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M Quotations

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Quote Left Here is my gift, not roses on your grave, not sticks of burning incense. You lived aloof, maintaining to the end your magnificent disdain. You drank wine, and told the wittiest jokes, and suffocated inside stifling walls. Alone you let the terrible stranger in, and stayed with her alone. Now you're gone, and nobody says a word about your troubled and exalted life. Only my voice, like a flute, will mourn at your dumb funeral feast. Oh, who would have dared believe that half-crazed I, I, sick with grief for the buried past, I, smoldering on a slow fire, having lost everything and forgotten all, would be fated to commemorate a man so full of strength and will and bright inventions, who only yesterday it seems, chatted with me, hiding the tremor of his mortal pain. Quote Right
Quote Left A golden rule: to leave an incomplete image of oneself. Quote Right
Quote Left From beasts we scorn as soulless, In forest, field and den, The cry goes up to witness The soullessness of men. Quote Right
Quote Left I went to a party, Mom, I remembered what you said, You told me not you drink and drive, Mom, So i drank sprit instead I felt really proud inside, Mom, The way you said I would. I didn?t drink and drive, Mom, Even though the others said i should I know i did the right thing, Mom I know you are always right. Now the party is finally ending, Mom, As everyone drives out of sight. As i got into my car, Mom, I knew i would get home in one piece Because of the way you raised me, Mom, So responsible and sweet. I started to drive away, Mom, But as I pulled onto the road The other car didn?t see me, Mom, And it hit me like a load. As I lie here on the pavement, Mom, I hear the police say, The other guy was drunk, Mom, And now I?m the one who will pay. I?m laying here dying, Mom, I wish you would get here soon. How come this happened to me, Mom? My life bursted like a ballon. There is blood all around me, Mom, Most of it is mine. I here the paramedics say, Mom, I?ll be dead in a short time. I just wanted to tell you, Mom, I swear i didn?t drink It was the others, Mom, The others didn?t think He didn?t know where he was going, Mom, He was parably at the same party as I, the only difference is, Mom He drank and I will die. Why do people drink, Mom? It can ruin my whole life. I?m feeling sharp pains now, Mom, Pains just like a knife. The guy who hit me is walking, Mom, I don?t think it?s fair. I?m lying here dying, Mom, While all he can do is stare. Tell my brother not to cry, Mom, Tell daddy to be brave. And when I get to heaven, Mom, Write ?Daddy?s Little Girl? on my grave. Someone should have told him, Mom, Not to drink and drive. If only they have taken the time, Mom I would still be alive. My breath is getting shorter, Mom I?m becoming very scared. Please don?t cry for me, Mom Because when i needed you, you were always there. I have one last question, Mom, before i say good-bye. I didnt ever drink, Mom So why am I do die? This is the end, Mom, I wish I could look you in the eyes, To say these final words, Mom, I love you, and Good-bye. Quote Right
Quote Left The mystic prophets of the absolute cannot save us. Sustained by our history and traditions, we must save ourselves, at whatever risk of heresy or blasphemy. We can find solace in the memorable representation of the human struggle against the absolute in the finest scene in the greatest of American novels. I refer of course to the scene when Huckleberry Finn decides that the '' plain hand of Providence '' requires him to tell Miss Watson where her runaway slave Jim is to be found. Huck writes his letter of betrayal to Miss Watson and feels '' all washed clean of sin for the first time I had ever felt so in my life, and I knowed I could pray now. '' He sits there for a while thinking '' how good it was all this happened so, and how near I come to being lost and going to hell .'' Then Huck begins to think about Jim and the rush of the great river and the talking and the singing and the laughing and friendship. '' Then I happened to look around and see that paper. . . . I took it up, and held it in my hand. I was a-trembling because I'd got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself: 'All right, then, I'll go to hell' - and tore it up .'' Quote Right
Quote Left The idea that nations should love one another, or that business concerns or marketing boards should love one another, or that a man in Portugal should love a man in Peru of whom he has never heard --it is absurd, unreal, dangerous. The fact is we can only love what we know personally. And we cannot know much. Quote Right
Quote Left The greatest honor history can bestow is that of peacemaker. Quote Right
Quote Left Though a good motive cannot sanction a bad action, a bad motive will always vitiate a good action. In common and trivial matters we may act without motives, but in momentous ones the most careful deliberation is wisdom. Quote Right
Quote Left 'A medical myth is an aggressive defensive device used by orthodox medicine to retain the status quo and impede progress in the introduction of new and valuable therapies. ....The myth originates in some inadequate sloppy in vitro or animal experimental work from which unwarranted broad conclusions are drawn as to possible effects on man. There is never any hard human evidence involved, just pure speculation. The second step is that the news media pick it up and being more interested in sensationalism than in facts, magnify these speculations and terrify a gullible public. Further repetition of these unwarranted conclusions by the medical press gives them the status of medical dogma to be quoted and requoted.'-- Quote Right
Quote Left Railway termini are our gates to the glorious and the unknown. Through them we pass out into adventure and sunshine, to them, alas! we return. Quote Right
Quote Left A funeral is not death, any more than baptism is birth or marriage union. All three are the clumsy devices, coming now too late, now too early, by which Society would register the quick motions of man. Quote Right
Quote Left England has always been disinclined to accept human nature. Quote Right
Quote Left America is not like a blanket -- one piece of unbroken cloth, the same color, the same texture, the same size. America is more like a quilt -- many patches, many pieces, many colors, many sizes, all woven and held together by a common thread. Quote Right
Quote Left It appears that ordinary men take wives because possession is not possible without marriage, and that ordinary women accept husbands because m... Quote Right
Quote Left I had never expected that the China initiative would come to fruition in the form of a Ping-Pong team. Quote Right
Quote Left The historian must have some conception of how men who are not historians behave. Otherwise he will move in a world of the dead. He can only gain that conception through personal experience, and he can only use his personal experiences when he is a genius. Quote Right
Quote Left Anyone who has gumption knows what it is, and anyone who hasn't can never know what it is. So there is no need of defining it. Quote Right
Quote Left The study of tools as well as of books should have a place in the public schools. Tools, machinery, and the implements of the farm should be m... Quote Right
Quote Left Whether or not his newspaper and a set of senses reduced to five are the main sources of the so-called "real life" of the so- called average m... Quote Right
Quote Left Not only in sex, but in all things men have moved blindly, have evolved out of slime to dissolve into it when this accident of consequences is... Quote Right
Quote Left It is the cry of a thousand sentinels, the echo from a thousand labyrinths; it is the lighthouse which cannot be hidden. Quote Right
Quote Left I distrust Great Men. They produce a desert of uniformity around them and often a pool of blood too, and I always feel a little man's pleasure when they come a cropper. Quote Right
Quote Left The sadness of the incomplete—the sadness that is often Life, but should never be Art. Quote Right
Quote Left God gave us memories, that we might have June roses in the December of our lives. Quote Right
Quote Left Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon. Quote Right
Quote Left Very notable was his distinction between coarseness and vulgarity, coarseness, revealing something; vulgarity, concealing something. Quote Right
Quote Left Those who misrepresent the normal experiences of life, who decry being controversial, who shun risk, are the enemies of the American way of life, whatever the piety of their vocal professions and the patriotic flavor of their platitudes. Quote Right
Quote Left I belong to the fag-end of Victorian liberalism, and can look back to an age whose challenges were moderate in their tone, and the cloud on wh... Quote Right
Quote Left Certainly he is not of the generation that regards honesty as the best policy. However, he does regard it as a policy. (On President Richard M Nixon) Quote Right
Quote Left I don't know anything that builds the will to win better than competitive sports. Quote Right

Member Quotes About M

Quote Left Any person or any nation can be stoned to death for being misjudged. Quote Right
Quote Left If Man should read and fail to understand maybe Man should not read at all . Quote Right
Quote Left Paradox of Extremes If you have everything then you have nothing. If have nothing but love then you have everything. It matters not the collection of materialistic things, they don’t satisfy. Spiritual gathering of friends and loved ones will be your treasure. In this the moment of your life, it will become eternal. Quote Right
Quote Left Our calm and chaos combined... we called it love! Quote Right
Quote Left God has everything, needs nothing from us...except our love. Love is priceless. Love is the pure essence of truly being. Quote Right
Quote Left "One Penny on the ground is overlooked by even the loliest of passers by. But a room full of Pennies create Bills that prevent the dinagration of the One." "(Browned-Cents)" Quote Right
Quote Left "I live by the light of a melancholic candle." Quote Right
Quote Left I'm not getting fat, I'm improving my spatial visibility! Quote Right
Quote Left I'm not aging, I'm accumulating wisdom! Quote Right
Quote Left Every time I try to see you, something stands in our way. You've been my rock and my refuge, but I fear you’ll think I’m playing games. I love you deeply and long to be with you, yet unseen forces keep us apart. Please know my love is true, despite the obstacles in our path. Quote Right
Quote Left Cheaters will go so far overboard to win that they expose their ugly existence, leaving no room for others to believe that it was a mistake. Quote Right
Quote Left Honesty is at least half of every poem -- if one starts with attempt at self truth -- the rest is made far easier. Quote Right
Quote Left When we stumble ... we may briefly be humbled, only to be vulnerable to a rising dignity to affirm. Quote Right
Quote Left Change ... is a constant process- yet some things remain the same. Quote Right
Quote Left I am not heard rather just spoken to Quote Right
Quote Left Don’t buy me a bouquet of dollars But hand pick me a bunch of weeds Quote Right
Quote Left Not all wanted is really needed, but much needed is not wanted Quote Right
Quote Left The guiding light in life Comes From a spark Within Quote Right
Quote Left "What if the universe is the simplest possible explanation of love?" 2024-05-31 Quote Right
Quote Left Admittedly, I’m probably pretty vanilla, I just want one flavor with a spicy kink just for me. Still, I can respect a desire for rainbow sprinkles or sorbet, we all have different tastes but love what we love the same way. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is a mysterious journey, of shape-shifting, soul transforming conscious experiences -- Time and place are not nearly important as, quality of grace and love honed and hued. Quote Right
Quote Left If the past still haunts you , that means you have done something. Quote Right
Quote Left Silent n calm water boiling inside.. percolating out of those poignant precious eyes. Though vaporize before oozing out.. May it be the surrender or indomitable will!!!! Quote Right
Quote Left Killing thousands of people should make everyone feel the same everywhere, as it means the same everywhere. It is something against our nature everywhere, so no matter WHO or by WHAT or THROUGH what support or with which nationality or WEARING or to some EXTENT is doing. What matters most is that it is "killing people" by ALL manner of means and how we need your humanity to take a stand against it everywhere. Quote Right
Quote Left no matter how much you use a dictionary to describe your grief, no one can ever truly feel what you felt Quote Right
Quote Left As long as there are spring sunrises...buds into roses, kisses into bouquets, chocolates with valentines -- there Love will also blossom...perennial bloom of the Sacred Heart. Quote Right
Quote Left Heart Attacks: God cuts man slack in which man foolishly ties knots – Soul Clots. Quote Right
Quote Left Love is The God Particle -- the elusive particle science seeks, from which all things came and will go back to -- Love is pure, unchangeable omnipotence. It can be lied about, mimicked, but children know the Real-deal, our beloved pets know, a faithful spouse knows...only politicians and bankers remain entirely oblivious. Quote Right
Quote Left Faith ... Hope ... Trust ... Belief ... where does the truth end, so we may heal beyond our grief ? Quote Right
Quote Left If it’s meant to be for you It will surely find its way to you If it’s not for you it will find excuses not to come to you Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things