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My New Book

Love, honor and murder. She waits for each of her victims. She takes from them and lives off of their money, would her family ever find out?

PROLOGUE: Mia was born and raised in northwestern Europe. She was born into a family of poverty. Her Mum and Dad relied on her and her sister named (Ava) when they became teenagers. Mia was wonky as a child, her mum often found her playing in the loo. She would appear to be drowning her dolls in the loo's water. She also used the bog roll to cause the loo to over flow, which caused her mum to be a tad knackered at times.

Mia and Ava's parents were sickly and seemed to fall ill quickly. Mia was a day dreamer and loathed the women who had an advantage over her. She was often miffed at the beautiful women in town who were so posh. Mia blamed her Mum and Dad for her chav situation.

So Mia set out on a mission to become a toff lady. She also wanted to be minted and she didn't care what poor bloke she used to get what she secretly desired. She would become a fit bird and attract every fit bloke in town.

Anyone who got in her way would be sorry, starting with her mum and dad.



Mia had a stash in her bedroom. The stash was stolen items she had collected over the years. She rummaged through the booty looking for a nice necklace to wear on her sixteenth birthday party. Her parents had saved all year to throw her a party and buy her a gift. Her sister Ava made her a birthday cake.

Mia unfortunately was unable to continue on to a higher education in college. Her parents were poor, but that did not stop Mia from making them feel guilty for her plight. Her teenage years were spent working in a small coffee shop a (caffe` nero). The wages she was paid usually was spent on things she wanted, not for things she needed and when that money ran out she took to shoplifting for the feeling she craved.

The feeling of power, to be able to get away with taking something that was not rightfully hers. The rush she felt when she walked out the door with her stash beneath her clothing and dignity...ah yes, her dignity never surfaced, like her stolen merchandise did, once she got home.

She found the necklace she was looking for, a cheap, cubic zirconia, bauble style necklace that she had shoplifted at an ASDA store. Mia put it around her neck glancing at her reflection in the mirror as she walked past her chest of drawers. She felt a twinge of guilt but dismissed it once her sister complemented the cheap necklace... "Oh blimey! where did you get that?" she asked. "It looks like something a lady would wear." she said, making Mia angry. "Oh rubbish, go on with you now." Mia retorted. Ava knew that no one in their family could possibly afford a necklace like that, even one that was a knock off, so she pushed for an answer. "Who did you chat up to get that?" Ava asked..."Or is it nicked?"

Mia ignored her sisters questions and wandered into the wash room. Mother called to the girls..."you better keep quiet" Mia said, when suddenly their Mum called to them again to come down for the party... "blimey Mum, we're coming!" Ava yelled as she rode the stair's hand rail down to the thirteenth step, jumping onto the landing. "See"...Mia said..."your such a hoiden!"

Ava was still at the age where she fell back onto her tomboy ways, she was nearly fourteen years old. She and Mia were so different from one another and often quarreled over silly things, like the fact that Mia wanted her sister to be a lady and to grow up and act like one. Ava didn't want to grow up, just yet. And there were secrets that Mia insisted that Ava keep between them, like all the times Mia spiked Mum and Dads drink with sleeping pills so she could go out in the evening looking for fun.



Mia always wanted a car, she wondered who would show up for her birthday party and if all her wishes would come true. Of course she knew a car was out of the equation, but she wished for one anyway, as she blew out the candles on her cake. "Happy Birthday to you...hap"...her friends and family stopped singing, there was a strange noise coming from beneath Mother's table. Mia pulled the table cloth back and saw a rather large box.

She immediately saw that it was sporting a huge blue bow and she saw the writing on the side...To Mia...Love, Mum and Dad.

"Well Happy Birthday...Mia" everyone yelled. Mia slid the box out from under the table and saw that holes had been punched into the top of the box. It also had a sound coming from inside...humming and purring. Mia opened the box to find a lovely grey kitten. The kitten was startled and jumped immediately onto the dinner table right into a bowl of pickles. "Oh I will name her Pickles!" Mia shouted as everyone laughed.

to be cont...soon.


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Book: Shattered Sighs