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P Quotations

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Quote Left We can make truth ours by actively modulating its inter-relations. This is the work of art; for reality is not based in the substance of things but in the principle of relationship. Truth is the infinite pursued by metaphysics; fact is the infinite p Quote Right
Quote Left -and that 90 percent of the arrangements for an attack on the United States were complete. The color-coded warning system is not raised. The Homeland Security secretary, Tom Ridge, does not attend the announcement. Number eight. July 6, 2004. Democratic p Quote Right
Quote Left Majority rule is a precious, sacred thing worth dying for. But -- like other precious, sacred things, such as the home and the family -- it's not only worth dying for; it can make you wish you were dead. Imagine if all of life were determined by majority rule. Every meal would be a pizza. Every pair of pants, even those in a Brooks Brothers suit, would be stonewashed denim. Celebrity diet and exercise books would be the only thing on the shelves at the library. And -- since women are a majority of the population -- we'd all be married to Mel Gibson. Quote Right
Quote Left Neutrality is a negative word. It does not express what America ought to feel.... We are not trying to keep out of trouble; we are trying to p... Quote Right
Quote Left The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island in the midst of black seas of infinity and it was not meant that we should voyage far. Some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality that we shall either go mad from the relevation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. Theosophists have guessed at the awesome grandeur of the cosmic cycle wherein our world and human race form transient incidents. Quote Right
Quote Left Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement -- and we will make the goal. Quote Right
Quote Left The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. Quote Right
Quote Left Skiing consists of wearing 3,000 worth of clothes and equipment and driving 200 miles in the snow in order to stand around at a bar and drink. Quote Right
Quote Left Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a remarkable breakdown of taste and intelligence at Christmas time. Mature, responsible grown men wear neckties made of holly leaves and drink alcoholic beverages with raw egg yolks and cottage cheese in them Quote Right
Quote Left Maria: You should get out of these clothes immediately. You'll catch your death of pneumonia, you will. Inspector Clouseau: Yes, yes, I p... Quote Right
Quote Left Have you ever seen an inchworm crawl up a leaf or a twig, and then, clinging to the very end, revolve in the air, feeling for something, to reach something That's like me. I am trying to find something out there beyond the place on which I have footing. Quote Right
Quote Left You know your children are growing up when they stop asking you where they came from and refuse to tell you where they're going. Quote Right
Quote Left No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the sources of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. Quote Right
Quote Left Nothing is lost yet, nothing broken, and yet the cold blue word is spoken: say goodbye now to the Sun, the days of love and leaves are done. Quote Right
Quote Left There is, I confess, a hazard to the philosophical analysis of humor. If one rereads the passages that have been analyzed, one may no longer b... Quote Right
Quote Left Irony is an insult conveyed in the form of a compliment. Quote Right
Quote Left Our democracy, our culture, our whole way of life is a spectacular triumph of the blah. Why not have a political convention without politics to nominate a leader who's out in front of nobody? Maybe our national mindlessness is the very thing that keeps us from turning into one of those smelly European countries full of pseudo-reds and crypto-fascists and greens who dress like forest elves. Quote Right
Quote Left I trained like an animal, but the thing is focus and concentration. When the bell rings it's like when the little red light goes on over the camera. And I can usually nail my lines on the first or second take because I'm right there. Quote Right
Quote Left The preamble to the Constitution states We, the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare... It doesn't say guarantee the general welfare. And it certainly doesn't say give welfare benefits to all the people in the country who aren't doing so well even if the reason they aren't doing so well is because they're sitting on their butts in front of the TV. Quote Right
Quote Left Authority has always attracted the lowest elements in the human race. All through history mankind has been bullied by scum. Those who lord it over their fellows and toss commands in every direction and would boss the grass in the meadow about which way to bend in the wind are the most depraved kind of prostitutes. They will submit to any indignity, perform any vile act, do anything to achieve power. The worst off-sloughings of the planet are the ingredients of sovereignty. Every government is a parliament of whores. The trouble is, in a democracy the whores are us. Quote Right
Quote Left In answer to the question of why it happened, I offer the modest proposal that our Universe is simply one of those things which happen from time to time. Quote Right
Quote Left People are all exactly alike. There's no such thing as a race and barely such a thing as an ethnic group. If we were dogs, we'd be the same breed. George Bush and an Australian Aborigine have fewer differences than a Lhasa apso and a toy fox terrier. A Japanese raised in Riyadh would be an Arab. A Zulu raised in New Rochelle would be an orthodontist. People are all the same, though their circumstances differ terribly. Quote Right
Quote Left Giving money and power to governments is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys Quote Right
Quote Left Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. Quote Right
Quote Left Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement - and we will make the goal. Quote Right
Quote Left The quickest and shortest way to crush whatever laurels you have won is for you to rest on them. Quote Right
Quote Left Colossians 2:12: Having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead. (NIV)

[Thus you were circumcised when] you were buried with Him in [your] baptism, in which you were also raised with Him [to a new life] through [your] faith in the working of God [as displayed] when He raised Him up from the dead. (AMP)

Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. (KJV)

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Quote Left With Epcot Center the Disney corporation has accomplished something I didn't think possible in today's world. They have created a land of make-believe that's worse than regular life. Quote Right
Quote Left Scientists are the easiest to fool. They think in straight, predictable, directable, and therefore misdirectable, lines. The only world they know is the one where everything has a logical explanation and things are what they appear to be. Children and conjurors - they terrify me. Scientists are no problem against them I feel quite confident. Quote Right

Member Quotes About P

Quote Left Paradox of Extremes If you have everything then you have nothing. If have nothing but love then you have everything. It matters not the collection of materialistic things, they don’t satisfy. Spiritual gathering of friends and loved ones will be your treasure. In this the moment of your life, it will become eternal. Quote Right
Quote Left God has everything, needs nothing from us...except our love. Love is priceless. Love is the pure essence of truly being. Quote Right
Quote Left "One Penny on the ground is overlooked by even the loliest of passers by. But a room full of Pennies create Bills that prevent the dinagration of the One." "(Browned-Cents)" Quote Right
Quote Left I'm not getting fat, I'm improving my spatial visibility! Quote Right
Quote Left "Poetry and words are one." Quote Right
Quote Left We want to die surrounded by thousands of people that love us, in honesty few people get that. So cherish everyone in your life that does care, even if it's only one person. Quote Right
Quote Left Every time I try to see you, something stands in our way. You've been my rock and my refuge, but I fear you’ll think I’m playing games. I love you deeply and long to be with you, yet unseen forces keep us apart. Please know my love is true, despite the obstacles in our path. Quote Right
Quote Left Cheaters will go so far overboard to win that they expose their ugly existence, leaving no room for others to believe that it was a mistake. Quote Right
Quote Left Honesty is at least half of every poem -- if one starts with attempt at self truth -- the rest is made far easier. Quote Right
Quote Left Change ... is a constant process- yet some things remain the same. Quote Right
Quote Left I am not heard rather just spoken to Quote Right
Quote Left Don’t buy me a bouquet of dollars But hand pick me a bunch of weeds Quote Right
Quote Left The guiding light in life Comes From a spark Within Quote Right
Quote Left "What if the universe is the simplest possible explanation of love?" 2024-05-31 Quote Right
Quote Left Admittedly, I’m probably pretty vanilla, I just want one flavor with a spicy kink just for me. Still, I can respect a desire for rainbow sprinkles or sorbet, we all have different tastes but love what we love the same way. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is a mysterious journey, of shape-shifting, soul transforming conscious experiences -- Time and place are not nearly important as, quality of grace and love honed and hued. Quote Right
Quote Left If the past still haunts you , that means you have done something. Quote Right
Quote Left "LOVE, just four letters for a very powerful word." Quote Right
Quote Left Silent n calm water boiling inside.. percolating out of those poignant precious eyes. Though vaporize before oozing out.. May it be the surrender or indomitable will!!!! Quote Right
Quote Left Killing thousands of people should make everyone feel the same everywhere, as it means the same everywhere. It is something against our nature everywhere, so no matter WHO or by WHAT or THROUGH what support or with which nationality or WEARING or to some EXTENT is doing. What matters most is that it is "killing people" by ALL manner of means and how we need your humanity to take a stand against it everywhere. Quote Right
Quote Left Definition of a poet: I think a poet is...? A poet is...? A! Quote Right
Quote Left As long as there are spring sunrises...buds into roses, kisses into bouquets, chocolates with valentines -- there Love will also blossom...perennial bloom of the Sacred Heart. Quote Right
Quote Left Love is The God Particle -- the elusive particle science seeks, from which all things came and will go back to -- Love is pure, unchangeable omnipotence. It can be lied about, mimicked, but children know the Real-deal, our beloved pets know, a faithful spouse knows...only politicians and bankers remain entirely oblivious. Quote Right
Quote Left Faith ... Hope ... Trust ... Belief ... where does the truth end, so we may heal beyond our grief ? Quote Right
Quote Left Never stop to think twice if your peace of mind is at stake. Quote Right
Quote Left Sleepless another night, I hasten to empty my pen of all ink -- to add a period on this present journey, already feeling the insurmountable pressure of a new unimaginable. Quote Right
Quote Left If suspended my time by fate...then, Dear Lord, let my animation be love! Quote Right
Quote Left "A poet is born not manufactured. Many times words come from some kind of pain. Then the words can be felt by the reader." Quote Right
Quote Left "Poetry is wonderfully important to the writer but I feel it is all about the reader." Quote Right
Quote Left A dream-like life, it seems, But deep inside, I'm wide awake in my delusionary dreams. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs