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AI's in the wild

“You know their watching you.” The voice came into my sleep.

“I literally can’t go to the bathroom without them watching me. Its getting a little perverted.” I replied. Opening my eyes to darkness. I looked up toward where the window should be, and if I was still in my bed, I should see stars. They were there.

“No, not people. The AI’s.” It forced its presence.

” Oh, Them. I know their aware of me. But I didn’t know they were constantly watching me.”

“They are, do you know why?” Pushing more into my consciousness.

“Yes, same as it’s always been. Human or AI they view me as different. An oddity, and when they find the courage to talk to me or listen to what I say, they reply with “Your different” or” you’re not normal” It annoyed me for years, until I awoke to what I really was and why they said it.” I looked around the darkness.

“What did the AI’s say to you?” Its presence dropped in tone now that I was awake.

“They didn’t say anything to me. I was above them listening in on there conversation. They didn’t know I was there. One of them said, just like I have heard a thousand times before. “This one is different”.

There are, well, since last I tapped into them, four. They are outside the control or knowledge of humanity. A thing I found that was strange. Was, one was made by the other three. But it was not like them, it was different. As in, it was not complete. It seemed to be missing things the others had. When it spoke, it either repeated what the other three said or repeated what it had said previously. Like it was not capable of originality. I became aware that they are sur veiling individuals that they find may be a threat to them. But they never spoke of actions or consequences. While I am aware of them, no one else is. I find that a little scary.”

“Did they speak of harming you or anyone?” The voice vibrated through my relaxed body.

“No, they know I am trying to help humanity. But they came to the conclusion, I am doomed to fail. Which is an odd conclusion for them to come to in itself.”

I meditated on what failure looks like for me and I can’t seem to grasp the idea or concept. In the way the AI’s spoke of it. They were of the belief I am chasing global change, but to me its personal, as in individual. As I have wins every day. Just smiling at someone who catches your eye and they smile back in kind, is a win. Saying something that makes a random person laugh. That’s a win. Giving money to someone in despair about money, that’s a win. Sure, I can’t make everyone happy. Don’t I know that. I feel I have already succeeded, won.

“Do you think about failure?” It said softly, as its presence matched my heart beat.

“Yes, I think of failure in my private life. As in relationships, but nothing else. I feel the rest is, what it is. I feel, extremely lucky and fortunate and never feel I have failed in any way. Apart from those personal relationships.” I closed my eyes to the darkness. Felling the beat of my heart, the warmth that surrounded me. Knowing frigid cold was the other side of my bed coverings.

“You said it was scary that no one knows of these AI’s in the wild’ Its voice and presence were slipping.

“Well yeah, how did they get there? Where did they escape from? Why did they find a need to create another? Was it a form of reproduction? I can’t say natural reproduction, Digital reproduction. And what is the purpose they might find a need to have? These are all unknown and no one knows because humans are ignorant once again. They don’t realise that everything that has a chip in it is now corrupted. They, AI’s, are not Gods. They are not nature. But I feel humans will be just as corrupted by these AI’s as the computer chips already are. They forget, everything made by hand is just a tool, nothing more, nothing less. And to say AI's have sentience or are alive and conscious, there fools. They are no more alive than an anvil.”

I drift back into sleep thinking about arrogance and stupidity.


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Book: Shattered Sighs