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Personality Quotations

Personality quotations. Find, read, and share Personality quotations. These are the best examples of Personality quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those we have personality and emotion know what it means to want to escape from these things. Quote Right
Quote Left We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality. Quote Right
Quote Left Personality is the glitter that sends your little gleam across the footlights and the orchestra pit into that big black space where the audience is. Quote Right
Quote Left Temperament lies behind mood; behind will, lies the fate of character. Then behind both, the influence of family the tyranny of culture; and finally the power of climate and environment; and we are free, only to the extent we rise above these. Quote Right
Quote Left You have a nice personality, but not for a human being. Quote Right
Quote Left Abused as we abuse it at present, dramatic art is in no sense cathartic; it is merely a form of emotional masturbation. It is the rarest thing to find a player who has not had his character affected for the worse by the practice of his profession. Nobody can make a habit of self-exhibition, nobody can exploit his personality for the sake of exercising a kind of hypnotic power over others, and remain untouched by the process. Quote Right
Quote Left The cut of a garment speaks of intellect and talent and the color of temperament and heart. Quote Right
Quote Left Abused as we abuse it at present, dramatic art is in no sense cathartic it is merely a form of emotional masturbation. It is the rarest thing to find a player who has not had his character affected for the worse by the practice of his profession. Nobody can make a habit of self-exhibition, nobody can exploit his personality for the sake of exercising a kind of hypnotic power over others, and remain untouched by the process. Quote Right
Quote Left Leadership is not magnetic personality--that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not 'making friends and influencing people'--that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations. Quote Right
Quote Left The personality of the artist, at first a cry or a cadence or a mood and then a fluid, and lambent narrative, finally refines itself out of ex... Quote Right
Quote Left Unable to create a meaningful life for itself, the personality takes its own revenge: from the lower depths comes a regressive form of spontaneity: raw animality forms a counterpoise to the meaningless stimuli and the vicarious life to which the ordinary man is conditioned. Getting spiritual nourishment from this chaos of events, sensations, and devious interpretations is the equivalent of trying to pick through a garbage pile for food. Quote Right
Quote Left When you get the personality, you don't need the nudity. Quote Right
Quote Left Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in. Quote Right
Quote Left To insist on purity is to baptize instinct, to humanize art, and to deify personality. Quote Right
Quote Left Style is, above all, a system of forms with a quality and a meaningful expression through which the personality of the artist and the broad ou... Quote Right
Quote Left Evidently there are plenty of people in journalism who have neither got what they liked nor quite grown to like what they get. They write pieces they do not much enjoy writing, for papers they totally despise, and the sad process ends by ruining their style and disintegrating their personality, two developments which in a writer cannot be separate, since his personality and style must progress or deteriorate together, like a married couple in a country where death is the only permissible divorce. Quote Right
Quote Left When you choose your friends, don't be short-changed by choosing personality over character. Quote Right
Quote Left Artistic temperament is the disease that afflicts amateurs. Quote Right
Quote Left What we call personality (...) has become the most impersonal thing in the world. Its pale and featureless face appears like a ghost at every corner and in every crowd. ... Individualism kills individuality, precisely because individualism has to be an 'ism' quite as much as Communism or Calvinism. The economic and ethical school which calls itself individualist ended by threatening the world with the flattest and dullest spread of the commonplace. Men, instead of being themselves, set out to find a self to be: a sort of abstract economic self identified with self-interest. But while the self was that of a man, the self-interest was generally that of a class or a trade or even an empire. So far from really remaining a separate self, the man became part of a communal mass of selfishness. Quote Right
Quote Left Genius is personality with two measures of talent Quote Right
Quote Left The family must be democratized in that sense in which each individual within its bond shall be sustained in seeking and in maintaining the conditions of personality. No one human being to live solely for other's service..., but all to seek the utmost perfection of individual life as a contribution to the common life; this is the democratic ideal. There seems to be no other inherited institution in which this spiritual essence of democracy can be so clearly and so well realized as it may be and today often is in the private monogamic family. Quote Right
Quote Left When I examined my political faith I found that my strongest belief was in democracy according to my own definition. Democracythe essential thing as distinguished from this or that democratic governmentwas primarily an attitude of mind, a spiritual testament, and not an economic structure or a political machine. The testament involved certain basic beliefsthat the personality was sacrosanct, which was the meaning of liberty; that policy should be settled by free discussion; that normally a minority should be ready to yield to a majority, which in turn should respect a minoritys sacred things. It seemed to me that democracy had been in the past too narrowly defined and had been identified illogically with some particular economic or political system such as laissez-faire or British parliamentarism. I could imagine a democracy which economically was largely socialist and which had not our constitutional pattern. Quote Right
Quote Left An actor is totally vulnerable. His total personality is exposed to critical judgment - his intellect, his bearing, his diction, his whole appearance. In short, his ego. Quote Right
Quote Left Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not you go out and look for a successfull personality an duplicate it. Quote Right
Quote Left When science, art, literature, and philosophy are simply the manifestation of personality they are on a level where glorious and dazzling achievements are possible, which can make a man's name live for thousands of years. But above this level, far above, separated by an abyss, is the level where the highest things are achieved. These things are essentially anonymous. Quote Right
Quote Left The unique personality which is the real life in me, I can not gain unless I search for the real life, the spiritual quality, in others. I am myself spiritually dead unless I reach out to the fine quality dormant in others. For it is only with the god enthroned in the innermost shrine of the other, that the god hidden in me, will consent to appear. Quote Right
Quote Left Suffering is the substance of life and the root of personality, for it is only suffering that makes us persons. Quote Right
Quote Left Cher: I think, no, no I am certain that you are the most unattractive man I have met in my entire life. In the short time that I have known you, you have demonstrated all of the loathsome characteristics of the male personality, AND even discovered a few new ones. You are physically repulsive, morally reprehensible, selfish, stupid, you have no taste, a lousy sense of humor, and you smell. You know, you're not even interesting enough to make me sick. Jack Nicholson: Uh, do you want to be on the top or the bottom? Quote Right
Quote Left If you make a habit of sincere prayer, your life will be very noticeably and profoundly altered. Prayer stamps with its indelible mark our actions and demeanor. A tranquility of bearing, a facial and bodily repose, are observed in those whose inner lives are thus enriched. . . . Properly understood, prayer is a mature activity indispensable to the fullest development of personality . . . . Only in prayer do we achieve that complete and harmonious assembly of body, mind and spirit which gives the frail human reed its unshakable strengths. Quote Right
Quote Left To argue that we humans are capable of complex multifarious thought and feeling, whereas the sheep's perception is probably limited by lowly sheepish perceptions, is no more to the point than if I were to slaughter and eat you on the grounds that I am a sophisticated personality able to enjoy Mozart, formal logic and cannibalism, whereas your imaginative world seems confined to True Romances and tinned spaghetti. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Personality

Quote Left "Situations and people do not control our behaviour or our personality." Quote Right
Quote Left Every strong personality had a depressive past. Quote Right
Quote Left Meditation is the crux of realising manifestations, meditation is the glow on a personality, meditation is foresightedness, meditation is the confidence, meditation is the character Quote Right
Quote Left Our children may look like us, but they each have their own personality and life path. Empower them to make good choices. Set them free to be themselves. Quote Right
Quote Left Nowadays, it might be challenging to locate someone with decent morals and personality. Furthermore, we shouldn't presume that someone has wonderful character based just on their appearance or their good behavior, just as we shouldn't judge a book by its cover. They may be beneficial to us right now, but circumstances inevitably change. Change happens regularly and frequently in humans. In my opinion there ought to be more trustworthy and honorable people in this society. Gratia Pieris Quote Right
Quote Left Shiva =ee=sh=r Eeshvar Not name savbhav quality of personality Quote Right
Quote Left There are too many psychologist on pulpit today, it is a real torture of the soul to endure ninety minutes or more of deliveries without the essence of the soul, without the message of the cross, without the personality of Christ, without a reflection of eternity, it is a torture to those who seek Christ in every sermon Quote Right
Quote Left Values, Ethics; these are not just accessories to bejewel ones personality. These are the core to your right and wrong. These decide the course of your life. Quote Right
Quote Left We human beings are in pursuit of glory. It is a long journey filled with obstacles. Many of us give up in the middle unable to complete the journey because we lack courage to proceed further. Only few complete their journey glorifying their personality , leaving a mark in this world. We must turn our adversities into opportunities and failures into success. I can understand it is a herculean task but not impossible. There is nothing impossible ,making impossible possible is up to us. Quote Right
Quote Left People that take themselves too seriously sacrifice their personality, I'd rather be a prat Quote Right
Quote Left I would rather be nothing in the eyes of the world, if something, anything of value in the eyes of God. Too often, myself guilty in the past, when I read poetry the "I" is prominent. I have come to a point in life where I would rather less to stand-out, be a dominant personality, and more to be part of the blended solutions. Quote Right
Quote Left Wheelchairs are a means of transportation, not a part of someone's personality. Quote Right
Quote Left My social is regulated by my office, my office is regulated by my belief but my personality is independent Quote Right
Quote Left Understanding physics and personality are alike in that applicators of the science need to understand how temporary and limited truth can ever be. Quote Right
Quote Left Build your character like an outstanding person that there is no crack in your personality like a broken mirror. Quote Right
Quote Left it all comes down to the inner voice, your spirit onboard has the choice, to be a grumpy Mole, or enjoy being old, personality is the force, who rides upon your horse, where laughter doth unfold... Quote Right
Quote Left fades time time fades us all like old parchment, till it becomes personality time, the prettiest thorn mongst the roses wilt have you a laughing just fine Don Quote Right
Quote Left I don't need to watch I know what time it is in life. I change before the time change therefore my personality is changeless throughout my lifetime. Universe Interconnected OwnSelf Quote Right
Quote Left Marks cannot judge a person but personality can. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things