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Remorse Quotations

Remorse quotations. Find, read, and share Remorse quotations. These are the best examples of Remorse quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left 'Oh beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly, Play the Dead March as you carry me along;... Quote Right
Quote Left I believe that he was really sorry that people would not believe he was sorry that he was not more sorry. Quote Right
Quote Left Our nation was born in genocide when it embraced the doctrine that the original American, the Indian, was an inferior race. Even before there were large numbers of Negroes on our shore, the scar of our racial hatred had already disfigured colonial society. From the sixteenth century forward, blood flowed in battles over racial supremacy. We are perhaps the only nation which tried as a matter of national policy to wipe out its indigenous population. Moreover, we elevated that tragic experience into a noble crusade. Indeed, even today we have not permitted ourselves to reject or feel remorse for this shameful episode. Our literature, our films, our drama, our folklore all exalt it. Our children are still taught to respect the violence which reduced a red-skinned people of an earlier culture into a few fragmented groups herded into impoverished reservations. Quote Right
Quote Left Childhood: the period of human life intermediate between the idiocy of infancy and the folly of youth - two removes from the sin of manhood and three from the remorse of age. Quote Right
Quote Left For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been!' Quote Right
Quote Left Remorse is virtue's root; its fair increase are fruits of innocence and blessedness. Quote Right
Quote Left When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us. Quote Right
Quote Left I think remorse ought to stop biting the consciences that feed it. Quote Right
Quote Left In all sincerity, we offer to the loved ones of all innocent victims over the past 25 years, abject and true remorse. No words of ours will co... Quote Right
Quote Left Th abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power. Quote Right
Quote Left Prefer loss to the wealth of dishonest gain; the former vexes you for a time; the latter will bring you lasting remorse. Quote Right
Quote Left Prefer loss to the wealth of dishonest gain the former vexes you for a time the latter will bring you lasting remorse. Quote Right
Quote Left Make it a rule in life never to regret and never look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it; it is good only for wallowing in. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Two Days We Should Not Worry' There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, Two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension. One of these days is Yesterday, with all its mistakes and cares, Its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back Yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed; We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone forever. The other day we should not worry about is Tomorrow With all its possible adversities, its burdens, Its large promise and its poor performance; Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow's sun will rise, Either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds, but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in Tomorrow, For it is yet to be born. This leaves only one day, Today. Any person can fight the battle of just one day It is when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities Yesterday and Tomorrow that we break down. It is not the experience of Today that drives a person mad, It is the remorse and bitterness of something which happened Yesterday And the dread of what Tomorrow may bring. Let us, therefore, live but one day at a time. Quote Right
Quote Left Take every gain without showing remorse about missed profits, because an eel may escape sooner than you think. Quote Right
Quote Left To be left alone, and face to face with my own crime, had been just retribution. Quote Right
Quote Left I have no apologies, no regrets. I gave my very best efforts.... I've been hung in effigy. I've been spat upon. You just have to let those things bounce off. Quote Right
Quote Left Total self-esteem requires total and unconditional acceptance of yourself. You are a unique and worthy individual, regardless of your mistakes, defeats and failures, despite what others may think, say or feel about you or your behavior. If you truly accept and love yourself, you won't have a driving need for attention and approval. Self-esteem is a genuine love of self. Stop all adverse value judging of yourself. Stop accepting the adverse value judgments of others. Purge yourself of all condemnation, shame, blame, guilt & remorse. Quote Right
Quote Left A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. Quote Right
Quote Left One man's remorse is another man's reminiscence Quote Right
Quote Left Go to the effort. Invest the time. Write the letter. Make the apology. Take the trip. Purchase the gift. Do it. The seized opportunity renders joy. The neglected brings regret. Quote Right
Quote Left To a man whose mind is free there is something even more intolerable in the sufferings of animals than in the sufferings of man. For with the latter it is at least admitted that suffering is evil and that the man who causes it is a criminal. But thousands of animals are uselessly butchered every day without a shadow of remorse. If any man were to refer to it, he would be thought ridiculous. And that is the unpardonable crime. That alone is the justification of all that humans may suffer. It cries vengeance upon all the human race. If God exists and tolerates it, it cries vengeance upon God. Quote Right
Quote Left Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible. He is a kind of confidence man, preying on people's vanity, ignorance, or loneliness, gaining their trust and betraying them without remorse. Quote Right
Quote Left Remorse is the echo of a lost virtue. Quote Right
Quote Left Never make a defense or apology before you be accused. Quote Right
Quote Left Show business is the best possible therapy for remorse. Quote Right
Quote Left Hell is simply the displeasure of God mingled with your condemnation of yourself. Brimstone fires are nothing in comparison with the flames of remorse and self-reproach. Quote Right
Quote Left The time is weary it brings no recourse. The wars rage on with no remorse. Suffering lingers misery reins. We are all victims of government and their blood stains. Time is not a friend though you may have been told. For time is not ours to control. What is to come will come What has been written shall come to pass. More ancient then time is our master divine. It dose no good to worry and cry. Teach your young the right road to go. Pray that they listen and don't take the other road. Look beyond the stars that you can see. Where understanding will come as it was meant to be. Quote Right
Quote Left I have no regrets. I wouldn't have lived my life the way I did if I was going to worry about what people were going to say. Quote Right
Quote Left I regret the passing of the studio system. I was very appreciative of it because I had no talent. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Remorse

Quote Left Remorse is a heavy rain that falls too late, yet leaves behind marks and lessons in its wake. Quote Right
Quote Left Remorse and regret is all left in chaos, See where we lie, grave of our own. Quote Right
Quote Left We regret, repent and remorse only when we have lost exhaustively. Quote Right
Quote Left "When the clouds are darkened with remorse, never feel defeated, chase away the clouds and watch the sun brighten everything!" Quote Right
Quote Left Remorse is heavier than guilt when a presumed fear makes us decide somebody's fate. Quote Right
Quote Left People live for Pleasure but the moment you die , Pleasure finds no remorse because it can easily replace you with someone else who's willing to die for it. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs