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Statement Quotations

Statement quotations. Find, read, and share Statement quotations. These are the best examples of Statement quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Existence, as we know it, is full of sorrow. To mention only one minor point every man is a condemned criminal, only he does not know the date of his execution. This is unpleasant for every man. Consequently every man does everything possible to postpone the date, and would sacrifice anything that he has if he could reverse the sentence. Practically all religions and all philosophies have started thus crudely, by promising their adherents some such reward as immortality. No religion has failed hitherto by not promising enough the present breaking up of all religions is due to the fact that people have asked to see the securities. Men have even renounced the important material advantages which a well-organized religion may confer upon a State, rather than acquiesce in fraud or falsehood, or even in any system which, if not proved guilty, is at least unable to demonstrate its innocence. Being more or less bankrupt, the best thing that we can do is to attack the problem afresh without preconceived ideas. Let us begin by doubting every statement. Let us find a way of subjecting every statement to the test of experiment. Is there any truth at all in the claims of various religions Let us examine the question. Quote Right
Quote Left When Apollo Mission Astronaut Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon, he not only gave his famous one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind statement but followed it by several remarks, usual com traffic between him, the other astronauts and Mission Control. Just before he re-entered the lander, however, he made the enigmatic remark; 'Good luck Mr. Gorsky.' Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut. However, upon checking, there was no Mr. Gorsky in either the Russian or American space programs. Over the years many people questioned Armstrong as to what the Good luck Mr. Gorsky statement meant, but Armstrong always just smiled. Just last year, (on 5 July 1995 in Tampa Bay, FL) while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26-year-old question to Armstrong. This time he finally responded. Mr. Gorsky had finally died and so Neil Armstrong felt he could answer the question. When he was a kid, he was playing baseball with a friend in the backyard. His friend hits a fly ball which landed in the front of his neighbors bedroom windows. His neighbors were Mr. And Mrs. Gorsky. As he leaned down to pick up the ball, young Armstrong heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky. 'Oral sex! You want oral sex?! You'll get oral sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!' Quote Right
Quote Left Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men although he was twice married, it never occured to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths. Quote Right
Quote Left If the federal government had been around when the Creator was putting His hand to this state, Indiana wouldn't be here. It'd still be waiting for an environmental impact statement. Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry is the statement of a relation between a man and the world. Quote Right
Quote Left A sweeping statement is the only statement worth listening to. The critic without faith gives balanced opinions, usually about second-rate writers. Quote Right
Quote Left A blunt statement can be as false as any other. Quote Right
Quote Left The fact is that far more crime and child abuse has been committed in the name of God, Jesus, and Mohammed than has ever been committed in the name of Satan. Many people don't like that statement, but few can argue with it. Quote Right
Quote Left That there is also freedom in captivity, only a prisoner can claim. Coming from a prison guard, this statement would be blasphemy. Quote Right
Quote Left Any general statement is like a check drawn on a bank. Its value depends on what is there to meet it. Quote Right
Quote Left This is the first music product that people consider to be an emotional statement. Quote Right
Quote Left After the first powerful plain manifesto The black statement of pistons, without more fuss... Quote Right
Quote Left What we humans are is really a remarkable thing. How can you doubt that we will survive and mature? There may be a lot of wisdom in the old statement about looking on the world lovingly. If we can, perhaps the world will have time to resolve itself Quote Right
Quote Left If, for instance, they have heard something from the postman, they attribute it to a semi-official statement; if they have fallen into conversation with a stranger at a bar, they can conscientiously describe him as a source that has hitherto proved unimpeachable. It is only when the journalist is reporting a whim of his own, and one to which he attaches minor importance, that he defines it as the opinion of well-informed circles. Quote Right
Quote Left For the truth of the conclusions of physical science, observation is the supreme Court of Appeal. It does not follow that every item which we confidently accept as physical knowledge has actually been certified by the Court; our confidence is that it would be certified by the Court if it were submitted. But it does follow that every item of physical knowledge is of a form which might be submitted to the Court. It must be such that we can specify (although it may be impracticable to carry out) an observational procedure which would decide whether it is true or not. Clearly a statement cannot be tested by observation unless it is an assertion about the results of observation. Every item of physical knowledge must therefore be an assertion of what has been or would be the result of carrying out a specified observational procedure. Quote Right
Quote Left For the truth of the conclusions of physical science, observation is the supreme Court of Appeal. It does not follow that every item which we confidently accept as physical knowledge has actually been certified by the Court our confidence is that it would be certified by the Court if it were submitted. But it does follow that every item of physical knowledge is of a form which might be submitted to the Court. It must be such that we can specify (although it may be impracticable to carry out) an observational procedure which would decide whether it is true or not. Clearly a statement cannot be tested by observation unless it is an assertion about the results of observation. Every item of physical knowledge must therefore be an assertion of what has been or would be the result of carrying out a specified observational procedure. Quote Right
Quote Left Looking out of my window this lovely spring morning I see an azalea in full bloom. No, no! I do not see that; though that is the only way I can describe what I see. That is a proposition, a sentence, a fact; but what I perceive is not proposition, sentence, fact, but only an image which I make intelligible in part by means of a statement of fact. This statement is abstract; but what I see is concrete. Quote Right
Quote Left There is confusion regarding the position of the External Affairs Minister. We are trying for the membership of the Security Council of the United Nation. The UN has set up a high-level enquiry committee, which found the involvement of some companies of Switzerland, Italy and India, and after that Singh gave a statement that he is being implicated for supporting Saddam Hussein's regime. Quote Right
Quote Left The force of truth that a statement imparts, then, its prominence among the hordes of recorded observations that I may optionally apply to my own life, depends, in addition to the sense that it is argumentatively defensible, on the sense that someone like me, and someone I like, whose voice is audible and who is at least notionally in the same room with me, does or can possibly hold it to be compellingly true. Quote Right
Quote Left 'The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.” Quote Right
Quote Left Accuracy of statement is one of the first elements of truth; inaccuracy is a near kin to falsehood. Quote Right
Quote Left It is not too strong a statement to declare that this is the way civilizations begin to die ... None of us has the right to suppose it cannot happen here. Quote Right
Quote Left The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. Quote Right
Quote Left Emc (Energy equals mass times the square of the speed of light.) Original statement If a body gives off the energy L in the form of radiation, its mass diminshes by Lc. Quote Right
Quote Left No slogan of democracy; no battle cry of freedom is more striving then the American parent's simple statement which all of you have heard many... Quote Right
Quote Left One needn't be a crank to miss the scientific boat. The very paragon of genius, Albert Einstein, couldn't be persuaded to give quantum physics his unreserved endorsement. Here is Einstein's most frequently paraphrased statement of dissatisfaction with the theory: Quantum mechanics is very impressive. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory yields a lot, but it hardly brings us any closer to the secret of the Old One. In any case I am convinced that He doesn't play dice. Quote Right
Quote Left For the past 15 years or so, British governments have tried to persuade the rest of us that the best judges of the national interest are...businessmen. This may be a ridiculous statement, but -- ominously -- fewer and fewer people laugh at it. Quote Right
Quote Left The truth is that good ethics sometimes is good business, but sometimes it's not. It depends on one's goals and how one defines good business. Sometimes, good ethics can end in bankruptcy. Of course, so can bad ethics. A fairer statement is that good ethics can be a very powerful business asset and that good things tend to happen to companies and individuals that consistently do the right thing and bad things tend to happen to those that even occasionally do the wrong thing. But the crucial point is that the moral obligation to live according to ethical principles is not dependent on whether it's advantageous. People of character do the right thing in the pursuit of virtue, not self-interest. Quote Right
Quote Left Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men; although he was twice married, it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths. Quote Right
Quote Left For me, the summer will be pure gray - mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray. To me, this is the big statement for summer. Then we have light blue, light turquoise, lots of pink. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Statement

Quote Left Nudism is an aesthetic of my daily existence, not a fashion statement. Quote Right
Quote Left “We Are All One. When we allow ourselves to become aware of this statement in its purest form, we open the doors to reveal the oneness of being. Using the process of conscious evolution we begin to recognize our true underlying identity, for once we have glimpsed the existence of this realm, we then begin to reveal what it is . . . . our true natural state.” Quote Right
Quote Left "All statements are true, if you are free to repaint the walls of their premises." Quote Right
Quote Left “ They say anything is possible, which is more accurate than true in a statement! But, let's add profoundness to this equation and set it straight, ‘If you can think it, it's true, even the lie told is true contexts! ’ ‘Possibilities are endless. ’” ~ William Darnell Sr Quote Right
Quote Left 'Hurry Honey' Statement..." miss - miss - mam - 'MISS MADAM' woo, just your statement, not a manifesto, please -please" Quote Right
Quote Left "If a professional job has any purpose in life then before making a profit the idea that writing fiction to make a statement without hurting anyone using the interpretative concept should be as respected as money earned," said Austin Macauley, UK Author Marc O'Brien. Quote Right
Quote Left Don't forget to reconcile your bank statement with your life's statement. Quote Right
Quote Left ''When someone from time to time bitterly lashes out on you,says demeaning words or throws paranoia statements at you,take your time to scrutinize the real reasons for the vendetta.You will realise that more often than not,past the facade,are wounds of rejection,a cry for help, a longing for peace'' Quote Right
Quote Left I have heard it a thousand times, women claim men use them for sex and men claim women use them to gain material goods. Both of these statements are true. Quote Right
Quote Left Understatement in poetry gives the readers more to think about than overstatement. Quote Right
Quote Left Power never shrieks. It only makes a statement. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things