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Organ Quotations

Organ quotations. Find, read, and share Organ quotations. These are the best examples of Organ quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left It seems to me curious, not to say obscene and thoroughly terrifying, that it could occur to an association of human beings drawn together through need and chance and for profit into a company, an organ of journalism, to pry intimately into the lives of an undefended and appallingly damaged group of human beings, an ignorant and helpless rural family, for the purpose of parading the nakedness, disadvantage and humiliation of these lives before another group of human beings, in the name of science, of Quote Right
Quote Left Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room. Quote Right
Quote Left He was a clot looking for a place to happen, a splinter of bone hunting a soft organ to puncture, a lonely lunatic cell looking for a mate. Quote Right
Quote Left Hélas, if only men could love not with one half of their hearts but with the whole organ that the Lord has given them, no one would deserve t... Quote Right
Quote Left Words, words, words...once, I had the gift...I could make love out of words as a potter makes cups out of clay love that overthrows empires, love that binds two hearts together come hellfire and brimstone...I could cause a riot in a nunnery...but now...I have lost my gift. It's as if my quill is broken. As if the organ of the imagination has dried up. As if the proud tower of my genius has collapsed. Nothing comes. Quote Right
Quote Left I am not going to spend any time whatsoever in attacking the Foreign Secretary. If we complain about the tune, there is no reason to attack the monkey when the organ grinder is present. Quote Right
Quote Left Man's great misfortune is that he has no organ, no kind of eyelid or brake, to mask or block a thought, or all thought, when he wants to. Quote Right
Quote Left There are marked differences in carcinogenicity across sexes, strains and species. Often, the-same chemical will cause one kind of cancer in one experiment and another kind in another experiment Indeed, the most hard-bitten advocates of animal experiments do not claim to be able to predict which organ will be affected in humans by a chemical that is carcinogenic in animals. Quote Right
Quote Left Yes, I think it is very clear to all of us who are engaged in the business of assessing toxicity data that, when volumes of data are proudly presented to us after a carcinogenicity study, showing that there was a tumour in this organ or that, we look at it and we scratch our heads, and we wonder what on earth we can make of it. This is especially true when huge doses are given, with nothing to suggest what would be expected at low doses. I think very often the carcinogenicity studies are a waste of everybody's time and a fearful waste of animals. They are conducted partly because we are not sure what to do instead, and partly because they are a political gesture and a very miserable one at that. Quote Right
Quote Left Scepticism, as I said, is not intellectual only; it is moral also; a chronic atrophy and disease of the whole soul. A man lives by believing something; not by debating and arguing about many things. A sad case for him when all that he can manage to believe is something he can button in his pocket, and with one or the other organ eat and digest! Lower than that he will not get. Quote Right
Quote Left The only bodily organ which is really regarded as inferior is the atrophied penis, a girl's clitoris. Quote Right
Quote Left It takes little talent to see clearly what lies under one's nose, a good deal of it to know in which direction to point that organ. Quote Right
Quote Left Grant that the true organ with which the beautiful is apprehended is the imagination, and it follows that all arts are likely to affect the feelings indirectly. Quote Right
Quote Left The poet knows that he speaks adequately, then, only when he speaks somewhat wildly, or, with the flower of the mind; not with the intellect, used as an organ, but with the intellect released from all service, and suffered to take its direction fro Quote Right
Quote Left The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up and does not stop until you get into the office. Quote Right
Quote Left In that reconciling of God and Mammon which Mrs. Grantly had carried on so successfully in the education of her daughter, the organ had not be... Quote Right
Quote Left … Predictions of carcinogenicity from laboratory animals are without meaning for there is no evidence that the studies were conducted in a way that took into consideration the pharmacodynamics in the species investigated, or with any appreciation of end organ sensitivity (with respect to contraceptive steroids). Quote Right
Quote Left I'll give you my opinion of the human race in a nutshell... their heart's in the right place, but their head is a thoroughly inefficient organ. Quote Right
Quote Left It takes little talent to see what lies under one's nose, a good deal to know in what direction to point that organ. Quote Right
Quote Left The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office. Quote Right
Quote Left The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office. Work Quote Right
Quote Left The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office Quote Right
Quote Left Your brain is that bodily organ which starts working the moment you awake and does not stop until you get into the office. Quote Right
Quote Left 1 Corinthians 12:14: Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. (NIV)

For the body does not consist of one limb or organ but of many. (AMP)

For the body is not one member, but many. (KJV)

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Quote Left To me the sole hope of human salvation lies in teaching Man to regard himself as an experiment in the realization of God, to regard his hands as God's hand, his brain as God's brain, his purpose as God's purpose. He must regard God as a helpless Longing, which longed him into existence by its desperate need for an executive organ. Quote Right
Quote Left The brain is a wonderful organ it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office. Quote Right
Quote Left The human brain is a wonderful organ. It starts to work as soon as you are born and doesn't stop until you get up to deliver a speech. Quote Right
Quote Left Organ transplants are best left to the professionals Quote Right

Member Quotes About Organ

Quote Left Every Child Brings The Advantage Of Dialogue And Expression. The Organization Of, .... Value! Quote Right
Quote Left Mother, Father's Words Expression are Related to a Toddlers Organization of sound. Song that ends with poetic dialogue is beneficial to Potentials Fun! Quote Right
Quote Left Numbers, Numerical Organizations, ... Contain A Medium Of Voice, Sound. _____________________ Voice, = Voix, ... Soixante=60! Quote Right
Quote Left From defendant Trump's personal and business organizations, we can see the artistic blending of nepotism and despotism on full display. Quote Right
Quote Left Any Sample, of Population created from a sequence of organization .... such as the Alphabet, is rational to its existence. there is no irrational association. Quote Right
Quote Left Triple Three association is a well organised group of underworld. Quote Right
Quote Left Triple Three association is a well organised group of underworld. Quote Right
Quote Left Child:Whats wrong Mama? Mama:My heart hurts..... Child:Its ok Mama, my finger hurts.... leanne d morgan Quote Right
Quote Left My daughters heart is broken, There for so is mine....... leanne d morgan Quote Right
Quote Left The Bible, ....Provides Advantage, Of Establishing New Boundaries Of Poem, And Melody Organization! Quote Right
Quote Left I'm not saying spirituality is all about sex and sensuality, but I also am saying spiritual experience and mental health organic systems are about everything excluding sex and sensory intelligence. Quote Right
Quote Left A conversa, que grande poder tem a fala organizada em conversa. Tudo de bom na vida desde um grande romance, um movimento social poderoso ou mesmo um empreendimento de sucesso se inicia com uma conversa. A arte de conversar para criar grandes feitos consiste em refutar sem teimosia e discussão e “vestir” e apresentar questões importantes com trajes variados. Quote Right
Quote Left Properly organized cell's function in specific environment result in life energy. Quote Right
Quote Left The best thing you can do for a mind that exists in chaos is organize the world around it. ~FJ Thomas Quote Right
Quote Left We live in the community where truth has broken many Relationships, Organisations and Families while lies has crushed'em into fine rumbles. People are scared of speaking the truth because you want them to shrink so you can feel comfortable. Well I am sorry to disappoint you, I am going to run naked on these streets of this sheet bleeding this ink. Quote Right
Quote Left 'does anybody know what we are living for ?' 'we are only a moment in time ' Well..........Is there anything more fulfilling, calming and satisfying too than the realization and deep comprehension of the magical self-assembly of biological organisms.Don't just take it for granted. Quote Right
Quote Left When God began His 'LET THERE BE' decree can anyone tell me where He included politics and organized religion? Quote Right
Quote Left When I die I want to be an organ donor. My brain only. Quote Right
Quote Left For me, the absence, or emptiness, of a Creator only points all the more toward the sacred unity of organically regenerative EarthTribe Creation. Quote Right
Quote Left I am a professional civil rights organizer, and have worked on some of the biggest civil rights campaigns in the nation's history. Most of that work was for woman's rights. Not once did I see or meet any feminists. To the best of my professional opinion feminists do nothing but complain about problems that rarely exist. Quote Right
Quote Left I like a little disorganization.. Because my madness must still breathe. Quote Right
Quote Left Organized religion is big business. Quote Right
Quote Left Organized religion is big business. Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry allows one to gather and organize their thoughts in a form that can be very healing. Quote Right
Quote Left Regarding organized religion: If you want to lose yourself, get found. Quote Right
Quote Left Organization doesn't just happen. It is the product of a structured mind. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs