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Wealthy Quotations

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Quote Left Although every organized patriarchal religion works overtime to contribute its own brand of misogyny to the myth of woman-hate, woman-fear, and woman-evil, the Roman Catholic Church also carries the immense power of very directly affecting women's lives everywhere by its stand against birth control and abortion, and by its use of skillful and wealthy lobbies to prevent legislative change. It is an obscenity -- an all-male hierarchy, celibate or not, that presumes to rule on the lives and bodies of millions of women. Quote Right
Quote Left It is the great privilege of poverty to be happy and yet unenvied, to be healthy with physic, secure without a guard, and to obtain from the bounty of nature what the great and wealthy are compelled to procure by the help of art. Quote Right
Quote Left I repeat, sir, that in whatever position you place a woman she is an ornament to society and a treasure to the world. As a sweetheart, she has few equals and no superiors; as a cousin, she is convenient; as a wealthy grandmother with an incurable distemper, she is precious; as a wet-nurse, she has no equal among men. What, sir, would the people of the earth be without woman? They would be scarce, sir, almighty scarce. Quote Right
Quote Left Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing. Quote Right
Quote Left The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of people who have become wealthy have become so thanks to work they found profoundly absorbing. The long term study of people who eventually become wealthy clearly reveals that their Luck arouse from the accidental dedication they had to an area they enjoyed. Quote Right
Quote Left The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of people who have become wealthy have become so thanks to work they found profoundly absorbing. The long term study of people who eventually became wealthy clearly reveals that their 'luck' arose from accidental dedication they had to an arena they enjoyed. Quote Right
Quote Left If being wealthy is taken to mean having the means to satisfy one's every want, all but the very poor can become rich as thou at a single stroke of a magician's wand, simply by ceasing to want more than is really necessary for sustaining life. By being content with little and not giving a rap for what the neighbours think, one can attain a very large measure of freedom, shedding care and worry in a trice. Quote Right
Quote Left The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of people who have become wealthy have become so thanks to work they found profoundly absorbing. The long term study of people who eventually became wealthy clearly reveals that their 'luck' arose from accidental dedication they had to an arena they enjoyed. Quote Right
Quote Left I object to being told that I am saving daylight when my reason tells me that I am doing nothing of the kind... At the back of the Daylight Saving scheme, I detect the bony, blue-fingered hand of Puritanism, eager to push people into bed earlier, and get them up earlier, to make them healthy, wealthy, and wise in spite of themselves. Quote Right
Quote Left It is the business of the wealthy man To give employment to the artisan. Quote Right
Quote Left If the people are happy, united, wealthy, and powerful, we presume the rest. We conclude that to be good from whence good is derived. Quote Right
Quote Left To be healthy, wealthy, happy and successful in any and all areas of your life you need to be aware that you need to think healthy, wealthy, happy and successful thoughts twenty four hours a day and cancel all negative, destructive, fearful and unhappy thoughts. These two types of thought cannot coexist if you want to share in the abundance that surrounds us all. Quote Right
Quote Left Class has a sense of humor. It knows that a good laugh is the best lubricant for oiling the machinery of human relations. Class never makes excuses. It takes its lumps and learns from past mistakes. Class bespeaks an aristocracy unrelated to ancestors or money. Some extremely wealthy people have no class at all, while others who are struggling to make ends meet are loaded with it. Class is real. You can't fake it. Class never tries to build itself up by tearing others down. Class is already up and need not attempt to look better by making others look worse. Everyone is comfortable with the person who has class because he is comfortable with himself. If you have class, you've got it made. If you don't have class, no matter what else you have, it won't make up for it. Quote Right
Quote Left The debate over prescription drug coverage comes down to a question of values, ... President Bush and congressional Republicans have continually chosen to place a greater value on tax cuts for the wealthy than for prescription drugs for seniors. Quote Right
Quote Left To live content with small means, to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion, to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich, to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly, to listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart, to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never, in a word to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common, this is to be my symphony. Quote Right
Quote Left Nothing is more intolerable than a wealthy woman. Quote Right
Quote Left Early to rise and early to bed makes a male healthy and wealthy and dead. Quote Right
Quote Left It is uncomfortable to ask condemned people about their sentences just as it is awkward to ask wealthy people why they need so much money, why... Quote Right
Quote Left It is sheer madness to live in want in order to be wealthy when you die. Quote Right
Quote Left How unfair the fate which ordains that those who have the least should be always adding to the treasury of the wealthy. Quote Right
Quote Left The great lawyer who employs his talent and his learning in the highly emunerative task of enabling a very wealthy client to override or circumvent the law is doing all that in him lies to encourage the growth in the country of a spirit of dumb anger against all laws and of disbelief in their efficacy. Quote Right
Quote Left At its most base level, the sheer wealth of these candidates shows that representative democracy in California isn't representative at all. These are wealthy, white individuals and that makes it that much harder for them to represent all of California's diversity. Quote Right
Quote Left Early to rise and early to bed Makes a male healthy, wealthy and dead Quote Right
Quote Left Unfortunately, President Bush's tax panel is a Trojan horse, using so-called simplification to cut taxes for the wealthy while increasing taxes for middle-class families, Quote Right
Quote Left The conspicuously wealthy turn up urging the character building values of the privation of the poor. Quote Right
Quote Left We have among us a class of mammon worshippers, whose one test of conservatism or radicalism is the attitude one takes with respect to accumulated wealth. Whatever tends to preserve the wealth of the wealthy is called conservatism, and whatever favors anything else, no matter what is called socialism. Quote Right
Quote Left The conspicuously wealthy turn up urging the character-building value of privation for the poor. Quote Right
Quote Left White-Headed Chief was wealthy, even though he owned nothing. In what way did virtue pay ? The men who were formally generous in this way were the most admired, most respected, and the most loved men in the tribe. These were the men who benefited the Quote Right
Quote Left Many wealthy people are little more than janitors of their possessions. Quote Right
Quote Left To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich; to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly; to listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart; to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never. In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common. This is to be my symphony. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Wealthy

Quote Left There's no small amount when it comes to giving of yourself. Give what you can, avoid glances of humiliation. Those are malevolent stares of wealthy people that give for gain lacking the joy in generosity. Quote Right
Quote Left To have faith in others is testing human reasoning: do the less fortunate have the same treatment as the lucky, or wealthy ones? Society is unfair and favors the elite, or the ones who flatter them to obtain favoritism. Quote Right
Quote Left Wisdom is based on experiences in life, a poor man can become rich if he learns the essential steps that lead to success, but a wealthy man won't bear the humiliating idea of becoming poor. This is the real conflict between wealth and poverty. The poor man will be still humble if he loses everything, but the rich man will still have his pride and vanity. Quote Right
Quote Left A paradox of life is when within a wealthy country, the majority are poor. Quote Right
Quote Left the top level wealthy increasingly greedy still the bottom level get gifted basic needing so comfortable their overbreeding more they need put hands out but if not filled instant grieving Quote Right
Quote Left If you want to be wealthy, share your blessings to the needy. Quote Right
Quote Left A true being is not a wealthy being but a determined being... Quote Right
Quote Left Search it out and it will make you wealthy.Ignore it and it will destroy you. Learn it in others and you will rule. Self-knowledge is the highest class. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs