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Solution Quotations

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Quote Left The aura of the theocratic death penalty for adultery still clings to America, even outside New England, and multiple divorce, which looks to the European like serial polygamy, is the moral solution to the problem of the itch. Love comes into it too, of course, but in Europe we tend to see marital love as an eternity which encompasses hate and also indifference: when we promise to love we really mean that we promise to honor a contract. Americans, seeming to take marriage with not enough seriousness, are really taking love and sex with too much. Quote Right
Quote Left Laugh at yourself and at life. Not in the spirit of derision or whining self-pity, but as a remedy, a miracle drug, that will ease your pain, cure your depression, and help you to put in perspective that seemingly terrible defeat and worry with laughter at your predicaments, thus freeing your mind to think clearly toward the solution that is certain to come. Never take yourself too seriously. Quote Right
Quote Left If men can develop weapons that are so terrifying as to make the thought of global war include almost a sentence for suicide, you would think that man's intelligence and his comprehension... would include also his ability to find a peaceful solution. Quote Right
Quote Left My thinking had been opened up wide in Mecca. I wrote long letters to my friends, in which I tried to convey to them my new insights into the American black man’s struggle and his problems as well as the depths of my search for truth and justice. “I’ve had enough of someone else’s propaganda,” I had written to these friends. “I am for truth, no matter who tells it. I am for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I am a human being first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” The American white man’s press called me the angriest Negro in America. I wouldn’t deny that charge; I spoke exactly as I felt. I believe in anger. I believe it is a crime for anyone who is being brutalized to continue to accept that brutality without doing something to defend himself. I am for violence if non-violence means that we continue postponing or even delaying a solution to the American black man’s problem. White man hates to hear anybody, especially a black man, talk about the crime that the white man perpetrated on the black man. But let me remind you that when the white man came into this country, he certainly wasn’t demonstrating non-violence. Quote Right
Quote Left It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem. Quote Right
Quote Left There is in every madman a misunderstood genius whose idea, shining in his head, frightened people, and for whom delirium was the only solution to the strangulation that life had prepared for him. Quote Right
Quote Left Science is the search for truth - it is not a game in which one tries to beat his opponent, to do harm to others. We need to have the spirit of science in international affairs, to make the conduct of international affairs the effort to find t he right solution, the just solution of international problems, not the effort by each nation to get the better of other nations, to do harm to them when it is possible. Quote Right
Quote Left Beer. Now there's a temporary solution Quote Right
Quote Left The simple solution for disappointment depression Get up and get moving. Physically move. Do. Act. Get going. Quote Right
Quote Left I have made it quite clear that a unified Ireland was one solution that is out. A second solution was a confederation of two states. That is out. A third solution was joint authority. That is out-that is a derogation of sovereignty. Quote Right
Quote Left Zoning has become a bad word again, but (justices of the peace) need to realize that they've been spending a lot of time this past year taking on all these small component problems with development instead of seeking a big-picture solution. Quote Right
Quote Left The shipment of our 400 000th development tool is proof of Microchip's leadership in this market. It reflects our commitment to going beyond simply offering silicon to providing engineers with a 'whole product solution' comprised of sophisticated development tools, field application engineer support and comprehensive technical documentation. Quote Right
Quote Left Baxter's leadership position is a direct result of our domain expertise and 100% commitment to service and client satisfaction. When employing an AIO type solution, it is critical to have knowledgeable support available to help maximize return on investment. Our employees have a very strong service and service parts background and we pass this expertise on to our client base 24/7/365. We are honored that ARC has recognized our expertise by naming Baxter the market leader. Quote Right
Quote Left In Life: You spill your cereal at breakfast, you get fired from your job, your dog dies, and your house burns down. Computer Equivalent: Virus Detected. In Life: You've finished a 900 page novel. Your life's work. You will be a famous author world-wide; but then, it falls into the lit fireplace. Computer Equivalent: Quitting without saving. In Life: A solution to all problems is found. World peace is achieved, all conflicts end, and everyone is happy. Computer Equivalent: Ctrl+Alt+Del Quote Right
Quote Left This certified 80 PLUS ATX reference design demonstrates our commitment to delivering leading-edge power-efficient solutions to assist power supply designers in their quest to develop highly efficient power supplies. We have worked closely with industry standards organizations and our customers worldwide to develop this economical 80 PLUS compliant power solution. Quote Right
Quote Left Only he is an artist who can make a riddle out of a solution. Quote Right
Quote Left Aided and abetted by corrupt analysts, patients who have nothing better to do with their lives often use the psychoanalytic situation to transform insignificant childhood hurts into private shrines at which they worship unceasingly the enormity of the offenses committed against them. This solution is immensely flattering to the patients -- as are all forms of unmerited self-aggrandizement; it is immensely profitable for the analysts -- as are all forms pandering to people's vanity; and it is often immensely unpleasant for nearly everyone else in the patient's life. Quote Right
Quote Left Confucious say: - fool man climb tree to get cherries; wise man spread limbs. - man who go to bed with sex problem wake up with solution in hand. - man who live in glass house should bathe in the basement. - man who screws near graveyard is fucking near dead. - man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day. - woman who cooks carrots and pees in same pot very unsanitary. - man who goes to bed with an itchy butt wakes up with a smelly finger Quote Right
Quote Left Symptom : Feet cold and wet. Fault : Glass being held at incorrect angle. Solution : Turn glass so that open end is pointing at ceiling. Symptom : Bar moving. Fault: You are being carried out. Solution : Find out if you are being taken to another bar. If not complain loudly that you are being hi-jacked. Symptom : Everything has gone dim. Fault : The pub is closing. Solution : PANIC!! Quote Right
Quote Left I loathe the expression 'What makes him tick.' It is the American mind, looking for simple and singular solution, that uses the foolish expression. A person not only ticks, he also chimes and strikes the hour, falls and breaks and has to be put together again, and sometimes stops like an electric clock in a thunderstorm. Quote Right
Quote Left Take all your dukes and marquesses and earls and viscounts, pack them into one chamber, call it the House of Lords to satisfy their pride and then strip it of all political power. It's a solution so perfectly elegant and preposterous that only the British could have managed it. Quote Right
Quote Left I loathe the expression What makes him tick. It is the American mind, looking for simple and singular solution, that uses the foolish expression. A person not only ticks, he also chimes and strikes the hour, falls and breaks and has to be put together again, and sometimes stops like an electric clock in a thunderstorm. Quote Right
Quote Left Everest Software continues to effectively implement its business plan in bringing to market a comprehensive and affordable business management solution that has the capability to change the way growing companies operate their businesses. Everest has the right mix of technology, market focus and experienced leadership to capitalize on this evolving market. Quote Right
Quote Left I think it's really disgusting that designers use fur, and it's disgusting that people wear fur. It has to stop. It's so unnecessary in today's world, with the technology we have. I'm wearing fabulous 'ultrasuede' tonight. This is totally the look of leather. There's a way to get it without death involved. We should be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Quote Right
Quote Left When I'm working on a problem, I never think about beauty. I think only how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong. Quote Right
Quote Left To alchohol, the cause of and solution to all life's problems Quote Right
Quote Left Listen long enough and the person will generally come up with an adequate solution. Quote Right
Quote Left merely replacing Secretary O'Neill and Lindsey is not a solution. With our economy stalling, unemployment rising and confidence suffering, it is clear that we need more than new faces. We need a new plan to stimulate our economy now. Quote Right
Quote Left War has been the most convenient pseudo-solution for the problems of twentieth-century capitalism. It provides the incentives to modernization and technological revolution which the market and the pursuit of profit do only fitfully and by accident, it makes the unthinkable (such as votes for women and the abolition of unemployment) not merely thinkable but practicable. What is equally important, it can re-create communities of men and give a temporary sense to their lives by uniting them against foreigners and outsiders. This is an achievement beyond the power of the private enterprise economy when left to itself. Quote Right
Quote Left For every problem, there is one solution which is simple, neat and wrong. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Solution

Quote Left Faith sometimes is the best resolution. No one can think like God. Quote Right
Quote Left Rece and religion shouldn't be a hurdle to seek peace. Genocide and terrorism spark anger and make all realize the cruelty of leaders who hunger for power and overlook a peaceful convivence which is the only solution to avoid bloodshed. Aren't these heartless leaders declaring their ego to fulfill a wish to do harm, bringing destruction and death? Quote Right
Quote Left Silage of emotions carry capacity of displaying misty delusion; that's where the values find grace, that's where resolutions help . Quote Right
Quote Left In a democracy you are either a part of the solution or a part of the problem. There is no middle ground. Quote Right
Quote Left All delusions are paid with tears and regrets, and even with bitterness never experienced, the ones who are realistic enough to avoid them, and concentrate on solutions, have fewer headaches to worry about. Quote Right
Quote Left Islam is the best solution, it doesn't care about political correctness or peoples wishwashy feelings, it aims straight at the truth. Quote Right
Quote Left When betrayal is involved among two people then all the roads are closed. Communication , friendship, resolution are never possible ever again. Betrayal kills any civil relation . Therefore , nothing can exist between those involved because everything is buried under dark , sterile soil. Quote Right
Quote Left Be solution-oriented, not blame-oriented. Quote Right
Quote Left Where resolution is required, two paths unfold . . . One will find a common view by compromise and reason . . . the other will seek to silence the opposing voice, while ignorance is sold. Quote Right
Quote Left Reprocess the negative thoughts in your mind, only then will your obstacles ahead have a positive solution to your problem. Quote Right
Quote Left We lose, we feel insulted, humiliated, depressed, revengeful just because we wait to react. Concentrate on finding a solution which is correct, logical in the given situation. Deal with it as a case study. If we keep aside our ego and remain focused, such distractions will automatically vanish. Not every body should have equal importance in one's life. Quote Right
Quote Left If you spend half your time talking about problems and the rest worrying about them ,then you will find no solutions. Quote Right
Quote Left "Suicide is not a solution to conclude the problem; In fact, it's a pollution to trigger and create another problem". Hence,its a bad idea.Think twice before ending your gifted life. Quote Right
Quote Left Always take time out for rejuvenation and redirection. Inquire as you move along the path. There is no one best way. Different paths—different solutions. Refinement is a constant process of growth for better results! Quote Right
Quote Left A solution should kill the cause. Quote Right
Quote Left Sources and Solutions of all my problems, are in my mirror. Quote Right
Quote Left I am not surprised at the social distancing solution imposed to curb the corona virus, the world is so designed, I am surprised by the christian who have become weakened by the world system to accept this as a solution Quote Right
Quote Left Education is not a solution. Quote Right
Quote Left "If a creative person is working in crisis communication and it's welcoming of fictional work along with having a link for its professional display is gold for the problem solver," said Austin Macauley Fictional Author Marc O'Brien, "in a controlled information distribution setting someone can handle a sensitive situation with the goal to find the proper resolution." Quote Right
Quote Left Living like you will not see tomorrow still gives you a natural tendency as a human to act weird and seek for absolution but to me I will tell you to *Live like you won't breathe in the next seconds, minutes, or hour* then you can live well to do good I said many months ago, *our breathes are numbered* *Paciolo Pen Saint?????????* Quote Right
Quote Left "If a book does not have a conflict would you read it so be challenged in life with what the antagonist throws at you knowing that the resolution will be in your favor," said Austin Macauley, UK author Marc O'Brien. Quote Right
Quote Left Not forgiving the ones who asked for a forgiviness with such intentions of punishing them ain't a solution ,,you are bottling hate whilst they remain free from worries Quote Right
Quote Left Life is the only resolution to a problem it is to itself Quote Right
Quote Left isn't the fragment of one's imagination a sinkhole of illusions, when you're teetered to a watering hole, with no resolutions in sight and the pschosis of one drink after another drowns out the derelict in you yet all knowing your mind's leverage is bevel~ Quote Right
Quote Left Always a solvent, but never a solution... Quote Right
Quote Left There are too many problems and not enough people coming up with solutions in this world! Quote Right
Quote Left Love is like solving a math problem once you think you have found the solution many new formulas will follow after. Quote Right
Quote Left I would rather be nothing in the eyes of the world, if something, anything of value in the eyes of God. Too often, myself guilty in the past, when I read poetry the "I" is prominent. I have come to a point in life where I would rather less to stand-out, be a dominant personality, and more to be part of the blended solutions. Quote Right
Quote Left "you would never arrive at the solution if you keep dwelling in the problem" Quote Right
Quote Left Problems are a provocation by the universe to start probing under the surface for possible solutions . Events and situations that enrich life would have remained dormant and unmanifested were it not for this problem. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things