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Norm Quotations

Norm quotations. Find, read, and share Norm quotations. These are the best examples of Norm quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left In this society, the norm of masculinity is phallic aggression. Male sexuality is, by definition, intensely and rigidly phallic. A man's identity is located in his conception of himself as the possessor of a phallus; a man's worth is located in his pride in phallic identity. The main characteristic of phallic identity is that worth is entirely contingent on the possession of a phallus. Since men have no other criteria for worth, no other notion of identity, those who do not have phalluses are not recognized as fully human. Quote Right
Quote Left 'There's no greater temptation than to use a protest to vent the frustration and anger that we all feel in the face of atrocity. Sometimes it feels really good to blow off steam at animal abusers and people who defend them. But the purpose of a demonstration is not to make us feel good. If we present the public with an image of animal activists as angry/hostile/crude, we have sacrificed the good of the animals for our own gratification.' Quote Right
Quote Left Everybody has accepted by now that change is unavoidable. But that still implies that change is like death and taxes it should be postponed as long as possible and no change would be vastly preferable. But in a period of upheaval, such as the one we are living in, change is the norm. Quote Right
Quote Left At the end of day, we need a credible institution that has ability to lead an international response to global problems like nuclear proliferation, the horrifying spread of HIV-AIDS, economic and political rebuilding in war-torn regions, and worldwide poverty. Quote Right
Quote Left They say that drinking kills brain cells, but the way I figure it is that it's like a lion chasing a herd of buffalo. It will only kill the slowest ones first. Quote Right
Quote Left How's life treating you, Norm? Like it caught me sleeping with its wife. Quote Right
Quote Left Pro-rated at 500 at-bats a year that means that for two years out of the fourteen I played, I never even touched the ball. Quote Right
Quote Left We are in the process of creating what deserves to be called the idiot culture. Not an idiot sub-culture, which every society has bubbling beneath the surface and which can provide harmless fun; but the culture itself. For the first time, the weird and the stupid and the coarse are becoming our cultural norm, even our cultural ideal. Quote Right
Quote Left To choose Norm Coleman over Walter Mondale is like going to a great steakhouse and ordering the tuna sandwich. Quote Right
Quote Left If you're looking for the suspect in a suicide bombing, here's a clue: Look for the dead guy. Quote Right
Quote Left Women. Can't live with 'em ... pass the beer nuts. Quote Right
Quote Left How's a beer sound, Norm?' 'I dunno. I usually finish them before they get a word in. Quote Right
Quote Left I would love to stay at SNL forever. But you can't stay in the same place. People think you're a loser. Quote Right
Quote Left Moralities, ethics, laws, customs, beliefs, doctrines - these are of trifling import. All that matters is that the miraculous become the norm. Quote Right
Quote Left Hey Mr. Peterson, there's a cold one waiting for you.' 'I know, if she calls, I'm not here. Quote Right
Quote Left Some departure from the norm Will occur as time grows more open about it. Quote Right
Quote Left Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. They're what make the instrument stretch--what makes you go beyond the norm. Quote Right
Quote Left When you go into court you are putting your fate into the hands of twelve people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty. Quote Right
Quote Left Whatcha up to, Norm?' 'My ideal weight if I were eleven feet tall. Quote Right
Quote Left What would you say to a nice beer, Normie?' 'Going Down? Quote Right
Quote Left Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad. Quote Right
Quote Left You have a good and kind soul. It just doesn't match the rest of you. Quote Right
Quote Left When all else fails there's always beer. Quote Right
Quote Left Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Norm

Quote Left "When enough people break the law, society normalizes the unlawful." Quote Right
Quote Left Nobody has agreed on what is normal, so why do we try to create one? Quote Right
Quote Left The tears of the King of the Jungle (Lion) can fix the forest to its normal position. Quote Right
Quote Left The tears of the King of the Jungle (Lion) can fix the forest to its normal position. Quote Right
Quote Left Forgetting about your traditional norms and values is like forgetting how you eat food; because, how will you survive in this society? Quote Right
Quote Left There is no such thing as madness, it is just a human assumption of what is not the norm. The madness the world knows is an alternative to some badness or an extent of sadness. Quote Right
Quote Left Introvert people is more smarter than a normal person because the law of factors a normal person so can't understand "so fool With love all Jagdish Bajantri Quote Right
Quote Left It's ironic isn't it. With all it's profound reputation of being boundless, chaos does have one rule, never go inside inside the bounds of what is considered normal. Quote Right
Quote Left When one attempts to play the role of a fool the fool normally gets trapped like a mouse on a glue trap entangled by their own greed. Quote Right
Quote Left - Agape is the norm profound - Quote Right
Quote Left Normal: Conforming to a standard, usually typical or expected... If anyone ever told you that you weren't normal, smile; it was a compliment! Quote Right
Quote Left Fear is good, fear is normal, fear will never disappear. November 2017. Quote Right
Quote Left A normal life is boring, boring is not interesting, then no one will check it out, if no one does check it out, then it will be completely forgotten. November 2017. Quote Right
Quote Left "Enormous beauty lies in life; faith and fame are the beauty which are wise, life is so unpredictable that we never know what comes next. so enjoy every moment full of enthusiasm, no one knows what will fade away and what will stay."-Priya Quote Right
Quote Left An enormous frog! We stare at each other, both petrified. —Kobayashi Issa, loose translation by Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left A mother's love is fuel that enables a normal human to do the impossible Quote Right
Quote Left I don't normally think of myself as being Stupid . . . but I've been wrong before. Quote Right
Quote Left covid-19 its a hidden bidden but lets create the new normal for everyone and everything Quote Right
Quote Left Think twice before you take any big decision, however your first option is normally the correct one. Quote Right
Quote Left Hoje eu li que, em tempos de pandemia as estatísticas mostram que entre 5 pessoas uma está estressada ou perturbada. Portanto, fique atenta: se houver quatro pessoas ao seu redor que parecem normais, isso nunca será bom. Quote Right
Quote Left Normalmente a ferramenta do construtor nunca desmonta a “casa velha”. Ao longo de milênios construímos dentro de todos nós, velhos esquemas de expectativa e resposta. Hoje é o momento de fazer o “desmonte” alterando as condições de vida que são o resultado dessas estruturas. Dessa maneira se poupa o mestre e se transforma o mundo. Quote Right
Quote Left Different tactics and drugs are being used to disturb my physical and mental health and to push me to a point from where I can't bring myself back to normal life. Quote Right
Quote Left Comece a pensar que as pessoas menos favorecidas são menos vítimas e mais empreendedoras resilientes vai fazer uma enorme diferença. Quando se fizer isso grandiosidade das oportunidades de novos negócios. O futuro está nas empresas que vejam pessoas menos favorecidas como seus melhores clientes. Quem viver verá. Quote Right
Quote Left Fique atenta a enormidade das tarefas ou as pedras do caminho. Fale sobre o idealismo que pode ser realizado. Acredite nos sonhos. Sonhe sempre. Os sonhos, com o passar do tempo ficam essa coisa teimosa dentro de nossa mente que insiste que algo nos espera enquanto tivermos a coragem de continuar trabalhando, continuar lutando e persistindo. Quote Right
Quote Left After rajat reaction of eye exercise ain mashaq trataka. IPRG cells affects regions of the brain and trigger abnormal physiological and psychological functions. Quote Right
Quote Left Todos nós fazemos mais facilmente aquilo que a sociedade recompensa. Se a sociedade recompensar a confiança, as pessoas confiarão, se as pessoas recompensarem a felicidade toda a sociedade será feliz. Normalmente esquecemos que a felicidade nunca é o resultado de conseguir um estado mental de algo que falta mas sim de reconhecer e valorizar o que temos. Vamos valorizar e recompensar a felicidade e a confiança. Em breve teremos ambas em abundancia. Quote Right
Quote Left Swim against the current, be "weird". Be the butterfly in the midst of caterpillars. I've asked a question many times but have never gotten the correct answer, "What is weird?" Weird is befriending the friendless. Standing up to the worst jeers from the worst bullies. "Weird is unique". It's doing what no one else will because they are afraid to be seen by others as something different. "Normal" is just ununiqueness disguised as something beautiful. Be the star that lights the path for millions. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Ego' is a small word with enormous repercussions and ramifications. --Vincent Van Ross Quote Right
Quote Left Mistakenly, yet whom is not Confused, yet whom is not Strong, yet whom is not Intriguing, yet whom is not Abnormal, yet whom is not Beautiful, yet whom is not Loving, yet whom is not Respectful, yet whom is not Kindness, yet whom is not Blessed, yet whom is not Grateful, yet whom is not Learning, yet whom is not Forgiving, yet whom is not Quote Right
Quote Left Fear is the juice that drives all social norms, behaviors and beliefs Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs