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Member Quotations

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Quote Left No sun - no moon! No morn - no noon -
No dawn - no dusk - no proper time of day.
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member -
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds,
Quote Right
Quote Left Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. Quote Right
Quote Left The argument of Alcidamas: Everyone honours the wise. Thus the Parians have honoured Archilochus, in spite of his bitter tongue; the Chians Homer, though he was not their countryman; the Mytilenaeans Sappho, though she was a woman; the Lacedaemonians actually made Chilon a member of their senate, though they are the least literary of men; the inhabitants of Lampsacus gave public burial to Anaxagoras, though he was an alien, and honour him even to this day. Quote Right
Quote Left On September 17, 1914, Erzberger, the well-known German statesman, an eminent member of the Catholic Party, wrote to the Minister of War, General von Falkenhayn, We must not worry about committing an offence against the rights of nations nor about violating the laws of humanity. Such feelings today are of secondary importance? A month later, on October 21, 1914, he wrote in Der Tag, If a way was found of entirely wiping out the whole of London it would be more humane to employ it than to allow the blood of A SINGLE GERMAN SOLDIER to be shed on the battlefield! Quote Right
Quote Left The American city should be a collection of communities where every member has a right to belong. It should be a place where every man feels safe on his streets and in the house of his friends. It should be a place where each individual's dignity and self-respect is strengthened by the respect and affection of his neighbors. It should be a place where each of us can find the satisfaciton and warmth which comes from being a member of the community of man. This is what man sought at the dawn of civilzation. It is what we seek today. Quote Right
Quote Left Initially, I didn't start out to be a member of a band. I wanted to make films, write plays, books. When I found myself in a band, I wanted to bring some of these ideas into it. We never did much with it, though. Quote Right
Quote Left The moral authority of our most cherished institutions comes from their voluntary nature: the value of advice from a priest, a teacher or a loved one depends in large part on the fact that we are free to ignore it. But judges' pieces of 'advice' are court orders, enforceable ultimately by the raw physical power of imprisonment. It is precisely because of the awesomely enforceable nature of our powers that we must be so circumspect in exercising them. It is one thing for a co-worker, family member, doctor, or clergyman to confront someone about a perceived drug problem; it is quite another thing for a judge to compel drug treatment. Drug courts not only fail to recognize this important institutional distinction, but their very purpose is to obliterate it. Quote Right
Quote Left My conception of the audience is of a public each member of which is carrying about with him what he thinks is an anxiety, or a hope, or a preoccupation which is his alone and isolates him from mankind; and in this respect at least the function of a play is to reveal him to himself so that he may touch others by virtue of the revelation of his mutuality with them. If only for this reason I regard the theater as a serious business, one that makes or should make man more human, which is to say, less alone. Quote Right
Quote Left I condole with you, we have lost a most dear and valuable relation, but it is the will of God and Nature that these mortal bodies be laid aside, when the soul is to enter into real life; 'tis rather an embrio state, a preparation for living; a man is not completely born until he be dead: Why should we grieve that a new child is born among the immortals? A new member added to their happy society? We are spirits. That bodies should be lent us, while they can afford us pleasure, assist us in acquiring knowledge, or doing good to our fellow creatures, is a kind and benevolent act of God -- when they become unfit for these purposes and afford us pain rather than pleasure -- instead of an aid, become an incumbrance and answer none of the intentions for which they were given, it is equally kind and benevolent that a way is provided by which we may get rid of them. Death is that way. We ourselves prudently choose a partial death. In some cases a mangled painful limb, which cannot be restored, we willingly cut off -- He who plucks out a tooth, parts with it freely since the pain goes with it, and he that quits the whole body, parts at once with all pains and possibilities of pains and diseases it was liable to, or capable of making him suffer. Our friend and we are invited abroad on a party of pleasure -- that is to last forever -- His chair was first ready and he is gone before us -- we could not all conveniently start together, and why should you and I be grieved at this, since we are soon to follow, and we know where to find him. Quote Right
Quote Left Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited. What a Utopia! What a paradise this region would be. Quote Right
Quote Left A five-member family has gone missing in Yemen ... According to information we have received the family has been in Yemen since December 24. Quote Right
Quote Left I do not regard a broker as a member of the human race. Quote Right
Quote Left Occasionally we have to interpret an international treaty - one, perhaps, affecting airlines and liability for injury to passengers or damage to goods. Then, of course, we have to look to the precedents of other member nations in resolving issues. Quote Right
Quote Left I have been gratified by the clear determination expressed by NATO and its member governments to prevent a further escalation of the fighting, and I encourage all steps that may deter the further use of ethnically driven repression and the resort to violence by either side in Kosovo, Quote Right
Quote Left I hope that no one present will suspect me of offering my personal criticism of the Western system to present socialism as an alternative. Having experienced applied socialism in a country where the alternative has been realized, I certainly will not speak for it. The well-known Soviet mathematician Shafarevich, a member of the Soviet Academy of Science, has written a brilliant book under the title Socialism; it is a profound analysis showing that socialism of any type and shade leads to a total destruction of the human spirit and to a leveling of mankind into death. Quote Right
Quote Left Having a holiday weekend without a family member felt like putting on a sweater that had an extra arm. Quote Right
Quote Left The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. Quote Right
Quote Left The average trade book has a shelf life of between milk and yogurt, except for books by any member of the Irving Wallace family - they have preservatives. Quote Right
Quote Left If you attack the establishment long enough and hard enough, they will make you a member of it. Quote Right
Quote Left If we are trespassing, so were the American Soldiers who broke down the gates of Hitler's death camps; If we are thieves, so were the members of the Underground Railroad who freed the slaves of the South; and if we are vandals, so were those who destroyed forever the gas chambers of Buchenwald and Auschwitz. Quote Right
Quote Left In the streets and in society I am almost invariablycheap and dissipated, my life is unspeakably mean.No amount of gold or respectability would in the leastredeem it,-- dining with the Governor or a member of Congress!!But alone in the distant woods or fields,in unpretending sprout-lands or pastures tracked by rabbits,even in a bleak and, to most, cheerless day, like this,when a villager would be thinking of his inn,I come to myself, I once more feel myself grandly related,and that cold and solitude are friends of mine.I suppose that this value, in my case, is equivalentto what others get by churchgoing and prayer.I come home to my solitary woodland walk as the homesick go home.I thus dispose of the superfluous and see things as they are,grand and beautiful. I have told many that I walk every dayabout half the daylight, but I think they do not believe it.I wish to get the Concord, the Massachusetts, the America,out of my head and be sane a part of every day. Quote Right
Quote Left I gather, young man, that you wish to be a Member of Parliament. The first lesson that you must learn is, when I call for statistics about the rate of infant mortality, what I want is proof that fewer babies died when I was Prime Minister than when anyone else was Prime Minister. That is a political statistic. Quote Right
Quote Left To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others. Quote Right
Quote Left America has always been a country of amateurs where the professional, that is to say, the man who claims authority as a member of an ?lite which knows the law in some field or other, is an object of distrust and resentment. Quote Right
Quote Left There is no justice…Just Us! Quote Right
Quote Left Appraisals are where you get together with your team leader and agree what an outstanding member of the team you are, how much your contribution has been valued, what massive potential you have and, in recognition of all this, would you mind having your salary halved. Quote Right
Quote Left You need to know that a member of Congress who refuses to allow the minimum wage to come up for a vote made more money during last year's one-month government shutdown than a minimum wage worker makes in an entire year. Quote Right
Quote Left What characterizes a member of a minority group is that he is forced to see himself as both exceptional and insignificant, marvelous and awful, good and evil. Quote Right
Quote Left Even my aunt Joan, hopelessly sentimental about every member of our family, admitted that I was hideous. Quote Right
Quote Left If a member of your family misbehaves and embarrasses you, you cannot do anything about it. I wish life were an editing room where one could sit and edit all those embarrassing moments away. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Member

Quote Left In tough times, remember that every storm eventually passes, and we emerge stronger than before. Let's keep holding onto hope, for it's the light that guides us through the darkest of nights. Remember, even if you find yourself alone, know that within you lies the strength to endure. You're not alone in your journey, and brighter days are still ahead. Stay strong and keep believing in yourself. By: Innantia Magcanya Quote Right
Quote Left When you join the “lost your mother” club, other members do not congratulate you, but tell their own sad tale, swaddling you in their cocooned tears. Quote Right
Quote Left Those who are not remembered...never lived. March 2024. Quote Right
Quote Left Smile at me once I'll remember you. Smile at me every time, I'll never forget you! Quote Right
Quote Left Remember when you are feeling blue, laughter helps to get you through. Quote Right
Quote Left Quote: Disappointments, Heartaches and Pain, are all parts of life. Just remember that, Time Heals and the Heart will adjust. by Zyrool Quote Right
Quote Left "When you think you're about to loose hope in life, always remember that God is always by your side. Never loose hope and move forward even if things go upside-down." Quote Right
Quote Left Appreciation and acknowledgment for the job well done are not grounds for improving skills and abilities to perform our task very well. Even no one appreciated you, look forward, work to the best of your ability because someday and somehow, you will remember not how many works you have done, not how fast you are, but for the consistency of your efforts and sacrifice you put into your works. Quote Right
Quote Left Remember, you grant power to educators, pastors, elected officials who lead many astray. As such, you have the power to to remove the grant. Quote Right
Quote Left No matter what is happening, remember that you deserve to live your music. Be inspired to live your song. You are music. You are a blessing. Love and Harmony. Quote Right
Quote Left My dear friends you support me and I get your kindness like a family so I invited 10 members for Pooja in Karnataka badami taluk to karooo from there 5km you will find a riksha Hubli have it's own air port....... I am willing for best wishes form your side With love all Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Remember your spirit doesn’t know how old you are .. Quote Right
Quote Left Now dear friends I am Wellcome you to my family members one a day Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Because baskaran family members are belong to sun if it's not come then devil kiss Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Remember seven is surya parkarti ganga Shani keytu Rahu besham pitama and eklavya 8 Yoaghads of mhabhart 4 durga Kali Jagdish Vishnu and bharma 84 marbles beat the chakra view' mad over mad Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left "In the end, places are just markers for the people loved and remembered." Max Sebastian Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left Faith is a foolish move that integrates a man as member into God's family. Without it, we are strangers to Him Quote Right
Quote Left One can play the fool at times just remember playing the clown and jester shall sometimes be for entertainment purposes only. Quote Right
Quote Left Your imagination have no limits. You can reach everything in your dreams; you can wish for anything. But always remember, great minds do not stay in the dreaming realm. They only visit. -Dream, but do not stay Dreaming Quote Right
Quote Left Life is oftentimes messy. Remember the power in the chaos. Rise and bloom each time. Quote Right
Quote Left Regarding time: "Some refer to time past, but time itself extinguishes the past. Only what is remembered is known to have existed." from the poem "Flying" by Max Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left Lies congest your memory...making you forget what you said and others remember.... Quote Right
Quote Left About Friends: "As time leads us on from here, I’ll remember you. We’re always friends, on the road again." from the poem "Until Then" and the song of the same name, by Max Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left Remember when life had an analog soundtrack? I’m thrown back with every crackle of vinyl. Quote Right
Quote Left Time is a human construct. Try to breathe, relax and find quiet moments to focus on. You can do this! Whatever challenges you're facing, you can get through it. I always believe that everything is a lesson or a blessing. And we're never given more than we can handle. Remember, you're here for a unique purpose. Embrace your special qualities and feel good about being here. Let's try to expand our love, light and peace throughout the universe. Quote Right
Quote Left Let us stay calm and remember that hope is always free. Believe. Have faith. You never know what tomorrow brings. Blessings, love and light. Quote Right
Quote Left At the end of everything you are all alone Live a life you will remember Never regret the good you did for someone because God never regeetted keeping you alive. Always smile through pain Be kind and happy. Quote Right
Quote Left Just remember we try we die we are forgotten so don’t take it too seriously Quote Right
Quote Left Some men can't be trusted when their humbleness is replaced by pride; that's when the Devil gives them the power to conquer and destroy. Don't be remembered for your wickedness, rather be remembered for your kindness of heart. Quote Right
Quote Left IF you, Are praying to god And HE isn't Answering to you Remember, teachers don't speak during tests Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things