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Mouth Quotations

Mouth quotations. Find, read, and share Mouth quotations. These are the best examples of Mouth quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left The word was born in the blood, grew in the dark body, beating, and took flight through the lips and the mouth. Farther away and nearer still, still it came from dead fathers and from wondering races, from lands which had turned to stone, lands weary of their poor tribes, for when grief took to the roads the people set out and arrived and married new land and water to grow their words again. And so this is the inheritance; this is the wavelength which connects us with dead men and the dawning of new beings not yet come to light. Quote Right
Quote Left Wild honey smells of freedom The dust—of sunlight The mouth of a young girl, like a violet But gold—smells of nothing. Quote Right
Quote Left I am the Turquoise Woman's Son, On top of Belted Mountain beautiful horses--slim like a weasel! My horse with a hoof like a striped agate, with his fetlock like a fine eagle plume: my horse whose legs are like quick lightning whose body is an eagle-plumed arrow: my horse whose tail is like a trailing black cloud. The Little Holy Wind blows through his hair. My horse with a mane made of short rainbows. My horse with ears made of round corn. My horse with eyes made of big starts. My horse with a head made of mixed waters. My horse with teeth made of white shell. The long rainbow is in his mouth for a bridle and with it I guide him. Quote Right
Quote Left It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Quote Right
Quote Left I THINK that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the sweet earth's flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree. Quote Right
Quote Left These be three silent things: The Falling snow... the hour before the dawn... the mouth of one just dead. Quote Right
Quote Left Oh, oh, you will be sorry for that word! Give back my book and take my kiss instead. Was it my enemy or my friend I heard, What a big book for such a little head! Come, I will show you now my newest hat, And you may watch me purse my mouth and prink! Oh, I shall love you still, and all of that. I never again shall tell you what I think. I shall be sweet and crafty, soft and sly; You will not catch me reading any more: I shall be called a wife to pattern by; And some day when you knock and push the door, Some sane day, not too bright and not too stormy, I shall be gone, and you may whistle for me. Quote Right
Quote Left I'm hurt, hurt and humiliated beyond endurance, seeing the wheat ripening, the fountains never ceasing to give water, the sheep bearing hundreds of lambs, the she-dogs, until it seems the whole country rises to show me its tender sleeping young while I feel two hammer-blows here instead of the mouth of my child. Quote Right
Quote Left All eager-lipped I kissed the mouth of Death. Quote Right
Quote Left Everything is being blown away; A little horse trots with a letter in its mouth, which is read with eagerness... Quote Right
Quote Left And when the Salmon seeks a fresher stream to find; (Which hither from the sea comes, yearly, by his kind,) As he towards season grows; and stems the watry tract Where Tivy, falling down, makes an high cataract, Forc'd by the rising rocks that there her course oppose, As tho' within her bounds they meant her to inclose; Here when the labouring fish does at the foot arrive, And finds that by his strength he does but vainly strive; His tail takes in his mouth, and, bending like a bow That's to full compass drawn, aloft himself doth throw, Then springing at his height, as doth a little wand That bended end to end, and started from man's hand, Far off itself doth cast, so does that Salmon vault; And if, at first, he fail, his second summersault He instantly essays, and, from his nimble ring Still yerking, never leaves until himself he fling Above the opposing stream. Quote Right
Quote Left A traveler must have the back of an ass to bear all, a tongue like the tail of a dog to flatter all, the mouth of a hog to eat what is set before him, the ear of a merchant to hear all and say nothing. Quote Right
Quote Left Can you really ask what reason Pythagoras had for abstaining from flesh?  For my part I rather wonder both by what accident and in what state of soul or mind the first man did so, touched his mouth to gore and brought his lips to the flesh of a dead creature, he who set forth tables of dead, stale bodies and ventured to call food and nourishment the parts that had a little before bellowed and cried, moved and lived.  How could his eyes endure the slaughter when throats were slit and hides flayed and limbs torn from limb?  How could his nose endure the stench?  How was it that the pollution did not turn away his taste, which made contact with the sores of others and sucked juices and serums from mortal wounds? Quote Right
Quote Left A man can take a little bourbon without getting drunk, but if you hold his mouth open and pour in a quart, he's going to get sick on it. Quote Right
Quote Left An open mouth remains not hungry. I need Food, my ally. Quote Right
Quote Left Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. Quote Right
Quote Left Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suit on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life. But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin? Quote Right
Quote Left A little girl can be sweeter (and badder) oftener than anyone else in the world. She can jitter around, and stomp, and make funny noises that frazzle your nerves, yet just when you open your mouth she stands there demure with that special look in her eyes. A girl is Innocence playing in the mud, Beauty standing on its head, and Motherhood dragging a doll by the foot. Quote Right
Quote Left The mercury sank in the mouth of the dying day. What instruments we have agree The day of his death was a dark cold day. Quote Right
Quote Left Every man was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Quote Right
Quote Left I won't take my religion from any man who never works except with his mouth. Quote Right
Quote Left Fork: An instrument used chiefly for the purpose of putting dead animals into the mouth. Quote Right
Quote Left Goodbye, goodbye, I hate the word. Solitude has long since turned brown and withered, sitting bitter in my mouth and heavy in my veins. Quote Right
Quote Left All these things have you said of beauty. Yet in truth you spoke not of her but of needs unsatisfied, And beauty is not a need but an ecstasy. It is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand stretched forth, But rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted. It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear, But rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears. It is not the sap within the furrowed bark, nor a wing attached to a claw, But rather a garden for ever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight. People of Orphalese, beauty is life when life unveils her holy face. But you are life and you are the veil. Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and your are the mirror. Quote Right
Quote Left The supreme, the merciless, the destroyer of opposition, the exalted King, the shepherd, the protector of the quarters of the world, the King the word of whose mouth destroys mountains and seas, who by his lordly attack has forced mighty and merciless Kings from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same to acknowledge one supremacy. Quote Right
Quote Left In the gold mouth of a flower the black smell of spring earth.... Quote Right
Quote Left How long shall we weary heaven with petitions for superfluous luxuries, as though we had not at hand wherewithal to feed ourselves? How long shall we fill our plains with huge cities? How long shall the people slave for us unnecessarily? How long shall countless numbers of ships from every sea bring us provisions for the consumption of a single mouth? An ox is satisfied with the pasture of an acre or two; one wood suffices for several elephants. Man alone supports himself by the pillage of the whole earth and sea. What! Has Nature indeed given us so insatiable a stomach, while she has given us such insignificant bodies? No, it is not the hunger of our stomachs, but insatiable covetousness which costs so much. … In the simpler times there was no need of so large a supernumerary force of medical men, nor of so many surgical instruments or of so many boxes of drugs. Health was simple for a simple reason. Many dishes have induced many diseases. Note how vast a quantity of lives one stomach absorbs ... Quote Right
Quote Left A closed mouth catches no flies. Quote Right
Quote Left A filthy mouth will not utter decent language. Quote Right
Quote Left Throw a lucky man into the sea, and he will come up with a fish in his mouth. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Mouth

Quote Left My silence is more lethal than any prose that could drop from my mouth. Quote Right
Quote Left The mouth does only speak a universal language if it knows how to tell the difference between speech and silence, right actions and useless ones and does not deal with things it cannot handle. Quote Right
Quote Left Not everything from our mouths is from our hearts. Quote Right
Quote Left Phichali wali ramayan Mai vanar mere lanka thera door ram naam se kiye par abhi jananu na January June ley chaley patal.chopies Aghori mhabharamnad Jan janam Feb javani March Monday April startday May Monday June Shani var July holiday August Muni eklavya vanvar September month mouth shut Otuber old Navmber ready to pack Shani varkana December cold death Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left We often learn compassion from the things we have suffered. Those who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, had everything given to them, and live in ease tend to lack compassion toward the unfortunate. But those who have suffered understand the depths they came out of. Compassion is the fruit of the things suffered. Quote Right
Quote Left "My hand is the pen to write words. My mouth is the pen to speak words. A writer must write. So write on." Quote Right
Quote Left A restrained mouth stays shut until provocation seem an inevitable retaliation. Quote Right
Quote Left Any corrupt person has a big mouths to swallow a golden big brick. By Alfonso Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris Quote Right
Quote Left It is easy to born as a human, but to be a real human is hard. Be a real human again is much harder. It is not difficult to born in a blessed land, only if you stick your mouth and heart together at the right place always. - Buddhism quotes Quote Right
Quote Left When you are up to your nose in crap, keep your mouth shut. Quote Right
Quote Left Wehmi Nafsiati Nashai are words direct from the mouth of crack zafar khan DAN. Quote Right
Quote Left "The eyes often reveal one's inner soul, look within, Be mindful what is released from mouth for it really reveals what's hidden in one's heart." Quote Right
Quote Left Pagal wehmi nafsiati nashia words are coming direct from the mouth of dramabaz saryal don supari. Quote Right
Quote Left Buddha is in our hearts. Buddha is in our mouths. Buddha is in our daily lives. - Buddhism quotes Quote Right
Quote Left Words comes out of one's mouth smooth as honey or cunning as a serpent a two edge sword that cuts venom. Quote Right
Quote Left Each day, reshape someone's mouth for a proper smile. It's the best way to measure everyday achievement. Quote Right
Quote Left "The truth is always hidden between the eyes but it is the mouth that always tell the lies Quote Right
Quote Left "It's not for you to judge--- You have no mouth in it." Quote Right
Quote Left There are times when parenthood seems like nothing but feeding the mouth that bites you. Peter De Vries Quote Right
Quote Left And to the Universe … for the sake of little things … and heartbeats … and precious breaths … thank you - Gregory Richard Barden, Monday, August 3, 2020, 11:58 PM, Littlejohn Island, Yarmouth, ME Quote Right
Quote Left Hand over mouth might get bit. Quote Right
Quote Left Mouth ?? can make a mistake simple.. But is very difficult for that same mouth to rectify it own mistake. Quote Right
Quote Left Mouth ?? can make a mistake simple.. But is very difficult for that same mouth to rectify it own mistake. Quote Right
Quote Left ''A Fast Mouth Equals a Slow Mind'' Quote Right
Quote Left "Some people are like news reporters. Loud-mouthed, puppets that are always promising and forecasting shit that'll never happen." Quote Right
Quote Left how your mouth is the texture of the seeds I blow off a dandelion when I wish to feel them upon mine Quote Right
Quote Left When a politician opens their mouth it should be the beginning of the conversation not the end. Quote Right
Quote Left It appears to me that once many of our politicians have opened their mouths to speak, their brains disengage, and their ears will no longer work. Quote Right
Quote Left My head voice keeps talking while my mouth remains quite. Quote Right
Quote Left A mouth full of ifs and buts is a mind full of mental blocks Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things