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Spell Quotations

Spell quotations. Find, read, and share Spell quotations. These are the best examples of Spell quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left The people think of wealth and power as the greatest fate, But in this world a spell of health is the best state. Quote Right
Quote Left What I want to fix your attention on is the vast overall movement towards the discrediting, and finally the elimination, of every kind of human excellence -- moral, cultural, social or intellectual. And is it not pretty to notice how 'democracy' (in the incantatory sense) is now doing for us the work that was once done by the most ancient dictatorships, and by the same methods The basic proposal of the new education is to be that dunces and idlers must not be made to feel inferior to intelligent and industrious pupils. That would be 'undemocratic.' Children who are fit to proceed may be artificially kept back, because the others would get a trauma by being left behind. The bright pupil thus remains democratically fettered to his own age group throughout his school career, and a boy who would be capable of tackling Aeschylus or Dante sits listening to his coeval's attempts to spell out A CAT SAT ON A MAT. We may reasonably hope for the virtual abolition of education when 'I'm as good as you' has fully had its way. All incentives to learn and all penalties for not learning will vanish. The few who might want to learn will be prevented who are they to overtop their fellows And anyway, the teachers -- or should I say nurses -- will be far too busy reassuring the dunces and patting them on the back to waste any time on real teaching. We shall no longer have to plan and toil to spread imperturbable conceit and incurable ignorance among men. Quote Right
Quote Left Christmas--that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance--a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved. Quote Right
Quote Left Not lived; for life doth her great actions spell, By what was done and wrought... Quote Right
Quote Left I take space to be the central fact to man born in America. I spell it large because it comes large here. Large and without mercy. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a great solitude about such a shore. The woods are never solitary- they are full of whispering, beckoning, friendly life. But the sea is a mighty soul, forever moaning of some great, unshareable sorrow, which shuts it up into itself for all eternity. We can never pierce its infinite mystery- we may only wander, awed and spell-bound, on the outer fringe of it. The woods call to us with a hundred voices, but the sea has one only- a mighty voice that drowns our souls in its majestic music. The woods are human, but the sea is of the company of the archangels. Quote Right
Quote Left M-O-T-H-E-RM is for the million things she gave me,O means only that she's growing old,T is for the tears she shed to save me,H is for her heart of purest goldE is for her eyes, with love-light shining,R means right, and right she'll always be,Put them all together, they spell MOTHER,A word that means the world to me. Quote Right
Quote Left M-O-T-H-E-R M is for the million things she gave me, O means only that she's growing old, T is for the tears she shed to save me, H is for her heart of purest gold; E is for her eyes, with love-light shining, R means right, and right she'll always be, Put them all together, they spell MOTHER, A word that means the world to me. Quote Right
Quote Left The only words that ever satisfied me as describing Nature are the terms used in fairy books, charm, spell, enchantment. They express the arbitrariness of the fact and its mystery. Quote Right
Quote Left I believe that the great Creator has put ores and oil on this earth to give us a breathing spell. As we exhaust them, we must be prepared to fall back on our farms, which is God’s true storehouse and can never be exhausted. We can learn to synthesize material for every human need from things that grow. Quote Right
Quote Left A revival does two things. First, it returns the Church from her backsliding and second, it causes the conversion of men and women; and it always includes the conviction of sin on the part of the Church. What a spell the devil seems to cast over the Church today! Quote Right
Quote Left Q: How do you spell 'onomatopoeia'? A: The way it sounds. Quote Right
Quote Left People in places many of us never heard of, whose names we can't pronounce or even spell, are speaking up for themselves. They speak in languages we once classified as exotic but whose mastery is now essential for our diplomats and businessmen. But what they say is very much the same the world over. They want a decent standard of living. They want human dignity and a voice in their own futures. They want their children to grow up strong and healthy and free. Quote Right
Quote Left Action, looks, words, steps, form the alphabet by which you may spell character. Quote Right
Quote Left Let there be nothing within thee that is not very beautiful and very gentle, and there will be nothing without thee that is not beautiful and softened by the spell of thy presence. Quote Right
Quote Left The best artist has that thought alone Which is contained within the marble shell; The sculptor's hand can only break the spell To free the figures slumbering in the stone Quote Right
Quote Left It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word. Quote Right
Quote Left All religions teach us to help people whenever we can. All religions teach us not to hit or kill or steal or cheat. All religions teach us we should be forgiving and cut people some slack when they mess up, because someday we will mess up, too. All religions teach us to love our families, respect our parents and make new families when we grow up. Religions all over the world teach us the same right way to live. Quote Right
Quote Left It is a damn poor mind indeed which can't think of at least two ways to spell any word. Quote Right
Quote Left All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this Act as if it were impossible to fail. That is the talisman, the formula, the command of right-about-face which turns us from failure towards success. Quote Right
Quote Left The best of artists hath no thought to show, which the rough stone in its superfluous shell, doth not include; to break the marble spell, is all the hand that serves the brain can do. Quote Right
Quote Left 'In the end, it doesn't really matter what animals look like or how they behave - whether they're similar to us or not. We need to honor and respect all other animals in what David Abram in 'The Spell of the Sensuous' calls the 'more-than-human world.'' Quote Right
Quote Left It's interesting, I hadn't thought about that. I guess I'll have to spell Andy this one time, since he's been doing it for years. I'll take the burden this time and I'm sure he'll take it back soon. He's one of the best players in the world and I'm sure he'll prove it for the rest of this year. For this one, it's good to see we have some depth in American tennis. Quote Right
Quote Left It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word Quote Right
Quote Left You till be glad to know the President is practicing safe snacks. in reference to her husband's fainting spell caused by a pretzel Quote Right
Quote Left The beauty that addresses itself to the eyes is only the spell of the moment; the eye of the body is not always that of the soul. Quote Right
Quote Left I sent my Soul through the Invisible, Some letter of that After-life spell, And by and by my Soul returned to me, And answered I Myself am Heaven and Hell. Quote Right
Quote Left If Al Gore invented the Internet, I invented spell check. Quote Right
Quote Left A wizard cannot do everything; a fact most magicians are reticent to admit, let alone discuss with prospective clients. Still, the fact remains that there are certain objects, and people, that are, for one reason or another, completely immune to any direct magical spell. It is for this group of beings that the magician learns the subtleties of using indirect spells. It also does no harm, in dealing with these matters, to carry a large club near your person at all times. Quote Right
Quote Left A program is a spell cast over a computer, turning input into error messages. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Spell

Quote Left Love Spells- Psychic Reading ?? (+27 73 335 6321 in Canada or USA love spells marriage spells Money spells. +27 73 335 6321 breakup spells Gay spells Job promotion spells Attraction spells. Divorce spells. Spell to find lost property or items Spell for find thieves Quote Right
Quote Left It is God's plan, that you should rise and shine like the sun, dispelling darkness wherever it is found. Quote Right
Quote Left In the profound trenches where our verdicts dwell, Cryptic truths cloak themselves in silent tide. Yet, through the majestic dance of redemption's spell, An incandescent love unfolds, an illuminating guide. Quote Right
Quote Left "For spelling or meaning of words ~ poets use a dictionary." Quote Right
Quote Left "In the realm of EchoVerse, where letters transcend their form, Words become spells, and rhymes take shape like a storm. With enchantment as my guide, I spin tales divine, Like turning water to wine, through EchoVerse, words intertwine." Quote Right
Quote Left To the syntax and spelling police, being literate does not, by itself, make you smart. Quote Right
Quote Left Following acts of terror rapt within their spell, volunteers move in concert kindness starts to swell. Midst deeds so heartless passersby watch stars appear, cursing the darkness. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
Quote Left Giving; It is time to change the way we think. We have been "lax" my grandfather would say...I never asked him what exactly it meant, spelled that way... but he just gave me the look. So I totally got it...I am passing it on to you... "the look". Quote Right
Quote Left at the foot of the ladder, a monkey fell~ six stories of rungs and she rings his bell~ he sat picking daisies off his fallen spell~ hands cupping petals of air being his quell~ poor little monkey's a shaken as hell~ his eyes run circles around the pink pastel~ as shocked onlookers stand visual at his well~ in his cage, his cousin's saddened at their shell~at the foot of the ladder, a zoo's a cell~ Quote Right
Quote Left Once upon a fallen book ... his albatross was on a hook ... for laugh the flock's outlook ... pages appear to overcook ... words singed and mistook ... the look on his face shook ... he got back up to change the look ... to rewrite the spell in his nook ... a second wind is all it took ... best wishes to the authors Quote Right
Quote Left Love is best spelled when it is in action mode. Quote Right
Quote Left Great poets have vision, mediocre ones have spell check. Quote Right
Quote Left As anger of rats these days people spell words towards unfaithful political leaders but in leader's presence they hide heads as rats enter to hibernate. Quote Right
Quote Left A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the word you first thought of. Quote Right
Quote Left When it comes to spelling, nobody's prefect. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things