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Mode Quotations

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Quote Left He does have, underneath a sort of serious exterior, a really wonderful sense of humor, ... It rarely shows itself in the trial lawyer mode, but it certainly does in personal relationships. Quote Right
Quote Left [Although Ball is considered a pop singer, he's not a total stranger to Gilbert and Sullivan, having played Frederick in the West End mounting of Joe Papp's memorable production of The Pirates of Penzance . But Patience is a different kind of work--much of its humor is highly topical, poking fun at the short-lived Aesthetic movement that flourished among British dilettantes 125 years ago. Will that humor translate to a New York audience in the year 2005?] I think there's absolutely no difference to how we regarded things then and how we regard things now, ... There are still those performers and artists who strike on a new art form or mode that attracts their fans, while the majority of us may be saying, 'I'm sorry, but isn't that The Emperor's New Clothes?' There will always be charlatans who do things just to get acclaim and adulation. So I think it'll speak to an audience as clearly today as it did then. Quote Right
Quote Left He kissed me. A kiss about apple pie a la mode with the vanilla creaminess melting in the pie heat. A kiss about chocolate, when you haven't eaten chocolate in a year. A kiss about palm trees speeding by, trailing pink clouds when you drive down the Strip sizzling with champagne. A kiss about spotlights fanning the sky and the swollen sea spilling like tears all over your legs. Quote Right
Quote Left There are two modes of criticism. One which crushes to earth without mercy all the humble buds of Phantasy, all the plants that, though green and fruitful, are also a prey to insects or have suffered by drought. It weeds well the garden, and cannot believe the weed in its native soil may be a pretty, graceful plant. There is another mode which enters into the natural history of every thing that breathes and lives, which believes no impulse to be entirely in vain, which scrutinizes circumstances, motive and object before it condemns, and believes there is a beauty in natural form, if its law and purpose be understood. Quote Right
Quote Left The refined punishments of the spiritual mode are usually much more indecent and dangerous than a good smack. Quote Right
Quote Left Falsehood has an infinity of combinations, but truth has only one mode of being. Quote Right
Quote Left A man of genius has a right to any mode of expression. Quote Right
Quote Left As for flesh, true, indeed, is it that man is sustained on flesh. But how many things, let me ask, does man do every day which are contrary to, or beside, his nature? So great, and so general, is the perversion of his mode of life, which has, as it were, eaten into his flesh by a sort of deadly contagion, that he appears to have put on another disposition. Hence, the whole care and concern of philosophy and moral instruction ought to consist in leading men back to the paths of Nature. Man lives very well upon flesh, you say, but, if he thinks this food to be natural to him, why does he not use it as it is, as furnished to him by Nature? But, in fact, he shrinks in horror from seizing and rending living or even raw flesh with his teeth, and lights a fire to change its natural and proper condition Quote Right
Quote Left But the bravest man amongst us is afraid of himself. The mutilation of the savage has its tragic survival in the self-denial that mars our lives. We are punished for our refusals. Every impulse that we strive to strangle broods in the mind and poisons us. The body sins once, and has done with its sin, for action is a mode of purification. Nothing remains then but the recollection of a pleasure, or the luxury of a regret. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful. It has been said that the great events of the world take place in the brain. It is in the brain, and the brain only, that the great sins of the world take place also. Quote Right
Quote Left Humor has been a fashioning instrument in America, cleaving its way through the national life, holding tenaciously to the spread elements of that life. Its mode has often been swift and coarse and ruthless, beyond art and beyond established civilization. It has engaged in warfare against the established heritage, against the bonds of pioneer existence. Its objective --the unconscious objective of a disunited people --has seemed to be that of creating fresh bonds, a new unity, the semblance of a society and the rounded completion of an American type. Quote Right
Quote Left They came out and they zoned up and they trapped and they doubled, and we just continued to move the ball. It took me three quarters to kind of get the rhythm down on what they were trying to do defensively so I could go into attack mode in the fourth quarter. Quote Right
Quote Left Romanticism is not just a mode; it literally eats into every life. Women will never get rid of just waiting for the right man. Quote Right
Quote Left By alienation is meant a mode of experience in which the person experiences himself as an alien. He has become, one might say, estranged from himself. He does not experience himself as the center of his world, as the creator of his own acts -- but his acts and their consequences have become his masters, whom he obeys, or whom he may even worship. The alienated person is out of touch with himself as he is out of touch with any other person. He, like the others, is experienced as things are experienced; with the senses and with common sense, but at the same time without being related to oneself and to the world outside positively. Quote Right
Quote Left The mere mechanical technique of acting can be taught, but the spirit that is to give life to lifeless forms must be born in a man. No dramatic college can teach its pupils to think or to feel. It is Nature who makes our artists for us, though it may be Art who taught them their right mode of expression. Quote Right
Quote Left The Mode of circular reasoning is the form used when the proof itself which ought to establish the matter of inquiry requires confirmation derived from the matter; in this case, being unable to assume either in order to establish the other, we suspend judgement about both. Quote Right
Quote Left ...although both the Academics and the Pyrrhonian Skeptics say that they believe some things, yet here too the difference between the two philosophies is quite plain. For the word believe has different meanings; it means not to resist but simply to follow without any strong impulse or inclination, as the boy is said to believe his tutor; but sometimes it means to assent to a thing of deliberate choice and with a kind of sympathy due to strong desire, as when the incontinent man believes him who approves of an extravagant mode of life. Since, therefore, Carneades and Cleitomachus declare that a strong inclination accompanies their credence Quote Right
Quote Left Friendship is neither a formality nor a mode it is rather a life. Quote Right
Quote Left Friendship is neither a formality nor a mode: it is rather a life. Quote Right
Quote Left Marriage is for women the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution. Quote Right
Quote Left We find nothing easier than being wise, patient, superior. We drip with the oil of forbearance and sympathy, we are absurdly just, we forgive everything. For that very reason we ought to discipline ourselves a little; for that very reason we ought to cultivate a little emotion, a little emotional vice, from time to time. It may be hard for us; and among ourselves we may perhaps laugh at the appearance we thus present. But what of that! We no longer have any other mode of self-overcoming available to us: this is our asceticism, our penance. Quote Right
Quote Left Exile as a mode of genius no longer exists; in place of Joyce we have the fragments of work appearing in Index on Censorship. Quote Right
Quote Left In most cases a favorite writer is more with us in his book than he ever could have been in the flesh; since, being a writer, he is one who has studied and perfected this particular mode of personal incarnation, very likely to the detriment of any other. I should like as a matter of curiosity to see and hear for a moment the men whose works I admire; but I should hardly expect to find further intercourse particularly profitable. Quote Right
Quote Left Nothing is less sincere than our mode of asking and giving advice. He who asks seems to have a deference for the opinion of his friend, while he only aims to get approval of his own and make his friend responsible for his action. And he who gives advice repays the confidence supposed to be placed in him by a seemingly disinterested zeal, while he seldom means anything by his advice but his own interest or reputation. Quote Right
Quote Left Happiness is a matter of one's most ordinary everyday mode of consciousness being busy and lively and unconcerned with self. To be damned is for one's ordinary everyday mode of consciousness to be unremitting agonizing preoccupation with self. Quote Right
Quote Left A mode of conduct, a standard of courage, discipline, fortitude and integrity can do a great deal to make a woman beautiful. Quote Right
Quote Left I feel that you are justified in looking into the future with true assurance, because you have a mode of living in which we find the joy of life and the joy of work harmoniously combined. Added to this is the spirit of ambition which pervades your very being, and seems to make the day's work like a happy child at play. (referring to America) Quote Right
Quote Left Since it is seldom clear whether intellectual activity denotes a superior mode of being or a vital deficiency, opinion swings between considering intellect a privilege and seeing it as a handicap. Quote Right
Quote Left Character contributes to beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades. A mode of conduct, a standard of courage, discipline, fortitude and integrity can do a great deal to make a woman beautiful. Quote Right
Quote Left Curiously enough, it seems to be only in describing a mode of language which does not mean what it says that one can actually say what one means. Quote Right
Quote Left I think that God's got a sick sense of humour, and when I die I expect to find him laughing. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Mode

Quote Left If God chooses a person as a model of humbleness, He bestows upon him many blessings. A slice of bread, a glass of milk is not opulence but divine providence. Whenever that person goes, His favor will follow him. Quote Right
Quote Left Menu note vakha mera mode banay, Maal aik dam karak hona chahiye. Quote Right
Quote Left Stay centered along the scale... as moderation becomes the fulcrum to wisdom and growth. Quote Right
Quote Left Special gift. the gift of yourself, modeled by our Lord Jesus. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
Quote Left children need models rather than critics. Joseph Joubert, Quote Right
Quote Left Parents are role models in guiding, leading and teaching to their own children but never a maid. Quote Right
Quote Left Cassidy Hutchinson is a modern Erin Brockovich except that in her case the well has been poisoned for the whole country. — Michael R. Burch (Keywords/Tags: America, USA, patriotic, truth, justice, White House, Trump) Quote Right
Quote Left Daisies smile in innocence, Stand, in modesty, bent, Quote Right
Quote Left Don’t sacrifice your dreams… because someone elder than you has, for a moderate life. Quote Right
Quote Left Racism has no scientific foundation. All the research shows people from every racial and ethnic group are EQUALLY ill-equipped for Life in the Modern World. Quote Right
Quote Left The true purpose of the modern 'smart' phone is to make its user appear, act, and feel like a complete dummy. Quote Right
Quote Left God made the clan of man to love one another, the race of the angels to guard them and the race of demons to teach them. one was moderate in appearance, another radiated with divine light and the third wore the horrors of mankind as skin to teach and remind others not recommit them Quote Right
Quote Left Don uses special software for dual access mode to hack and operate any number and account simultaneously. Quote Right
Quote Left DC Islamabad should focus on aerial firing videos and underworld mafia of twin cities instead of asking information about a modeling couple who did photo shoot in front of unity faith discipline. Quote Right
Quote Left Descrição de uma pessoa empreendedora. A pessoa empreendedora dos tempos modernos tem mãos para ajudar as outras. Tem pés para se apressar e fazer sempre o melhor para as outras pessoas. Tem olhos para ver tudo que existe de bondade em cada cliente, em cada pessoa. Tem ouvidos para ouvir os suspiros e as alegrias e as tristezas das pessoas. É assim a pessoa empreendedora dos tempos modernos parece. Quote Right
Quote Left O fracasso na vida ou nos negócios, mais cedo ou mais tarde mostrará a incompetência comportamental da pessoa. A negação dessa incompetência mata milhares de modelos de vida e negócios que poderia ser agarrados pelo povo e sepulta a esperança da inovação e do progresso. Já a aceitação desbloqueia a plenitude da vida. Transforma o que temos em o suficiente, assevera que cada pessoa faz sempre o seu melhor e muito mais. Quote Right
Quote Left Hoje mais do que ontem conte histórias. Uma conversa de uma história é mais do que embaralhar novamente as cartas dos fatos e da memória: ela cria novas cartas. Uma história é um encontro de mentes com memórias e hábitos diferentes. Quando as mentes se encontram, elas vão além de trocar fatos: elas os transformam, remodelam, extraem delas implicações diferentes, se envolvem em novas linhas de pensamento. Quote Right
Quote Left Existe uma novidade pouco compreendida originária da ciência moderna. A novidade radical é a rejeição da crença de que as forças que fazem o sucesso e o êxito dos seres humanos dependem da sorte ou das preferências do coração humano. A verdade pode ser intrigante. Pode ser difícil lidar com isso. Pode ser contra intuitivo. Pode contradizer preconceitos arraigados. Mas nossas preferências nunca determinam o que é verdade. Quote Right
Quote Left Nunca se incomode por onde a vida te leva. Será bom sempre encontrar-te com um sorriso. No meu caso, tenho todos os cupons de compra de mercado realizadas na cidade anterior. 10 anos de “notinhas”. Eles estão todos em várias caixas de sapato e sacolas... De Supermercado. Eu nunca olho para isso, mas ainda mantenho. Isso desperta alegria, é por isso. Isso desperta alegria. Isso me faz sorrir. Está bem! Quote Right
Quote Left Lema da modernidade. Sinta o medo e faça assim mesmo mais e mais sempre. Faça mais e mais para imortalizar o amar ao próximo. O Amar a terra, à natureza. Faça muito mais para Enriquecer vidas e Fazer o bem. Esse é o lema Da modernidade. Eu acredito... E você? Pois vá contar prá mais! Vá, não fique! Quote Right
Quote Left Nem sempre o novo é sinal de progresso. Em todos os tempos, na vida ou nos negócios, da administração à agricultura é bom lembrar: as antigas práticas voltam. Hoje, longe de ser um retrocesso curioso a uma época anterior, a agricultura orgânica já atesta que diferente da agricultura moderna, a antiga é um sistema ambientalmente sustentável em longo prazo. Nos negócios, as palavras, junto com a fé, voltam a mover montanhas. Quote Right
Quote Left Pessoa forte. Uma pessoa forte, com autoestima no lugar pode se dar ao luxo de ser gentil, firme, atenciosa e moderada. É sinal de fraqueza se comportar com arrogância, com ostentação e imprudência e outros muitos sinais de insegurança. A pessoa forte sempre pode dar-se ao luxo de estender uma mão amiga a outras pessoas. Quote Right
Quote Left Empreender nos tempos modernos nunca é um negócio. Da mesma forma que argumentar e comover é mais do que falar. Nos tempos desde sempre. Empreender e argumentar se transforma em uma ilha metafísica da verdade fundamental. O êxito do empreender floresce no momento em que o prazer se apaixona pelo compromisso do bem comum. Atualmente, empreender e argumentar chega disfarçado de um retrocesso de 5.000 anos do tempo antropológico. Quote Right
Quote Left Feminists always find a single mother to name as role models, even when their models have no recourse to their own definition of feminism. Quote Right
Quote Left A inovação é o instrumento específico do empreendedorismo. Inovar é um ato que dota recursos com uma nova capacidade de criar riqueza. Especificamente a inovação social significa consertar nossos sistemas humanos quebrados. Para mudar ou transformar a sociedade construa um novo modelo que torne o modelo existente obsoleto. Quote Right
Quote Left A grande inovação dos tempos modernos é o fato de que sempre se devem colocar os próprios sonhos em espera temporária para poder ajudar a liberar um sonho de outra pessoa. Aquilo que você faz acontecer para as outras pessoas o Criador fará acontecer para você. Nada precisa acontecer com você para que se sinta bem. Sinta-se bem porque pelo fato da outra pessoa estar bem! A vida é um presente, e fique feliz com isso Quote Right
Quote Left Scuttlebutt is just about the only thing one gets for free in modern era. Everything right cost some cabbage. Quote Right
Quote Left There is nothing that has done more havoc to the rain of revival than the illusion of "modernism and theological liberalism" Liberalism sets itself as another gospel but not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Quote Right
Quote Left Memory in active mode is consciousness. Quote Right
Quote Left Saintness can only be obtained through dream mode. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things