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1 Necropolis: Scene 1: call demanded an answer Final Story Post

The call demanded an answer!

The cell phone hummed wanting attention, it hummed, it hummed, waited then hummed again.

Nero was lost in thought as he gazed out across the vast necropolis, watching as he always did, the city of mausoleums fills up with shadow, like inky rain during a cloud burst. The sun dying a silent death behind the huge towers. This sight never failed to leave him in amazement. He had paused during his weekly review of last week’s case numbers to gaze into the city but the buzz of his cell brought him back.

The incessant hum of the cell awoke him from his daydream. Bring his mind back to the world around him. His irritation level rose as he snatched up the phone, glancing at the caller ID. The number was that of his ex-wife, a cold spear pierced his heart. He was trying to bury his past, the whole reason he was in this god-forsaken graveyard of a city was to escape and forget. But there were things you could just not put an end to after 30 years of marriage, things you could not just bury. The cell buzzed, insistent, and demanded him to answer.

What made this so very hard was the fact he still loved her and wanted to make things right. But she was not feeling it. She wanted out, any man that would kill their only son was shit on her heels. Despite the fact, the tribunal found him Innocent of the premeditated act of murder and it was a strict impulse of a man trained in years of police work would do. Still, it did not matter he had killed their son, It did not matter if it was an accident.

Pressing the connect button on the phone to answer made it come alive and her voice, once a sweet melody in his ears now the nightmare of his existence.

“So have you signed the paperwork yet with the lawyers, it not fucking rocket science you asshole, just because you’re not in Old New York, you cannot skate out of signing, that ghost town is still a protectorate of the US and our laws still apply even if it is run by that international consortium of ghouls…”

Her words spitting a mile a minute, she was an OLD Old New Yorker through and through, when she was mad she could talk the devil into suicide. Nero tuned out as she droned on and on explaining the due process of US protectorate laws. She called him every name in the book, names he has not heard of before, her belittled him was nothing new.

“Look! ”

She was saying as he tuned back into her tirade,

“ I want this over with you, I need to have my life back you insensitive bastard!”

“Please! If you're holding out, thinking that some way on this green planet you and I will ever get back together, forget it, I don’t care what the tribunal ruled, you’re a murdered!” She screamed.

At this point Nero set the cell down, she was so loud she could be heard through the mini speaker without being on Speaker Phone mode. Nero looked at it like it had sprouted legs, eyes and smelled like death, in fact, that is what he was seeing. Nero stared at it the thing that was his cell phone but it was looked back with the face of his wife, a skeletal caricature glaring hideously at him, its lips forming the shape of her lips as she spoke a thousand miles away moving, speaking, sounding like Mini Mouse trapped in the lowest part of hell! Eyes black with orange pits, broken and pealing fissures of glowing red raw flesh. While its face was a ghost of hers, it was a bug like a Nightmarish façade. This is a nightmare Nero’s mind struggles to think, to focus on the horror.

Nero closed his eyes tight telling himself it was not real, it’s not real, it will be gone when you open your eyes! but it was not. On impulse, he slapped the thing off his desk and in splattering on the wall, but instead of a sicking slimy splatter, the thing shattered into hundreds of clattering plastic pieces washing across the floor.

“Shit!” He screams. Nero sat back rubbing his eyes, fighting a scream, ‘what is happing…!’ His mind wonders, ‘Need more sleep or more coffee?’ ‘DAMN!’

Jutting upright in his desk, his vision spins, as Nero grabs his head to stop the world. He was dreaming, last week’s case files full of Files and photos were plastered to his face, all over his desk and on the floor. His mone of disconnect reality the type of sensation you get when you wake up faded rapidly. His phone began to hum on the floor in a million pieces and the small micro microphone started screaming Lifiths hellacious Mini Mouse vice asking; “Hello? “Hello!” Nero are you there, I know you're there! Do you hear me now? Nero? Nero? …..


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  1. Date: 11/13/2021 11:28:00 AM
    Thanks, Lynn D. for your comment much appreciated!
  1. Date: 11/13/2021 9:51:00 AM
    Yes, I know, there is errors with all my work. I am not a writer I am a artist expressing my self in words. So I am the type that needs HEAVY editing, and I not a good self-editor. I need a real editor who can help me correct my errors. My wife is a writer but has NOT and editor and has no patients as an editor. But, I keep trying.
  1. Date: 11/13/2021 4:24:00 AM
    Good story! There are some errors though.
  1. Date: 11/9/2021 2:17:00 PM
    yes, this is work from never finished novel

Book: Shattered Sighs