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Role Quotations

Role quotations. Find, read, and share Role quotations. These are the best examples of Role quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left I have to say that the traditional role is kind of a myth. I think the traditional Mexican woman is a fierce woman. Quote Right
Quote Left Socrates: Would this habit of eating animals not require that we slaughter animals that we knew as individuals, and in whose eyes we could gaze and see ourselves reflected, only a few hours before our meal? Glaucon: This habit would require that of us. Socrates: Wouldn't this [knowledge of our role in turning a being into a thing] hinder us in achieving happiness? Glaucon: It could so hinder us in our quest for happiness. Socrates: And, if we pursue this way of living, will we not have need to visit the doctor more often? Glaucon: We would have such need. Socrates: If we pursue our habit of eating animals, and if our neighbor follows a similar path, will we not have need to go to war against our neighbor to secure greater pasturage, because ours will not be enough to sustain us, and our neighbor will have a similar need to wage war on us for the same reason? Glaucon: We would be so compelled. Socrates: Would not these facts prevent us from achieving happiness, and therefore the conditions necessary to the building of a just society, if we pursue a desire to eat animals? Glaucon: Yes, they would so prevent us. Quote Right
Quote Left The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. Quote Right
Quote Left So you think you can tell heaven from hell - blue skies from pain? Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail, a smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell? Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts - hot ashes for trees, hot air for a cool breeze, cold comfort for change? Did you exchange a walk-on part in a war for a lead role in a cage? Quote Right
Quote Left This is a flawed framework. It's built on a basic misunderstanding of the role of nature in meeting human needs such as water for drinking and food production. Quote Right
Quote Left Steven has a role in one of the spots for that campaign. His participation in the Interns spots is reduced. We are looking at alternatives for marketing strategy and that is what the Interns campaign represents, ... We are always looking for ways to represent our brand value. We have an ongoing relationship with Steven. Also, [the] 'Dude, you're getting a Dell' tag line will be sticking around -- it is in the Interns spots now. Quote Right
Quote Left I never thought a role model should be negative. Quote Right
Quote Left Community colleges play an important role in helping people transition between careers by providing the retooling they need to take on a new career. Quote Right
Quote Left There were plenty of role models for us. My mother believed in education and she put all three of us through college at Grambling. She did not have a high school education, but it was something she impressed upon us. After I graduated, I left Texarkana for California, because I knew I could not get a job here. I was in business with certification and accounting, so I figured it was best to go out West. So I went there. It was still tough to get in that field, but things opened up for me. Quote Right
Quote Left Yes, I have cherished my 'demagogue' role. I know that societies often have killed the people who have helped to change those societies. And if I can die having bought any light, having exposed any meaningful truth that will help to destroy the racist cancer that is maligant in the body of America - then, all of the credit is due to Allah. Only the mistakes have been mine. Quote Right
Quote Left My role in society, or any artist or poet's role, is to try and express what we all feel. Not to tell people how to feel. Not as a preacher, not as a leader, but as a reflection of us all. Quote Right
Quote Left The electronic gift card program is an outstanding convenience for our customers as we offer the benefits of technology enjoyed by shoppers in other industries. Deciding to partner with Stored Value Systems was an easy decision because of its leadership role in the stored value industry. Quote Right
Quote Left The role of the artist I now understood as that of revealing through the world-surfaces the implicit forms of the soul, and the great agent to assist the artist was the myth. Quote Right
Quote Left I've been getting a lot of science fiction scripts which contained variations on my Star Trek character and I've been turning them down. I strongly feel that the next role I do, I should not be wearing spandex. Quote Right
Quote Left In this report we really understand and recognize the important role that cultural gender learning plays. Quote Right
Quote Left I've never been to New Zealand before. But one of my role models, Xena, the warrior princess, comes from there. Quote Right
Quote Left A fanatic is one compelled to action by the need to find a strong meaning in life. The fanatic determines for himself what role he is to play in life, and his intense devotion to a cause is the means. Quote Right
Quote Left Sherman made the terrible discovery that men make about their fathers sooner or later... that the man before him was not an aging father but a boy, a boy much like himself, a boy who grew up and had a child of his own and, as best he could, out of a sense of duty and, perhaps love, adopted a role called Being a Father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a Protector, who would keep a lid on all the chaotic and catastrophic possibilities of life. Quote Right
Quote Left The primacy of Turkey's role as a front-line ally in the war on terrorism is expected to assume even greater prominence and urgency as the global war on terrorism continues, Quote Right
Quote Left People need religion. It’s a vehicle for a moral tradition. A crucial role. Nothing can take its place. Quote Right
Quote Left As an actor I think sometimes producers need a little bit of encouragement to see you in a particular role, they may not have as much imagination as you would expect. Quote Right
Quote Left Glorious bouquets and storms of applause are the trimmings which every artist naturally enjoys. But to move an audience in such a role, to hear in the applause that unmistakable note which breaks through good theatre manners and comes from the heart, is to feel that you have won through to life itself. Such pleasure does not vanish with the fall of the curtain, but becomes part of one's own life. Quote Right
Quote Left It may be that our role on this planet is not to worship God--but to create him. Quote Right
Quote Left Such is the role of poetry. It unveils, in the strict sense of the word. It lays bare, under a light which shakes off torpor, the surprising things which surround us and which our senses record mechanically. Quote Right
Quote Left An actor rides in a bus or railroad train; he sees a movement and applies it to a new role. The whole garment in which the actor hides himself is made of small externals of observation fitted to his conception of a role. Quote Right
Quote Left Secularity is one of the republic's great achievements, ... It plays a crucial role in social harmony and national cohesion. We must not allow it to be weakened. Quote Right
Quote Left Any time the intelligence committee pursued a line of inquiry that brought us close to the role of the White House in all of this in the use of intelligence prior to the war, our efforts have been thwarted time and time again, ... The very independence of the United States Congress as a separate and coequal branch of the government has been called into question. Quote Right
Quote Left Natural selection, the unconscious, automatic, blind yet essentially non-random process that Darwin discovered, has no purpose in mind. If it can be said to play the role of watchmaker in nature, it is the blind watchmaker Quote Right
Quote Left All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume. Quote Right
Quote Left The work of an intellectual is not to mould the political will of others; it is, through the analyses that he does in his own field, to re-examine evidence and assumptions, to shake up habitual ways of working and thinking, to dissipate conventional familiarities, to re-evaluate rules and institutions and to participate in the formation of a political will (where he has his role as citizen to play). Quote Right

Member Quotes About Role

Quote Left Every day is a fresh start to play a better role in the play of life! Quote Right
Quote Left When Some old people play their major role in their communities, it is difficult for some virus to affect their youths Quote Right
Quote Left I am driven by a profound belief in taking meaningful actions that advance the wellbeing of humanity and his environment; and I believe that each individual has a role to play regardless of the level, capacity, or sector involved, for we all share this collective responsibility. ~ Aloo Denish Quote Right
Quote Left Women play an integral role in human society, and their contributions are essential to the development and growth of societies worldwide. Quote Right
Quote Left Don't play the role that is expected of you Quote Right
Quote Left When someone asks me my age. My answer will be this: I'm older then what you may think,but younger then what I may appear. To those that know me I play many roles from dad, to uncle to grandfather to brother to son to cousin. I am as old as I feel and as old as I wish to be. Quote Right
Quote Left It's a huge responsibility to bring a new human being into this world and then bring them up so that they can play a positive role in society. Quote Right
Quote Left Parents are role models in guiding, leading and teaching to their own children but never a maid. Quote Right
Quote Left Sanctions play the role of choking. Quote Right
Quote Left Zafar Khan is playing main role in identity crisis. Quote Right
Quote Left When one attempts to play the role of a fool the fool normally gets trapped like a mouse on a glue trap entangled by their own greed. Quote Right
