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Pop Quotations

Pop quotations. Find, read, and share Pop quotations. These are the best examples of Pop quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Look you, Doubloon, your zodiac here is the life of man in one round chapter. To begin: there's Aries, or the Ram -- lecherous dog, he begets us; then, Taurus, or the Bull -- he bumps us the first thing; then Gemini, or the Twins -- that is, Virtue and Vice; we try to reach Virtue, when lo! comes Cancer the Crab, and drags us back; and here, going from Virtue, Leo, a roaring Lion, lies in the path -- he gives a few fierce bites and surly dabs with his paw; we escape, and hail Virgo, the virgin! that's our first love; we marry and think to be happy for aye, when pop comes Libra, or the Scales -- happiness weighed and found wanting; and while we are very sad about that, Lord! how we suddenly jump, as Scorpio, or the Scorpion, stings us in rear; we are curing the wound, when come the arrows all round; Sagittarius, or the Archer, is amusing himself. As we pluck out the shafts, stand aside! here's the battering-ram, Capricornus, or the Goat; full tilt, he comes rushing, and headlong we are tossed; when Aquarius, or the Waterbearer, pours out his whole deluge and drowns us; and, to wind up, with Pisces, or the Fishes, we sleep. Quote Right
Quote Left By definition pop is extremely catchy, whether you like it or not, Cobain says. There are some pop songs I hate but I can't get them out of my head. Our songs also have the standard pop format: Verse, chorus, verse, chorus, solo, bad solo. All in all, I think we sound like The Knack and the Bay City Rollers being molested by Black Flag and Black Sabbath. Quote Right
Quote Left [Although Ball is considered a pop singer, he's not a total stranger to Gilbert and Sullivan, having played Frederick in the West End mounting of Joe Papp's memorable production of The Pirates of Penzance . But Patience is a different kind of work--much of its humor is highly topical, poking fun at the short-lived Aesthetic movement that flourished among British dilettantes 125 years ago. Will that humor translate to a New York audience in the year 2005?] I think there's absolutely no difference to how we regarded things then and how we regard things now, ... There are still those performers and artists who strike on a new art form or mode that attracts their fans, while the majority of us may be saying, 'I'm sorry, but isn't that The Emperor's New Clothes?' There will always be charlatans who do things just to get acclaim and adulation. So I think it'll speak to an audience as clearly today as it did then. Quote Right
Quote Left The new sound-sphere is global. It ripples at great speed across languages, ideologies, frontiers and races. The economics of this musical Esperanto is staggering. Rock and pop breed concentric worlds of fashion, setting and life-style. Popular music has brought with it sociologies of private and public manner, of group solidarity. The politics of Eden come loud. Quote Right
Quote Left Here is an artificial city which has been pumped up under forced draught, inflated like a balloon, stuffed with rural humanity like a goose with corn...endeavoring to eat up this too rapid avalanche of anthropoids, the sunshine metropolis heaves and strains, sweats and becomes pop-eyed, like a young boa constrictor trying to swallow a goat. It has never imparted an urban character to its incoming population for the simple reason that it has never had any character to impart. On the other hand, the place has the manners, culture and general outlook of a huge country village. Quote Right
Quote Left This coffee plunges into the stomach...the mind is aroused, and ideas pour forth like the battalions of the Grand Army on the field of battle.... Memories charge at full gallop...the light cavalry of comparisons deploys itself magnificently; the artillery of logic hurry in with their train of ammunition; flashes of wit pop up like sharp-shooters. Quote Right
Quote Left I've told them, it's their team. Warren has shown signs of being a major factor. He had success when the teams weren't big, strong and physical. If he's going to have a great senior year, he needs to get his legs stronger, become more physical and make a commitment in the weight room. And he probably needs to get in the gym and take extra jump shots to be a consistent pick-and-pop guy. Quote Right
Quote Left There is no comparing the brutality and cynicism of today's pop culture with that of forty years ago: from High Noon to Robocop is a long descent. Quote Right
Quote Left A lot of pop music is about stealing pocket money from children. Quote Right
Quote Left Pop artists deal with the lowly trivia of possessions and equipment that the present generation is lugging along with it on its safari into the future. Quote Right
Quote Left Pop artists deal with the lowly trivia of possessions and equipment that the present generation is lugging along with it on its safari into th... Quote Right
Quote Left Man hardly comes in more than two varieties, wherever he is, whatever he does: workers and pimps ... they're either one or the other! ... and inventors, the worst kind of jobholder! ... they stand condemned! ... the writer who doesn't pimp along, peacefully plagiarizing, who doesn't pump out the pop stuff, he's had it! ... everybody hates him! Quote Right
Quote Left We blacks look for leadership in men and women of such youth and inexperience, as well as poverty of education and character, that it is no wonder that we sometimes seem rudderless. . . . We see basketball players and pop singers as possible role models. Quote Right
Quote Left We are like ignorant shepherds living on a site where great civilizations once flourished. The shepherds play with the fragments that pop up to the surface, having no notion of the beautiful structures of which they were once a part. Quote Right
Quote Left Every once in a while, someone will mail me a single popcorn kernel that didn't pop. I'll get out a fresh kernel, tape it to a piece of paper and mail it back to them. Quote Right
Quote Left Kids, don't buy drugs...become a pop-star and they give them to you for free! Quote Right
Quote Left I think pop music has done more for oral intercourse than anything else that has ever happened, and vice versa. Quote Right
Quote Left You know, putting up a tent is like making love to a beautiful woman. You undo the zip, pop in your pole, and slip into the old bag. Quote Right
Quote Left The majority of pop stars are complete idiots in every respect. Quote Right
Quote Left Every man has been brought up with the idea that decent women don't pop in and out of bed; he has always been told by his mother that nice girls don't. He finds, of course, when he gets older that this may be untrue -- but only in a certain section of society. Quote Right
Quote Left Pop Doyle: May you rot in hell, J.P. J.P.: When I'm dead and gone, you'll know what a friend I was.... Quote Right
Quote Left Certain people want to see me solely as a pop act, but there are many different sides to Christina Aguilera besides the pop girl. Quote Right
Quote Left A nice pop star would do you nice on one of those deserted islands. Quote Right
Quote Left I have a hot memory, but I know I've forgotten many things, too, just squashed things in favor of survival. Quote Right
Quote Left Nihilism is best done by professionals. Quote Right
Quote Left They say that death kills you, But death doesn't kill you. Boredom and indifference kill you. Quote Right
Quote Left What do you do with a lifetime of work? Face it in the morning. Quote Right
Quote Left There's a high pop-up behind second. Richardson has got it and he's under it. Quote Right
Quote Left I mean who the fuck really cares?! Quote Right
Quote Left Pop stars should not eat. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Pop

Quote Left Don't be too eager to become popular Popularity fades quickly But an influencer legacy lives on. Quote Right
Quote Left Cancer is like a death sentence that minimises the growth population And dampens a man's spirit. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Amidst transient trends, be timeless; choose lasting legacy over temporary popularity.' -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left The power of a government is a sacred trust, only justly exercised when it safeguards the liberties and aspirations of its populace. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Only two winners in war, if one can call it that -- both heaven and hell increase their populations. Quote Right
Quote Left Any Sample, of Population created from a sequence of organization .... such as the Alphabet, is rational to its existence. there is no irrational association. Quote Right
Quote Left Bachay nay mujhay lollipop day diya. Quote Right
Quote Left For those people who deny color in the name of political correctness, I say to them, you are fools who only believe in self opinionated, self indulgent, self gratifying creed. You have no real morals. Your morals are like the trends of pathetic celebrities, popular for a month, than out into the trash bin. Quote Right
Quote Left Being authentic means you can say "no." Self-protection is a form of authenticity. Being a people-pleaser may help you gain popularity, but it won't help you be your authentic self. Quote Right
Quote Left to live among the daffodil folk... slip down the rainslickened drainpipe, suddenly pop out the GARGANTUAN SPOUT, minuscule as alice, shout yippee-yi-yee! in wee exultant glee to be leaving behind the LARGE THREE-DENALI GARAGE. ('escape!' by michael r. burch) Quote Right
Quote Left Never let a pinhead pop your ballon. Quote Right
Quote Left Felicidade. Desde sempre é assim: a felicidade daquela pessoa quem quer ser popular depende das outras; daquelas que buscam o prazer flutua com estados de espírito fora de seu controle. AH! A felicidade da pessoa sábia surge de seus próprios atos livres e do fazer a cada instante, de tudo, mais e mais. Quote Right
Quote Left Poppies are red, a symbol of veteran bloodshed, Each petal a tribute to those who fought to their death. Quote Right
Quote Left Nunca será a descrença perigosa para nossa sociedade; será sempre a crença. Ao contrário da crença popular, a prosperidade é um estado emocional que tem pouco a ver com sua riqueza ou com o estado da economia. Conheço pessoas, eu mesmo me conheço que podem se sentir mais próspera em uma casa de um cômodo do que a maioria das pessoas ricas se sente em uma mansão de 20 cômodos. Ninguém precisa fazer nada extravagante para se sentir uma pessoa próspera. Quote Right
Quote Left Friends pop in and out of our lives, true friendships are those that survive. Quote Right
Quote Left Leadership is not about giving speeches, or about being popular. Leadership is not about being loud, or about having a bigger slice of the pie. Leadership is not about having more followers, or about having influential friends. Leadership is not about dominating the weak. Leadership is not about being more powerful. A true leader lifts others up. A true leader makes others share a vision of hope and achievement. A true leader stands up for the weak. A true leader shows the way by their actions. Quote Right
Quote Left I am not loved by everyone I am not as intelligent as everyone I am not as popular as everyone I am not as inspirational as everyone I am a BELIEVER Quote Right
Quote Left I evaded more than populated breathing space unknowingly Quote Right
Quote Left We are more convinced that Luther was right, and the Papal order was wrong, we have examined it by reading the content and through scrutiny, not of our weakness but by divine depth. The Pope would need a thousand arguments against one to convince many to throw away their Bibles which they concealed away from the Romanist before the reformation Quote Right
Quote Left The most unexpected compliments pop up at the most opportune times. Thank them. Quote Right
Quote Left He that will thread an unpopular terrain will have to prepare better & put in more effort than those going through popular routes. He that will clear to pass through a new terrain will have to start early, his journey may be a little slower cos he is charting a new course, he should not be judged by the speed of those on readily defined routes. In preparation and moving forward, he will have to take little details seriously. Not just unpopular, he is unknown. His tracks are naturally hidden. Quote Right
Quote Left "Grief pops out in all directions at the most inopportune times, and there's no way to prepare." Quote Right
Quote Left When you are finished being an adult I have candy, popcorn, and pjs waiting for you, my friend Quote Right
Quote Left I blame the high profile pig headed individuals who own corporations and only think about satiating their own desires for lust and avarice, anything to satisfy their personal gain rather than helping out the rest of the population Quote Right
Quote Left I wonder if this is an Elder RightBrain epidemic, this confusion of NRA origins as National Rifle Association or National Republican Army; a distinction of labels perhaps sharing the same U.S. RedMeat population of hungry pirates. Quote Right
Quote Left Wisdom is not popular, only the result of it's fruits. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs