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Report Quotations

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Quote Left LOOKING-GLASS, n. A vitreous plane upon which to display a fleeting show for man's disillusion given. The King of Manchuria had a magic looking-glass, whereon whoso looked saw, not his own image, but only that of the king. A certain courtier who had long enjoyed the king's favor and was thereby enriched beyond any other subject of the realm, said to the king: Give me, I pray, thy wonderful mirror, so that when absent out of thine august presence I may yet do homage before thy visible shadow, prostrating myself night and morning in the glory of thy benign countenance, as which nothing has so divine splendor, O Noonday Sun of the Universe! Please with the speech, the king commanded that the mirror be conveyed to the courtier's palace; but after, having gone thither without apprisal, he found it in an apartment where was naught but idle lumber. And the mirror was dimmed with dust and overlaced with cobwebs. This so angered him that he fisted it hard, shattering the glass, and was sorely hurt. Enraged all the more by this mischance, he commanded that the ungrateful courtier be thrown into prison, and that the glass be repaired and taken back to his own palace; and this was done. But when the king looked again on the mirror he saw not his image as before, but only the figure of a crowned ass, having a bloody bandage on one of its hinder hooves --as the artificers and all who had looked upon it had before discerned but feared to report. Taught wisdom and charity, the king restored his courtier to liberty, had the mirror set into the back of the throne and reigned many years with justice and humility; and one day when he fell asleep in death while on the throne, the whole court saw in the mirror the luminous figure of an angel, which remains to this day. Quote Right
Quote Left If I am to die, this is the week for it. -- John F. Kennedy (to aide John McClone in response to a CIA report about rumours of an assassination plot), June 1962. Quote Right
Quote Left If when a businessman speaks of minority employment, or air pollution, or poverty, he speaks in the language of a certified public accountant analyzing a corporate balance sheet, who is to know that he understands the human problems behind the statistical ones? If the businessman would stop talking like a computer printout or a page from the corporate annual report, other people would stop thinking he had a cash register for a heart. It is as simple as that -- but that isn't simple. Quote Right
Quote Left If the businessman would stop talking like a computer printout or a page from the corporate annual report, other people would stop thinking he had a cash register for a heart Quote Right
Quote Left Just as neighborhood watch programs keep watch over their neighborhoods and report suspicious activity to law enforcement, Internet users now have a 'cyber community watch' program, Quote Right
Quote Left And, of course, you have the commercials where savvy business people Get Ahead by using their Macintosh computers to create the ultimate American business product: a really sharp-looking report. Quote Right
Quote Left A Congressional Budget Office report released as recent as June 2004 says the system will be able to pay full benefits until 2052, and 80 percent after that. Quote Right
Quote Left It-was a tiny mollusc that caused Walter, grandfather of the greatest biologist of the twentieth century, to forge a brief link with the greatest biologist of the nineteenth: Charles Darwin. . . . . . We know this because later that day he wrote hesitantly to Darwin to report what he had found. Quote Right
Quote Left In this report we really understand and recognize the important role that cultural gender learning plays. Quote Right
Quote Left Mark Twain, in an interview today, spoke about hazing at West Point, and denounced the practice as a brutal one and men who indulge in it as bullies and cowards. Why, he said, the fourth class man who is compelled to fight a man from the first class hasn't a show in the world, and it is not intended that he should. I have read the rules provided to prevent such practices, and they are wholly deficient, because one provision is omitted. I would make it the duty of a cadet to report to the authorities any case of hazing which came to his notice; make such reports a part of the vaunted West Point 'code of honor' and the beating of young boys by upper class men will be stopped. I am not opposed to fights among boys as a general thing. If they are conducted in a spirit of fairness, I think it makes boys manly, but I do oppose compelling a little fellow to fight some man big enough to whip two of him. When I was a boy, going to school down in the Mississippi Valley, we used to have our fights, and I remember one occasion on which I got soundly trounced, but we always matched boys as nearly of a size as possible, and there was none of the cowardly methods that seem to prevail at West Point. Quote Right
Quote Left There was a determination made to report 34 cents that quarter. Quote Right
Quote Left If the report contains expert assessment, there will be nothing left to worry about. However, if the report comes out and somehow puts pressure on Iran or speaks with a language of threats, naturally Iran will not abandon its rights and it is prepared for all possible situations and has planned for it. Quote Right
Quote Left This story is about the report. Let people read it and make their own determination. Quote Right
Quote Left Evil borders upon good, and vices are confounded with virtues; as the report of good qualities is delightful to a well-disposed mind, so the relation of the contrary should not be offensive. Quote Right
Quote Left Forty thousand children starve to death each day in the Third World.  One fifth of the children in the poorer countries die of malnutrition and lack of clean water and basic medical care before their fifth birthday.  Two hundred and fifty million children worldwide are going blind through lack of vitamin A in their diet. Quote Right
Quote Left In all honesty, Johnny, we are often at the mercy of the White House for the news we report. Frequently, we simply repeat verbatim what the White House tells us. Quote Right
Quote Left The boss must first distinguish between action information and status information. He must discipline himself not to act on problems his managers can solve, and never to act on problems when he is explicitly reviewing status. I once knew a boss who invariably picked up the phone to give orders before the end of the first paragraph in a status report. That response is guaranteed to squelch full disclosure. Quote Right
Quote Left 'The World Health Organisation which had been running their 13-year smallpox eradication programme in the third world until 1980 wondered if the vaccinations were connected to the AIDS pandemic.  They hired an outside consultant to do a study on it.  He did and said... 'Yes your suspicion is correct.'  But the report was buried by the WHO and so the consultant came to us... His credentials can not be dismissed... We are not giving his name, but the WHO know he is our source.' Quote Right
Quote Left A recent government publication on the marketing of cabbage contains, according to one report, 26,941 words. It is noteworthy in this regard that the Gettysburg Address contains a mere 279 words while the Lord's Prayer comprises but 67. Quote Right
Quote Left Could Hamlet have been written by a committee, or the Mona Lisa painted by a club Could the New Testament have been composed as a conference report Creative ideas do not spring from groups. They spring from individuals. The divine spark leaps from the finger of God to the finger of Adam. Quote Right
Quote Left A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconciously translates what he hears into something he can understand. Quote Right
Quote Left Believe nothing against another but on good authority and never report what may hurt another, unless it be a greater hurt to some other to conceal it. Quote Right
Quote Left If Thomas Edison invented electric light today, Dan Rather would report it on CBS News as candle making industry threatened. Quote Right
Quote Left No one who has read official documents needs to be told how easy it is to conceal the essential truth under the apparently candid and all- disclosing phrases of a voluminous and particularizing report.... Quote Right
Quote Left Certainly, this doesn't warrant a censure or expulsion. As I read the ethics subcommittee report, there's clearly no finding at all of any intentional violation. Quote Right
Quote Left I am often mad, but I would hate to be nothing but mad and I think I would lose what little value I may have as a writer if I were to refuse, as a matter of principle, to accept the warming rays of the sun, and to report them, whenever, and if ever, they happen to strike me. Quote Right
Quote Left That report is now a month overdue, ... We don't yet know what the administration's official position is as a result of their unwillingness to share a report with us. Quote Right
Quote Left And, of course, you have the commercials where savvy businesspeople Get Ahead by using their MacIntosh computers to create the ultimate American business product: a really sharp-looking report. Quote Right
Quote Left If he had been sent to check out Bluebeard's castle, he would have come back with a glowing report about the admirable condition of the cutler... Quote Right
Quote Left This is not something I want dragging on once our pitchers and catchers report [one week from today]. I don't want any distractions. We're either going to be able to sign him before then, or we won't and we'll go forward. We're hoping Sammy considers signing with us. If he doesn't, then we'll turn the page and go forward. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Report

Quote Left "Some people are like news reporters. Loud-mouthed, puppets that are always promising and forecasting shit that'll never happen." Quote Right
Quote Left "Humanity has not changed. Humans have not changed. Reporting has changed." Quote Right
Quote Left Poets are like journalists - reporting the heart rendition of the local and world news. Quote Right
Quote Left Isn't it an irony that we have people marching in US cities saying, free the nipple, and on the news yesterday, it was reported Hugh Hefner's Playboy magazine is now covering it up. Say What? Quote Right
Quote Left Isis threatens mecca, the crane collapse us reported as an accident . Excuse me but I don't think so. If you use your brain, you won't either... Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things