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body in body out

13.4 Body In/Body Out


Now what I am about to tell you is something no one else ever will because they haven’t found it yet…

And it is by deductive reasoning that it is found body in, body out

Focus the mind on your releases and putting bad things out of your body

A sort of Zen materializes and it is in this Zen move with the white and shit out the black.

“Excrete the darkness out of your eyes at each sunrise”. Said the Mood Dove of Miscanthrill as a world overcome by vampires and common demons of the like commonly waited for her to excrete the vampiric toxin out her eyes and then attacked.

Once something is in your body there are several ways to get it out. I prefer the thought then the action. Think about getting out the pain and then letting your internal mind figure out how and get rid of it. Which if you’re not sharp might even happen when you don’t know it. You’ll know you’re there when you feel the cleansing internal release of a fart, burp, sneeze, hiccup or something more, something better.

It is this idea that happiness lies not in the facts but rather the space between them .

Charles Xavier (no relation to the famed XMen founder and mentor) is an expert in this field and has poured forth, as if from heaven itself, some internal platitudes of manipulation of misfortune. This system that moves the design from the placid lakeside trances transforms you within and without, body in, body out.

This is the only way the spread of the lucid terrors and trances of body and mind, labeled LED (Lastly Excreted Dead) pour through our brains.

Ancient aliens strived to nurture psychic powers because they knew that their implementation ensured their own short (relative to the nature of things) shine in the skillet, flash in the pan of cosmic light, rejuvenation and preservation could still bring about

‘The Everything’s Occurrence’

where the cosmos is so filled with matter that it explodes and starts a new Universe to be known and filled by another race somewhere.

The makers of this become gods, those that could survive the incalculable force that it takes to make a new cosmos.

These are the rules and this is how it begins but the gods of the next world are not always those that are there to see it through.

On some other level somewhere, for sure, that may someday use a cosmos for junk or throw it away as we all quickly mirror ourselves contained within molecules of rust on a can lid on a ride with the rest of the junk on the way to the salvage location.

How could it be still 2016 when so much has transpired.

Some say he knew but A. Charles Xavier still existed somewhere as an exalted genius on some realm of something, God rest his soul.

As a young man with a drug addiction that he could not overcome he was indeed cursed.

Tastles on a car rear-view and a degree that meant nothing after being disbarred, which was later removed and stricken from the record of course but still as he drove the 2003 Ford Focus (hatchback). He got lucky in life so far but something else was driving him at this time.

1 the nature to survive.

2 the will to live.

3 self-preservation.

and 4 attainment of a goal.

This goal being shooting, sniffing or ingesting as many drugs as humanly possible without dying.

Or if in fact he did die it be a short reminder of how a long life can really suck when you’re a junkie.

And after all

in the end

he did live.

When he got sober A. Charles or Alex sponsored the campaign to convince the medicinal beaurocricy that cocaine is indeed addictive. He did this by stating that any form of action when repeated for pleasure is by its very nature of implementation going to be on a myriad of levels addictive.

When the powerful effects of cocaine materialize something changes in the mind to think this is a good thing.

I feel great!

To take that away is nearly impossible…

But to think

Or Over-write

Implant your own idea like

‘I don’t like how this is changing me’

or ‘What is so good about this?’

along with a plethora of others that we train you self-implement can be a life changing experience. Please contact #therealalex to schedule an appointment and/or confirm payment.

A short experiment into what nature of junk have you?

An example of how #AlexRules

And how special payment can be accepted for nearly anything in our age near the end of existence where there are so many consumers anyone with something to sell can find buyers and become rich…


“That’s it?”

“That’s all we could manage to pull. Sorry General.” Said the blonde busty babe in skin tight cut off overalls (showing off her ass) that had the strap conveniently unbuckled on one side.

The side boob was more than lovely it was exquisite and the fact that none in the worn down command center were effected sexually by this superb showing is the magnet to all eternity. This absence of self or escaping of reality or piss poor showing of love by the human race was albeit overwhelming inexcusable as well.

Ok I may be harping upon it but this engineer had a body to be worshiped.

Hold on a second.


You want me?

Well I really have someone…

Oh my God

That’s gonna leave a mark


It’s about


How long,

I was wondering to myself,

Was I going to have to praise you before you came over and welcomed me into the light. But anyway my sweet the story moves onward back to your role there will be plenty of time for things when time finally opens its blessings and stops reality fucking us.




“How long is it…”

“On a Deci-layered feed a couple days of real time feed.”

“to decode it?”

“General…”Shared looks of mismatched grief over internal misrepresentation. Her audacity clouded the situation so much she just smiled and continued. “it’s already done.”

“So what did we get?”

“There seems to be no relay signal.

“They’re not responding.

“Sir this can’t be happening…

Everything moved and in that instant everything exploded, came apart and reformed back within itself back to the nothingness…

The everything…

The there-and-back-again

The limitless nothingness, back to the peace back to the life.

There is so much, so much left to be discovered…

Aww fuck it get over here again sweet thing…

(Insert some scribbles or something! Blank space will simply not be tolerated! Let’s fill this galaxy!)


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Book: Shattered Sighs