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Project Quotations

Project quotations. Find, read, and share Project quotations. These are the best examples of Project quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left They're great songwriters in the tradition of the Beatles and Pink Floyd. Their songs are beautiful and filled with all sorts of wonderful textures. It's all very emotional and moving. It's the first outside project I've ever produced. Quote Right
Quote Left Indeed the SALT project has become an iconic symbol for what can be achieved in Science and Technology in the new South Africa. Quote Right
Quote Left Why Paul God already had called twelve apostles of the kingdom Although Judas had fallen in transgression, the seat of his apostolic office was filled by Matthias preceding the day of Pentecost. Insofar as Paul was unconverted at the time, he could not have possibly fulfilled the qualificatios set down by the Holy Spirit to be numbered with the twelve (Acts 121-26). Of course, there are many dispensationalists who would agree with this interpretation, but teach that God ordained Paul to be the thirteenth apostle of the kingdom. Perhaps you have heard the saying, 'They jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.' In other words, we have gone from bad to worse, which is certainly the case with this view. the number twelve is stamped throughout the pages of prophecy, thus eliminating the possibility of a thirteenth apostolic office (Matt. 1928 cf. Rev. 12-21). What logical explanation then can we give for Paul's apostleship Before the foundation of the world, God foreordained that He would raise up a new apostle to reveal His eternal purpose for the parenthetical age of Grace in which we now live. Hence, Paul says 'But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by His grace, to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the heathen Gentiles...' (Gal. 115.16). When God temporarily rolled up the building plans of prophecy and placed them aside, He made known a secret set of plans. With this program came a completely new set of blueprints. According to the counsel of His will, He had predetermined to call Paul as the masterbuilder of the project. So then, the instructions for our building program are found in Paul's epistles. Little wonder the apostles says 'I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.' (1 Cor. 310). It is essential to use Pauline constructio materials (grace doctrines), simply because someday soon the Building Inspector will examine our workmanship to determine if we followed His codes. Quote Right
Quote Left The common erotic project of destroying women makes it possible for men to unite into a brotherhood; this project is the only firm and trustworthy groundwork for cooperation among males and all male bonding is based on it. Quote Right
Quote Left If we should swap a good library for a second-rate stump speech and not ask for boot, it would be thoroughly in tune with our hearts. For deep... Quote Right
Quote Left Further, we can now explain the widespread custom of covering up mirrors or turning them to the wall after a death has taken place in the house. It is feared that the soul, projected out of the person in the shape of his reflection in the mirror, may be carried off by the ghost of the departed, which is commonly supposed to linger about the house till the burial. The custom is thus exactly parallel to the Aru custom of not sleeping in a house after a death for fear that the soul, projected out of the body in a dream, may meet the ghost and be carried off by it. The reason why sick people should not see themselves in a mirror, and why the mirror in a sick-room is therefore covered up, is also plain; in time of sickness, when the soul might take flight so easily, it is particularly dangerous to project it out of the body by means of the reflection in a mirror. The rule is therefore precisely parallel to the rule observed by some peoples of not allowing sick people to sleep; for in sleep the soul is projected out of the body, and there is always a risk that it may not return. Quote Right
Quote Left Successful Project Management: PLAN, EXECUTE, EVALUATE Sounds simple, but most projects aren't well planned nor are they evaluated well. The tendency is to jump right into execution and as soon as execution is completed (which usually isn't soon), move on to the next project without evaluating what happen on the present project and what could have been improved. Successful project management requires more front and back end resources (and less middle) than are usually allocated. Quote Right
Quote Left When God temporarily rolled up the building plans of prophecy and placed them aside, He made known a secret set of plans. With this program came a completely new set of blueprints. According to the counsel of His will, He had predetermined to call Paul as the masterbuilder of the project. So then, the instructions for our building program are found in Paul's epistles. Little wonder the apostles says 'I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon' (1 Cor. 310). It is essential to use Pauline construction materials (grace doctrines), simply because someday soon the Building Inspector will examine our workmanship to determine if we followed His codes. Quote Right
Quote Left I actually built a tiny computer as a junior high school project. Quote Right
Quote Left Think and feel yourself there! To achieve any aim in life, you need to project the end-result. Think of the elation, the satisfaction, the joy! Carrying the ecstatic feeling will bring the desired goal into view. Quote Right
Quote Left This will be the largest construction project in Manatee school district history. I think what we are creating is a world-class facility. Quote Right
Quote Left The candidate tells us we are the 'backbone of the State,' and we know that it is true, not because we are possessed of certain endowed virtue... Quote Right
Quote Left A candidate once called his opponent 'a willful, obstinate, unsavory, obnoxious, pusillanimous, pestilential, pernicious, and perversable liar... Quote Right
Quote Left I have all the patience in the world about Sirens. For me it's not a Grateful Dead project, it's a Me project. Quote Right
Quote Left Anybody who's studied software engineering knows that a schedule which underestimates the time needed to develop a project actually makes the project take longer. Quote Right
Quote Left One characteristic of winners is they always look upon themselves as a do it yourself project. Quote Right
Quote Left Humanity has passed through a long history of one-sidedness and of a social condition that has always contained the potential of destruction, despite its creative achievements in technology. The great project of our time must be to open the other eye: to see all-sidedly and wholly, to heal and transcend the cleavage between humanity and nature that came with early wisdom. Quote Right
Quote Left Always have some project under way . . . an ongoing project that goes over from day to day and thus makes each day a smaller unit of time. Quote Right
Quote Left As a producer, I think one of the most important decisions you make is not necessarily the material you are working on but the production apparatus that you choose to develop the project with, and that determines what funding you go to, it determines many factors. Quote Right
Quote Left One idea is enough to organize a life and project it Into unusual but viable forms, but many ideas merely... Quote Right
Quote Left At the end of the day, though, there are a huge number of considerations that our management team go through before accepting any project - checking out the license is just one of them. Quote Right
Quote Left The cancer project scales up to well over 100 Human Genome Projects. Quote Right
Quote Left We begin to see that the completion of an important project has every right to be dignified by a natural grieving process. Something that required the best of you has ended. You will miss it. Quote Right
Quote Left People who say that life is not worthwhile are really saying that they themselves have no personal goals which are worthwhile. Get yourself a goal worth working for. Better still, get yourself a project. Always have something ahead of you to look forward to -- to work for and hope for. Quote Right
Quote Left They had their fortunes to make, everything to gain and nothing to lose. They were schooled in and anxious for debates; forcible in argument; ... Quote Right
Quote Left When people speak of creating superhumanly intelligent beings, they are usually imagining an AI project. Quote Right
Quote Left I think this project of democracy-building in Iraq has alarmed many authoritarian autocratic regimes in the region, ... Many of them are counting on our failure, and they have not been helpful. Quote Right
Quote Left We could not build projects of this nature without federal aid such as this. This type of project is important to all cities, whether they're in Alabama or Arizona or North Dakota. Quote Right
Quote Left Oh Death he is a little man, And he goes from do' to do' ... Quote Right
Quote Left IBM is helping to greatly advance and expedite quality sampling while providing our project investigators peace of mind that the information they are gathering is securely stored and protected. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Project

Quote Left Don't let the ruins of the past destroy your future projects. May 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left Astral projection is impossible without oxygen. Quote Right
Quote Left My stay-at-home project to promote optimism is my oil painting of a bison with the thought - If he can make it through, we can make it too. Quote Right
Quote Left life is projected to do welfare for other, those who cannot do it usually its better to pass away silently from this world Quote Right
Quote Left self projection cures self neglection Quote Right
Quote Left Sometimes I get tangle up in too many projects. I should finish one first and then go on the next. When I succeed, I feel gratified and amazed by what I have achieved. Quote Right
Quote Left Good politicians execute projects as a leverage for the next general elections, great leaders execute projects as a legacy for the next generation. Quote Right
Quote Left I will always defend my dreams and, i do not project my life without writing Poetry! Quote Right
Quote Left The beauty Of surface Outwardly Projected Quote Right
Quote Left Beauty The Surface Not Outwardly Projected Quote Right
Quote Left Their is nothing wicked in this world, but our mirrors, the mirrors that project the other side of soul. Quote Right
Quote Left I'm back from my voyage to the Appalachian Mountains. My last stop was near a little town called Martin. This valley is called a"holler," and being there was a real heartbreaker. Myself and a few other Veterans were volunteering for a great company called The Christian Appalachian Project. There is so much more I would like to share with you, but remembering those families and children who live in complete poverty brings tears to my eyes. I am posting a poem about my service there. Quote Right
Quote Left It is this peculiarity of the human mind through which it projects even the most wicked externalities of poverty in the light of art but not the vices inside in the same light that baffles me always. Quote Right
Quote Left Laundering clothes is like redeeming life. When you think you've got this project just about finished, it's probably time to start over, or succumb to your own stinky mess. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs