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Weight Quotations

Weight quotations. Find, read, and share Weight quotations. These are the best examples of Weight quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left That blessed mood in which the burthen of the mystery, in which the heavy and the weary weight of all this unintelligible world is lightened. Quote Right
Quote Left Suspicion is a heavy armor and with its weight it impedes more than it protects. Quote Right
Quote Left Reading it aloud – poetry is, after all, just written down speech – allow the poem to have a moment to exist. The reader has to put as much care into the reading of the poem as the poet has into writing it. In the relationship between poet, poem and reader, every element has to pull its weight. Quote Right
Quote Left Not a single star will be left in the night. The night will not be left. I will die and, with me, the weight of the intolerable universe. I shall erase the pyramids, the medallions, the continents and faces. I shall erase the accumulated past. I shall make dust of history, dust of dust. Now I am looking on the final sunset. I am hearing the last bird. I bequeath nothingness to no one. Quote Right
Quote Left It is God who lets the wild apples grow, to satisfy the hungry. He showed her a wild apple-tree, with the boughs bending under the weight of the fruit. Here she took her midday meal, placing props under the boughs, and then went into the darkest part of the forest. There it was so still that she could hear her own footsteps, as well as the rustling of every dry leaf which bent under her feet. Not one bird was to be seen, not one ray of sunlight could find its way through the great dark boughs of the trees; the lofty trunks stood so close together that when she looked before her it appeared as though she were surrounded by sets of palings one behind the other. O, here was solitude such as she had never before known! Quote Right
Quote Left Oh, fuck you! Fuck you, pal! There you go again trying to pass the buck. I'm the source of all your misery. Who closed the store to play hockey? Who closed the store to go to a wake? Who tried to win back his ex girlfriend without even discussing how he felt about it with his present girlfriend? 'I'm not even supposed to be here today.' You sound like an asshole! Jesus, nobody twisted your arm to be here today. You're here under your own volition. You like to think that the weight of the world rests on Dante's shoulders. Like this place would fall apart if Dante wasn't here. Christ, you overcompensate for what's basically a monkey's job. You push fucking buttons. Anybody can just waltz in here and do our jobs. You're so obsessed with making it seem so much more epic and important than it really is. You work at a convenience store, Dante! And badly, I might add! I work at a shitty video store, badly as well. That guy Jay's got it right, man. He's got no delusions about what he does. Us, we like to think that we're so much more advanced than the people that come in here everyday to buy paper, or, god forbid, cigarettes. Well, if we're so fucking advanced, what are we doing working here? Quote Right
Quote Left Take not away the life you cannot give; For all things have an equal right to live, Kill noxious creatures where 'tis sin to save; This only just prerogative we have; But nourish life with vegetable food, And shun the sacrilegious taste of blood. Forbear, O mortals, To spoil your bodies with such impious food! There is corn for you, apples, whose weight bears down The bending branches; there are grapes that swell On the vines, and pleasant herbs, and greens Made mellow and soft with cooking; there is milk And clover-honey. Earth is generous With her provision, and her sustenance Is very kind; she offers, for your tables, Food that requires no bloodshed and no slaughter. Quote Right
Quote Left You want your sister to lose weight, tell her to get off the couch, stop eating twinkies and maybe go out for field hockey, and you know what, no-one knows what they wanna be when they grow up! you know it takes a little time to find that out. And you, you sick of some jerk shoving your head down the toilet? Well maybe you should lift some weights or take a karate lesson and the next time he tries it you kick him in the balls! Quote Right
Quote Left Every time a poet writes a poem it’s like it’s the first time. When you’ve finished a poem, you don’t know if you’ll ever write another one. Some poems arrive with a weight that’s more significant than other poems and you know it will take a lot of care to do it justice. Poetry, for so long now, has been the way I relate to everything. It’s like a companion. I can’t imagine ever being separated from it. Quote Right
Quote Left I have been a vegetarian for about 10 years. And it really was due to the reading that I did. And they explain so that you understand why it's important for the planet's survival along with compassion for animals. It certainly made it much easier for me. I lost weight really fast. My mother died from cancer so this is all very personal to me. And I just would like the planet to be a better place. And I think you'll find a vegetarian diet to be really incredible these days. Quote Right
Quote Left I have no mercy or compassion in me for a society that will crush people, and then penalize them for not being able to stand up under the weight. Quote Right
Quote Left I use the word 'fat.' I use that word because that's what people are: they're fat. They're not bulky; they're not large, chunky, hefty or plump. And they're not big-boned. Dinosaurs were big-boned. These people are not overweight: this term somehow implies there is some correct weight... There is no correct weight. Heavy is also a misleading term. An aircraft carrier is heavy; it's not fat. Only people are fat, and that's what fat people are! They're fat! Quote Right
Quote Left The massive weight of Uncle's wedding band Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer's hand. Quote Right
Quote Left I have no mercy or compassion for a society that crushes people, and then penalizes them for not being able to stand up under the weight. Quote Right
Quote Left A healthy male adult bore consumes each year one and a half times his own weight in other people's patience. Quote Right
Quote Left Nothing’s changed my life more. I feel better about myself as a person, being conscious and responsible for my actions and I lost weight and my skin cleared up and I got bright eyes and I just became stronger and healthier and happier. Can’t think of anything better in the world to be but be vegan. Quote Right
Quote Left Worship God by reverencing the human soul as God's chosen sanctuary. Revere it in yourselves, revere it in others, and labor to carry it forward. ...Go forth to respect the rights, and seek the true, enduring welfare of all within your influence. Carry with you the conviction that to trample on a human being, of whatevercolor, clime, rank, condition, is to trample on God's child. ...Go forth to do good with every power which God bestows, to make every place you enter happier by your presence, to espouse all human interests, to throw your whole weight into the scale of human freedom and improvement, to withstand all wrong, to uphold all right, and especially to give light, life, strength to the immortal soul. Quote Right
Quote Left Physicists have determined that even the most solid and heavy mass of matter we see is mostly empty space. But at the submicroscopic level, specks of matter scattered through a vast emptiness have such incredible density and weight, and are linked to one another by such powerful forces, that together they produce all the properties of concrete, cast iron and solid rock. In much the same way, specks of knowledge are scattered through a vast emptiness of ignorance, and everything depends upon how solid the individual specks of knowledge are, and on how powerfully linked and coordinated they are with one another. Quote Right
Quote Left All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say you're not good enough or strong enough or talented enough; they will say you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or be this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. All your life they will tell you no, quite firmly and very quickly. AND YOU WILL TELL THEM YES. Quote Right
Quote Left Adversity has the same effect on a man that severe training has on the pugilist -- it reduces him to his fighting weight. Quote Right
Quote Left Happiness is equilibrium. Shift your weight. Equilibrium is pragmatic. You have to get everything into proportion. You compensate, rebalance yourself so that you maintain your angle to the world. When the world shifts, you shift. Quote Right
Quote Left I've told them, it's their team. Warren has shown signs of being a major factor. He had success when the teams weren't big, strong and physical. If he's going to have a great senior year, he needs to get his legs stronger, become more physical and make a commitment in the weight room. And he probably needs to get in the gym and take extra jump shots to be a consistent pick-and-pop guy. Quote Right
Quote Left You know, I was gonna get sick or I was gonna get injured or something. The only choice I had, the only thing I could control, was when and how and where that was going to happen. So, I made a rope. And I went up to the summit to hang myself. But, I had to test it, you know. Course. You know me. And the weight of the log snapped the limb of the tree, and I couldn't even kill myself the way I wanted to. I had power. over. nothing. And that's when this feeling came over me like a warm blanket. I knew, somehow, that I had to stay alive. Somehow. I had to keep breathing, even though I had no reason to hope, and all my logic said that I would never see this place again. So, that's what I did. I stayed alive. I kept breathing. And then, one day that logic was proven all wrong because the tide came in, gave me a sail. And now here I am. I'm back. In Memphis, talking to you. I have ice in my glass. And I've lost her all over again. I'm so sad that I don't have Kelly. But I'm so grateful that she was with me on that island. And I know what I have to do now. And, I keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring? Quote Right
Quote Left Because the results are expressed in numbers, it is easy to make the mistake of thinking that the intelligence test is a measure like a foot ruler or a pair of scales. It is, of course, a quite different sort of measure. Intelligence is not an abstraction like length and weight; it is an exceedingly complicated notion - which nobody has yet succeeded in defining. Quote Right
Quote Left Weight loss and weight maintenance canhave a profound effect on an individual's health, as well as on thehealth costs for employers, health care companies and the individualsthemselves. Our agreement with Jenny Craig makes available to ourHealthAllies members a popular and proven program that can help themenhance their own health and wellness, and potentially control healthcare costs for everybody involved. Quote Right
Quote Left And dreams in their development have breath, And tears, and tortures, and the touch of joy; They leave a weight upon our waking thoughts, They take a weight from off our waking toils, They do divide our being. Quote Right
Quote Left Some would deny any legitimate use of the word God because it has been misused so much. Certainly it is the most burdened of all human words. Precisely for that reason it is the most imperishable and unavoidable. And how much weight has all erroneous talk about God's nature and works (although there never has been nor can be any such talk that is not erroneous) compared with the one truth that all men who have addressed God really meant him? For whoever pronounces the word God and really means Thou, addresses, no matter what his delusion, the true Thou of his life that cannot be restricted by any other and to whom he stands in a relationship that includes all others. Quote Right
Quote Left Kids nowadays...tend to go overboard on protein --- something I believe to be totally unnecsssary...I state in my formula for basic good eating: Eat about one gram of protein for every two pounds of body weight. Quote Right
Quote Left I've learned not to put things in my mouth that are bad for me. Quote Right
Quote Left Weight loss programs and health clubs have an ethical and legal obligation to adequately disclose details about program costs before customers sign a contract. They should also clearly explain how the program works and what is expected so that consumers can make an informed choice whether to join. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Weight

Quote Left 'The weight of doubt grows lighter with each act of determination.' - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left 'The weight of doubt grows lighter with each act of determination.' - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Sometimes, the weight of exhaustion becomes the clarity we need to let go. When the signs grow too concerning, don't ignore them; it's okay to throw in the towel and find peace on the other side. By: Innantia Magcanya Quote Right
Quote Left "The crown sets heavy on rulers, just or unjust, with the weight of surviving doing what they must." from "The Crown" by Max Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left We adopt a lifestyle and keep at it hoping that an hour of gym time will erase and vanquish our indiscipline, to change our weight, we must be intentional with food Quote Right
Quote Left I sense imminent danger even before they tickle my naiveness with sweet cunning. I avoid being friendly with any stranger I meet by weighting out the consequences. Quote Right
Quote Left I like my slightly overweight friends, who enjoy cooking, far better than all those thin Fashion Plates. Quote Right
Quote Left I also often have doubts...all writers do I believe -- poetry like wet tissue, with the weight of humanity hovering critically over. Quote Right
Quote Left Garden Time fast approaches Plant five rows of peas Planning Patience perseverance preparation positivity Include one row of squash Squash negativity Add three rows of lettuce Let us take responsibility Let us reward our accomplishments Let us be empowered And lastly turnips Turn up with new ideas Turn up with determination Turn up with a smile Edited version garden of success by Suzy Jones a weight watchers leader Quote Right
Quote Left Never expect to wear a crown if you're not willing to bear the weight. Quote Right
Quote Left My happiness lies deeply in between pleated promises. Pressed crisply by the weight of all the little mistakes everyone dismisses. Lydialocks Quote Right
Quote Left With every wearying year the weight of the winter grows, and while the schoolgirl outgrows her clothes, the widow disappears in hers. ('The Shrinking Season' by Michael R. Burch; keywords/tags: winter, time, age, aging, loss) Quote Right
Quote Left Each day I'm plagued by three doles, These gargantuan weights on my soul: First, that I must somehow EXIT this fen. Second, because I cannot know WHEN. And yet it's the third that torments me so, Having no way to know where the HELL I will go! ('Ech day me cometh tydinges thre' loose translation by Michael R. Burch; keywords: doles, dolor, tidings, sorrow, pain, depression, lament) Quote Right
Quote Left Everyone goes through something. But that something is often weighted differently on the shoulders of the bearer. Compassion is the only emotion, that levels the field. Quote Right
Quote Left "Release me from these weightless burdens." Quote Right
Quote Left Raindrops from sky as clouds can't bear the weight, tears fall from eyes as heart can't bear the pain. Quote Right
Quote Left When you fall in love you have no weight. Gravity stops working gas it should. That is how you know. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Prayer for fear ,for happiness peace, In moments of light in day we realize, The weight of reasons lessens and heart covers the distance.' Quote Right
Quote Left You are moving slowly because you are carrying too much weight around with you...that weight is jealous, hate & selfishness...let loose and live free #Poetic_Ra*_Quotes???? Quote Right
Quote Left Ignoring food when you have surplus and appetite, to deal in weightier matters of the soul, this is what it means to fast Quote Right
Quote Left yes removes weight no adds weight Quote Right
Quote Left which post to stand that does not bend beneath the weight of need Quote Right
Quote Left we are the gastric ghosts of all we consume the space that was there before the room our dance the dance of bending straw beneath the weighted broom Quote Right
Quote Left so quickly steals the nighted sky while days in weighted boots wade by Quote Right
Quote Left Positive attitudes and actions are the extra weight on your end of the see-saw of life. Quote Right
Quote Left Empty words they have no weight to hinder my most joyful gait. Quote Right
Quote Left Political Finger Pointing Quote for August 19, 2020 From: Tom Politicians always seem to place emphasis on detraction which leaves scant time for weightier things. Quote Right
Quote Left Only men of depth will conceal their real worth in the crowd, They are not given to publicity, they are more concerned for the weighty matters of Life than to put up a drama in a fading world. but those who are empty are too concern for public attention, acceptance and adulation. they expose too much but are generally empty within. Quote Right
Quote Left Weighted sorrows lying in heap amongst scattered pieces of broken dreams and memories of loves now passed. Quote Right
Quote Left "The intricacies of our liquid world and its current flows, I will delicately sip lest I drown in its weighty pleasures." - June 08, 2019 Commentary 'WAVES' by Kim Rodriguez Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs