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Proof Quotations

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Quote Left ... Insatiable, unfathomable, gluttony searches every land and every sea. Some animals it persecutes with snares and traps, with hunting nets, with hooks, sparing no sort of toil to obtain them . . . There is no peace allowed to any species of being . . . No wonder that with so discordant diet disease is ever varying. . . Count the cooks you will no longer wonder at the innumerable number of human maladies. … If these maxims are true, the Pythagorean principles as to abstaining from flesh foster innocence; if ill-founded they at least teach us frugality, and what loss have you in losing your cruelty? I merely deprive you of the food of lions and vultures ... We shall recover our sound reason only if we shall separate ourselves from the herd - the very fact of the approbation of the multitude is a proof of the unsoundness of the opinion or practice. Let us ask what is best, not what is customary. Let us love temperance - let us be just - let us refrain from bloodshed. None is so near the gods as he who shows kindness. Quote Right
Quote Left Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy. Funny Quote Right
Quote Left After the bare requisites of living and reproducing, man wants most to leave some record of himself, a proof, perhaps, that he has really existed. He leaves his proof on wood, on stone, or on the lives of other people. This deep desire exists in everyone, from the boy who scribbles on a wall to the Buddha who etches his image in the race mind. Life is so unreal. I think that we seriously doubt that we exist and go about trying to prove that we do. Quote Right
Quote Left When I Grow Up When I grow up, I wonder if people will be more afraid to cry than they are to die. Will I be able to see a rainbow in a small-filled sky. Will there be any trees left, if not how will the planet survive. Will there be a website at When I grow up, if I got bored and had nothing to do and me and my son built a canoe and water that was once blue would be so poluted it would give us the flu. Will a thousand dollars be enough for a shoe. Will I have to be like you, letting money make the decision for everything that I do. When I grow up, will the existance of dolphins and whales just be a story I tell, starting with Once upon a time and ending with where did we fail. Will adults be the hammer and nail. Will schools be next door to jails. Will the truth be illegal for sale. When I grow up, will people be on the news for anything besides killing. Will those drug dealers still be outside of my building. Will they ever learn how to love or are they still afraid of the feeling. Will tv and music videos still raise America's children. Will students go home from school in a bullet proof bus. What if children had no one to trust, that would hurt me so much and i just want to be happy, when i grow up. Quote Right
Quote Left For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult of our tasks; the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation. Quote Right
Quote Left For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation. Quote Right
Quote Left On the day when a young writer corrects his first proof-sheet he is as proud as a schoolboy who has just got his first dose of pox. Quote Right
Quote Left Romantic love, in pornography as in life, is the mythic celebration of female negation. For a woman, love is defined as her willingness to submit to her own annihilation. The proof of love is that she is willing to be destroyed by the one whom she loves, for his sake. For the woman, love is always self-sacrifice, the sacrifice of identity, will, and bodily integrity, in order to fulfill and redeem the masculinity of her lover. Quote Right
Quote Left Alas, human vices, however horrible one might imagine them to be, contain the proof (were it only in their infinite expansion) of man's longing for the infinite; but it is a longing that often takes the wrong route. It is my belief that the reason behind all culpable excesses lies in this depravation of the sense of the infinite. Quote Right
Quote Left The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us. Quote Right
Quote Left By far the best proof is experience. Quote Right
Quote Left The proof of a poet is that his country absorbs him as affectionately as he has absorbed it. Quote Right
Quote Left For one human being to love another that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation. Quote Right
Quote Left America must not ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof, the smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud. Quote Right
Quote Left We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances - to choose one's own way. Quote Right
Quote Left My true friends have always given me that supreme proof of devotion, a spontaneous aversion for the man I loved. Quote Right
Quote Left Man is a peculiar creature. He spends a fortune making his home insect-proof and air-conditioned, and then eats in the yard. Quote Right
Quote Left The chief contribution of Protestantism to human thought is its massive proof that God is a bore. Quote Right
Quote Left My final merit I refuse you, I refuse putting from me what I really am, Encompass worlds but never try to encompass me, I crowd your sleekest and best by simply looking toward you. Writing and talk do not prove me, I carry the plenum of proof in my face, With the hush of my lips I wholly confound the skeptic. Quote Right
Quote Left The shipment of our 400 000th development tool is proof of Microchip's leadership in this market. It reflects our commitment to going beyond simply offering silicon to providing engineers with a 'whole product solution' comprised of sophisticated development tools, field application engineer support and comprehensive technical documentation. Quote Right
Quote Left Oh Doris Lessing, my dear -- your Anna is wrong about orgasms. They are no proof of love -- any more than that other Anna's fall under the wheels of that Russian train was a proof of love. It's all female shenanigans, cultural mishegoss, conditioning, brainwashing, male mythologizing. What does a woman want? She wants what she has been told she ought to want. Anna Wulf wants orgasm, Anna Karenina, death. Orgasm is no proof of anything. Orgasm is proof of orgasm. Someday every woman will have orgasms -- like every family has color TV -- and we can all get on with the real business of life. Quote Right
Quote Left We have no proof, but if we extrapolate, based on the best information we have available to us, we have to come to the conclusion that ... other life probably exists out there and perhaps in many places... Quote Right
Quote Left Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy. Quote Right
Quote Left A dislike of death is no proof of the want of religion. The instincts of nature shrink from it, for no creature can like its own dissolution. But though death is not desired, the result of it may be, for dying to the Christian is the way to life eternal. Quote Right
Quote Left Let us wait for the page proof. Quote Right
Quote Left Frank oh, say can you see, buy the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming. who's bright strips and broad stars, in the parelious night, o'er the rampart's we watched, as the da da, da, da, da, da, and the rocket's red glare, lots of bombs in the air, gave proof to the night, that we still had a flag, oh say does that spangle banner wave, over all-l-l-l-l that's free, over the home, of the land, and the land of the free Quote Right
Quote Left I gather, young man, that you wish to be a Member of Parliament. The first lesson that you must learn is, when I call for statistics about the rate of infant mortality, what I want is proof that fewer babies died when I was Prime Minister than when anyone else was Prime Minister. That is a political statistic. Quote Right
Quote Left It can be shown that for any nutty theory, beyond-the-fringe political view, or strange religion there exists a proponent on the Net. The proof is left as an exercise for your kill-file. Quote Right
Quote Left Acceptance without proof is the fundamental characteristic of Western religion, rejection without proof is the fundamental characteristic of Western science. Quote Right
Quote Left I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Proof

Quote Left When you no longer carry the burden of proof, true freedom — in the wind Quote Right
Quote Left There are bulletproof jackets but no time proof suits. Quote Right
Quote Left Angels are the proof that heaven exists. Where there’s despair they appear from the mist. Quote Right
Quote Left "Truth is an activity or a theroy to proof the past " Quote Right
Quote Left "I was blinded, as the proof was lying, a love to hate, the cry of silence." Quote Right
Quote Left An opinion is not proof of anything. Quote Right
Quote Left In the act of conspiracy, the indecisiveness of the liberal is the fertile ground for the extremist to give the former the proof he needs after the damages have been done. Quote Right
Quote Left In The Classroom of analysis, students who are too quick to debunk written evidence must also be armed with opposing "truth" to the evidence which they defy. never be too quick to say "I don't believe this or that"when you have no opposing tested grounds of evidence. Be careful to oppose with valid proof and consider that no one comes to the stage of argument without a superior argument except a simpleton Quote Right
Quote Left If you can touch sensitive plant (mimosa pudica) without physical touch. This is the proof that you are sahibey tasaruf. The one who is able to have an effect on a thing. Test By ARK For Gifted Individuals Who Possess Higher Level Of Energy. Quote Right
Quote Left Our existence is the greatest proof of a powerful creator and that creator is God. Quote Right
Quote Left Science is the proof of God's existence Quote Right
Quote Left To say there is no absolutes, is to say there is no truth. But the existence of life itself, provides its very own proof. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs