, a forty-year-old crook, could not have betrayed his suspected lack of love for his wife nor did The Fool at Forty in many men clocked Forty. Love and Sex as far as he could tell always got sweeter with the unlawful person.

Hence, he could keep waiting for A New Agnes James in his life or Resurrected One!


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Book: Shattered Sighs