Quote Left William Blake had no public, and yet he’s still read. His critics are dead. ('A Passing Observation about Thinking Outside the Box' on the role of poets in living beyond death, by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left Nothing enables authority like silence.—Leonardo da Vinci on the role of silence in a bullying culture, translation by Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left Success and failure are the great endeavours of life;nobody is dared to astray from their role. One to fall and brims for the countless, because something worth never comes early. Though the beacons for stabilisation are patience and confidence. As soon as you remains at their equilibrium: one day you may brand an aesthetics appointment in your life,Insha Allah! © Muhammad Abdulhamid kumo Quote Right
Quote Left Felicidade. Desde sempre é assim: a felicidade daquela pessoa quem quer ser popular depende das outras; daquelas que buscam o prazer flutua com estados de espírito fora de seu controle. AH! A felicidade da pessoa sábia surge de seus próprios atos livres e do fazer a cada instante, de tudo, mais e mais. Quote Right
Quote Left Nesta terra existem apenas duas situações que uma pessoa pode controlar. A primeira situação é a maneira e como nos preparamos para o dia que chega. Ah! A segunda situação que sempre podemos controlar. O momento em que as coisas realmente acontecem está completamente fora de nosso controle. Quote Right
Quote Left Sempre acreditei que as pessoas que lideram, eleitas ou indicadas, devam fazer mais do que liderar. As pessoas que lideram devem fazer isso e preservar as virtudes, valores, ética e sabedoria. Isso é liderança guardiã. Esse tempo chegou. Atualmente, se as pessoas líderes falham em liderar com virtudes e valores à tona, em algum momento outras pessoas assumem o controle e farão lideres que falharam a seguirem. Quote Right
Quote Left Getting Assignment Help is an important need for an aspirant because we know that academic assignment performs a big role in college. We also know the huge stress and pressure that aspirants have to bear when finishing their assignments and maintaining the curriculum. Quote Right
Quote Left Nunca permita que outras pessoas definam você. Conheça o seu valor. A confiança gera força e propaga grandeza. Assuma o controle de sua vida com confiança e determinação e não há limites para o que você pode fazer ou ser. Quote Right
Quote Left Altos e baixos na vida e nos negócios. Vi que até os pássaros passam dias no chão outros no céu, imagine a vida e os negócios! A vida e os negócios sempre será uma série de altos e baixos. Você, eu e todas as pessoas terão altos e baixos. Nunca deixe faltar controle sobre os super altos, que se tornam destrutivos em médio e longo prazo, e os super baixos, que são imediatamente destrutivos. Quote Right
Quote Left Feminists always find a single mother to name as role models, even when their models have no recourse to their own definition of feminism. Quote Right
Quote Left Pergunta inútil Por quê? "Por quê?" é a pergunta mais inútil no universo. Perguntar "por que isso está acontecendo?" Só pode enfraquecer você. A Pergunta útil é "O quê?" Perguntar "o que eu quero fazer com isso?" Deixa você mais forte deixa você no controle. Quote Right
Quote Left "Por quê?" é a pergunta mais inútil no universo. Perguntar "por que isso está acontecendo?" só pode enfraquecer você. A Pergunta útil é "O quê?" Perguntar "o que eu quero fazer com isso?" deixa você mais forte deixa você no controle. Quote Right
Quote Left I see every human being as a character playing an unpredicted role in a story, that is why I don’t get disappointed or emotional about what people do. Quote Right
Quote Left Relate your work with the growth of nation. It will give you big picture of your role. Quote Right
Quote Left An aspect of Feminism began in the garden of Eden, being too nosy and wanting to take charge in conversation with the serpent, usurping the role of the man, we all know it did not end well. the most prominent branch of Feminism is rebellion. Quote Right
Quote Left Love does not condemn , but the conscience of the mind is a ruthless dictator which does not rest until it’s demands are met. The conscience of mind promises nothing except the religion of perfectionism which is the most oppressive system to life. It assumes the role as the antagonist or the victim of neither which know peace. The laws of love is universal and never changing, but the laws of the conscience of mind is whatever it percieves as truth. Quote Right
Quote Left If the 'Truth' does not do its part, --then a 'Lie' will play out its role... Quote Right
Quote Left Death only occurs once life comes to an agreement with itself. Only after one fulfills its role will it proceed to the next phase. I Am architects your happenings according to the desires of your true self. Because we lack understanding of our true self - we don't understand. Quote Right
Quote Left clothing carries an important role in earthly life and disguising snatches important rights of life Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs