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Professional Quotations

Professional quotations. Find, read, and share Professional quotations. These are the best examples of Professional quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Being a part of both organizations, there is no comparison in the two organizations. This is a professional organization. The Hornets were just -- I don't know what the hell it was. There is no explaining for them. Quote Right
Quote Left When I was a small boy growing up in Kansas, a friend of mine and I went fishing and as we sat there in the warmth of a summer afternoon on a riverbank we talked about what we wanted to do when we grew up. I told him that I wanted to be a real major-league baseball player, a genuine professional like Honus Wagner. My friend said that he'd like to be President of the United States. Neither of us got our wish. Quote Right
Quote Left When I was a boy growimg up in Kansas, a friend of mine and I went fishing and as we sat there in the warmth of a summer afternoon we talked about what we wanted to do when we grew up. I told him I wanted to be a real major league baseball player, a genuine professional like Honus Wagner. My friend said that he'd like to be president of the United States. Neither of us got our wish. Quote Right
Quote Left To prove our determination and show to both the PSG directors and the French football authorities we disagree with their decisions (...), we have decided to not to send our professional squad to the match. Quote Right
Quote Left A student is not a professional athlete. ... He is not a little politician or junior senator looking for angles ... an amateur promoter, a glad-hander, embryo Rotarian, caf-society leader, quiz kid or man about town. A student is a person who is learning to fulfill his powers and to find ways of using them in the service of mankind. Quote Right
Quote Left Between the amateur and the professional...there is a difference not only in degree but in kind. The skillful man is, within the function of his skill, a different psychological organization...A tennis player or a watchmaker or an airplane pilot is an automatism but he is also criticism and wisdom. Quote Right
Quote Left Be at the pains of putting down every single item of expenditure whatsoever every day which could possibly be twisted into a professional expense and remember to lump in all the doubtfuls. Quote Right
Quote Left Being with a woman all night never hurt no professional baseball player. It's staying up all night looking for a woman that does him in. Quote Right
Quote Left Sometimes the gods have no taste at all. They allow sunrises and sunsets in ridiculous pink and blue hues that any professional artist would dismiss as the work of some enthsiastic amateur who'd never looked at a real sunset. This was one of those sunrises. It was the kind of sunrise a man looks at and says, 'No real sunrise could paint the sky Surgical Appliance Pink.' Nevertheless, it was beautiful. Quote Right
Quote Left You don't like Beethoven. You don't know what you're missing. Overtures like that, get my juices flowing. So powerful. But after his openings, to be honest, he does tend to get a little fucking boring. Quote Right
Quote Left Professional men, they have no cares; whatever happens, they get theirs. Quote Right
Quote Left Books constitute capital. A library book lasts as long as a house, for hundreds of years. It is not, then, an article of mere consumption but fairly of capital, and often in the case of professional men, setting out in life, it is their only capital. Quote Right
Quote Left No letters after your name are ever going to be a total guarantee of competence any more than they are a guarantee against fraud. Improving competence involves continuing professional development ... That is the really crucial thing, not just passing an examination. Quote Right
Quote Left So-called professional mathematicians have, in their reliance on the relative incapacity of the rest of mankind, acquired for themselves a reputation for profundity very similar to the reputation for sanctity possessed by theologians. Quote Right
Quote Left For him to get to the professional level of sports, he's going to need to go where he's going to be able to excel. . . . I think he made the absolute right choice with baseball. Quote Right
Quote Left America believes in education the average professor earns more money in a year than a professional athlete earns in a whole week. Quote Right
Quote Left It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime. Quote Right
Quote Left America has always been a country of amateurs where the professional, that is to say, the man who claims authority as a member of an ?lite which knows the law in some field or other, is an object of distrust and resentment. Quote Right
Quote Left Murphy's Laws of Combat When in doubt, empty your magazine. Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder. If your attack is going well, then it's an ambush. Try to look uninportant because the bad guys may be low on ammo. The enemy diversion you are ignoring, is the main attack. The easy way is always mined. Friendly fire - isn't. If the enemy is in range - SO ARE YOU. Things that must be together to work, usually aren't shipped together. Tracers work both ways. The only thing more accurate than incoming fire is incoming friendly fire. Make it tough for the enemy to get in, and you can't get out. Professional soldiers are predictable, but the world is full of amateurs. Murphy was a grunt. Quote Right
Quote Left Engineering is the professional art of applying science to the optimum conversion of natural resources to the benefit of man. Quote Right
Quote Left Get rid of imagined guilt. You did the best you could at the time, all things considered. If you made mistakes, learn to accept that we are all imperfect. Only hindsight is 20-20. If you are convinced that you have real guilt, consider professional or spiritual counseling (with a competent and trustworthy counselor). If you believe in God a pastor can help you believe also in God's forgiveness. Quote Right
Quote Left There are some similar aspects to all these communities. There is a robust economy in a couple of key areas -- tourism is a key driver as well as professional services. We view this as yet another external validation of the strength of the Florida economy and, therefore, the strength of our strategic plan to develop the economy. Quote Right
Quote Left Every doctor will allow a colleague to decimate a whole countryside sooner than violate the bond of professional etiquette by giving him away. Quote Right
Quote Left I strongly believe the black culture spends too much time, energy and effort raising, praising, and teasing our black children about the dubious glories of professional sports. Quote Right
Quote Left Being with a woman never hurt no professional ball player. It's staying up all night looking for a woman that does him in Quote Right
Quote Left These guys are professional. They know how to win, even when they don't have it. Quote Right
Quote Left Any professional knows that the flute and the piano is a boring combination. All you've got to arrive at is a kind of typical gestural crap, right? You might agree, though you wouldn't call it gestural crap. Quote Right
Quote Left 'We need to reshape the movement as one of grassroots activists, and not 'professional activists' who populate the seemingly endless number of national animal rights groups. For many people, activism has become writing a check to a national group that is very pleased to have you leave it to them. Although it is important to give financial support to worthy efforts only, giving money is not enough and giving to the wrong groups can actually do more harm than good.' Quote Right
Quote Left The word liberal distinguishes whatever nourishes the mind and spirit from the training which is merely practical or professional or from the trivialities which are no training at all. Quote Right
Quote Left A professional is someone who can do his best when he doesn't feel like it. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Professional

Quote Left Some things are best left to professionals~ like God! He is my sole/soul Authority and Source when it comes to spiritual matters. Quote Right
Quote Left Edison Medical [EM] is an additional to Ritter implant system line of premium quality dental implant products used by dental professionals around the world. EM’s extensive inventory is uniquely manufactured for use with more than 70 of the market’s implant brands. Quote Right
Quote Left "If a creative person is working in crisis communication and it's welcoming of fictional work along with having a link for its professional display is gold for the problem solver," said Austin Macauley Fictional Author Marc O'Brien, "in a controlled information distribution setting someone can handle a sensitive situation with the goal to find the proper resolution." Quote Right
Quote Left "If a professional job has any purpose in life then before making a profit the idea that writing fiction to make a statement without hurting anyone using the interpretative concept should be as respected as money earned," said Austin Macauley, UK Author Marc O'Brien. Quote Right
Quote Left I am an agnostic student of literature and an unprofessional writer. Quote Right
Quote Left Normal is a myth perpetuated by advertising media and misguided mental health professionals. Quote Right
Quote Left they say in the future people will stop using periods its because of kids on social media i don't think so there will always be professional and proper writing that is what I tell them XO Quote Right
Quote Left I am a professional civil rights organizer, and have worked on some of the biggest civil rights campaigns in the nation's history. Most of that work was for woman's rights. Not once did I see or meet any feminists. To the best of my professional opinion feminists do nothing but complain about problems that rarely exist. Quote Right
Quote Left Professional obligation and personal ambition have a price...where your spend you time ALSO reveals where you don't spend your time..the cost may be lost LOVE. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things