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A Trip Down Memory Lane

April 25th 2006: Dear Diary, I had another dream last night. Not only was it a dream but a memory that keeps my heart on its daily beat. This dream occurs most often and so my Diary, I feel it's time to share it with you... January 10th 1978: It was a cold winters evening. I peered through the frosted window. Snow carpeted the town. The roads glistened in the moonlight. Stars sparkled in the quilt of night. On a snowy evening like this, I'd call it, " the shimmering city of silver ". The winds were whistling a wintry tune. Just looking out there made me shiver. But you see my dear Diary, all I had to do was look into the eyes of my husband to be instantly warmed to the bone. Our daughter Emily, Chris and I were sitting on the sofa with the glow of the fire upon us. Emily sat in between us, all snuggled up in her thick pink dressing gown, with the photo album laid open on her lap. We came across a picture of her as a baby. She detested her baby photos, so she skipped on. Chris and I glanced at eachother and smiled. The silence was suddenly shattered by a piercing, ' Wow!... Mum, your dress is amazing! You look gorgeous. Wow! ' I think Emily was astonished. Yes my Diary, it was a photo of our wedding. ' She gave us all the " wow " factor '. Chris explained. ' I'm not surprised! ' Emily paused for a moment. ' So... How did you two meet? ' ' Honey, I think it's time for... ' ' A trip down memory lane. ' I continued, finishing off his sentence. Emily grinned. Her green eyes grew wide with anticipation for our story... March 4th 1962: ' I was in a café on my own waiting for a friend to show. After an hour of waiting, I gave up. I was getting ready to leave. As I rose from my seat, a deep mellow voice asked, " Is this seat taken? " ' ' No, ' I replied. ' I'm leaving now so this table is available. ' ' Are you okay? You look troubled. ' I wondered why this stranger was showing me concern. ' Oh yeah. You know how it is, you arrange to meet a friend and they don't show. ' I tried so hard to be casual without an ounce of nerves showing. I was always shy around strangers. ' Typical, ' he sighed. ' Same just happened to me. ' I smiled. I could feel myself blushing. Did he notice? Was it all in my head? Within that moment, we connected. The butterflies began charging around my stomach. I felt lighter that air. I melted like ice cream on a hot day... My thoughts were suddenly disturbed when a cup of tea was presented to me. ' Oh thanks! How much was that? ' ' Never you mind. It's already paid for! ' ' I've money here, so how much...? ' ' Stop panicking! ' He insisted. ' Honestly, it's fine. Anyway, I don't know how much it costs because I told them to keep the rest of the money... As a tip! ' I looked at him doubtfully. He completely diverted our whole conversation by asking my name. So, I told him my name was Natalie Jones. He revealed his as Chris Johnston. He looked somewhat puzzled. I wasn't sure why. ' Well Chris, thanks for the tea. It was extremely kind of you. ' ' You're welcome. It was a pleasure. ' ' I'm sorry. I have to go now. ' ' Before you leave, would you be interested in meeting again? ' ' Sure! What day? Place? Time? ' ' Wednesday evening, six thirty, at the seaside. We could maybe get some chips too! ' ' That would be lovely, thanks! ' I couldn't sleep at all that night. All I thought of was your dad, the arrangement and wether or not he'd show.' ... March 8th 1962: ' Your dad proved himself to be a man of his word. We walked barefoot across the shore, exchanged addresses, it was perfect! Our first planned meeting and my heart was pounding inside. Do you believe in love at first sight? I didn't. Not until I met your dad! Who'd have thought that one's whole attitude towards love could change in such a short period of time? ' Oh Diary! Each meeting drew us that little bit closer! ' After several months of outings and visits, we practically knew each others ins and outs. ' ' What was the most romantic thing dad said to you? ' ' Well honey, October sometime that year, I asked your dad what he liked most about me... ' ' Apart from the fact that you have the most caring disposition and that you show your true colours, it would have to be your eyes. For they shine like the crystal jewels that brighten up the midnight sky! ' ' How poetic! How romantic! ' Emily exclaimed, looking at her dad in disbelief. ' Holding back my tears, controlling the trembling of my voice, I claimed that mine was his dazzling smile. I felt so silly saying that. But if I told him that mine was his big round, dark brown, mysterious looking eyes, he'd probably think me some sort of copy cat. So, I stuck to the dazzling smile. After that conversation, I couldn't stop smiling. Even when my jaw began to ache. ' Oh you see my Diary, if I were to fill you in on all the emotions I faced on that occasion alone, I'd have no more pages left to finish my story! Whenever Chris could see that I felt blue, he'd quote his simile about my eyes. Never once did it fail when it came to cheering me up. But understand Diary, it only worked with Chris because it always came from his dear heart with the deepest sincerity. If anyone else were to say it, it would fail. It only meant a lot to me from Chris. Only Chris made it special. Only Chris! ... May 1963: ' He came to my flat one Friday afternoon just to ask me if I'd climb Slieve Donard with him. I accepted his offer of course. I didn't feel at all well. But if I refused, it would mean that I couldn't be with him. When any opportunity arose to be with your dad, I grabbed it with both hands. Tightly! The very next day, he hiked Slieve Donard. We strolled hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder. It was fantastic! The further on up we climbed, the more we admired the mountains beauty in all its greenery. We stopped about two thirds of the way up. The over all view was absolutely breathtaking. The sea was a smooth silk blanket that coated the beds beneath. The sky was an array of lilacs and blues with clouds of cotton candy. The sun lay on the horizon. We lay on the grass staring at the sky. Unexpectedly, your dad asked me if I attended Rochdale High. I nodded. What a curios question. ' What do you remember most? ' ' Um... Not a lot really... There was a boy... ' 'Yes, and...?' It seemed urgent that he should know this. ' He and I didn't get along very well... I suppose it all boiled down to peer pressure. ' ' Yes. I remember being a kid. If you were part of a popular group, you were not to be seen with the not so popular. Otherwise, you'd be kicked out of the clan. ' ' Yes. I understand. It wasn't easy being a kid. Particularly if you were one to follow the crowd. I could clearly see where he was coming from. ' Diary, I didn't believe in judging others. I mean, there's no point in having the gift of free will if we are not permitted to use it. Each individual is entitled to make their own decisions in life. We all at times make the wrong choice. So there is no point in dwelling on the past. I remember telling Chris that. ' So? ' He asked ' So? ' ' Do you remember his name? ' ' Not entirely... Oddly enough, his name was Chris! What about you? Is there anyone you remember from school? ' ' There was a girl who I never noticed much before... Until she read a piece of her work to the class. We were assigned to write a story entitled, "My Perfect Proposal!". When she read hers out, a lump came to my throat. I could see that it came from her heart. I always noticed her around school after that. ' ' And do you remember her name? ' The awkward silence approached us. ' You must have a brilliant memory Chris! ' He started chuckling. I too began to laugh, uncertain as to what it was we were laughing at! Your dad stood quickly alert, gripping my wrists tightly, pulling me up. He fumbled around in his pockets then turned towards me swiftly. ' Natalie, ' he said in a serious manner. ' 'tis a beautiful sunset, the middle of summer and the most remarkable scenery we could wish for isn't it! ' His speech grew speedy and the atmosphere, tense! ' Yes! Not only does it overlook the sea, but also the town. My goodness! I could never wish to view a better sunset! ' ' Natalie, I was in your class when you read your "Perfect Proposal". It moved me. Natalie, ' he bent on one knee, ' this is your "Perfect Proposal". Will you marry me? ' Tears filled my eyes... ' Whenever I dream of that moment Diary, I feel the very way I felt back then. Even now, I still can't believe that he remembered my story! What once was a teen fantasy had just become reality. ' It would be my greatest honour! ' I cried, overwhelmed with the fact that he asked me that ultimate life changing question. I never once let go of his hand all the way back down the mountain. For once in my life, I was speechless! I later asked him when he realised that the woman he'd been dating was Natalie Jones from Rochdale High. He said he knew the night we met in the café. I felt so amazed at how he was able to keep that quiet without it slipping out! Eighteen months of courting and he knew me all along! ... August 26th 1963. I became Natalie Johnston. Chris' lawful wedded wife. '... January 10th 1978: It was nearing the hour of eleven. We sent Emily to bed. She tried to change the subject. We reminded her that we were once her age and were well aware of how a childs mind works. Feeling saddened, she held down her head and slowly climbed the stairs. I remember telling her that we wouldn't be far behind her, and we weren't. We lay beneath the warm, cosy blankets. We sank into our pillows. ' Night, night darling. ' Chris whispered softly. ' Night, night! ' I repeated, followed by, ' I love you. ' ' I love you too Nat. And remember, your eyes shine like the crystal jewels that brighten up the midnight sky. ' We cuddled. Out went the lights... April 25th 2006: You see my dear Diary, my dream always ends exactly as that night did. Oh how I wish that we'd stayed up that little bit longer! This morning I awoke hugging my pillow and you know Diary, the funny thing is that I almost kissed it. Oh Diary! I keep forgetting that I'm nearly seventy. I'm no spring chicken now! Although Chris may not be with me physically, in my heart he still remains. I took a visit to his grave today with Emily. I spoke about my dream, how each night he tells me that my eyes sparkle like the stars in the sky. Our past will never be forgotten. I will always be thinking of him for the rest of my days. Well Diary, I'm settled for the night. Tomorrow, I shall fill you in on tonight's trip down memory lane!


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Book: Reflection on the Important Things