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Luck Quotations

Luck quotations. Find, read, and share Luck quotations. These are the best examples of Luck quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left The harder you work, the luckier you get. Quote Right
Quote Left I fixed my eyes on the larget cloud, as if, when it passed out of my sight, I might have the good luck to pass with it. Quote Right
Quote Left When Apollo Mission Astronaut Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon, he not only gave his famous one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind statement but followed it by several remarks, usual com traffic between him, the other astronauts and Mission Control. Just before he re-entered the lander, however, he made the enigmatic remark; 'Good luck Mr. Gorsky.' Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut. However, upon checking, there was no Mr. Gorsky in either the Russian or American space programs. Over the years many people questioned Armstrong as to what the Good luck Mr. Gorsky statement meant, but Armstrong always just smiled. Just last year, (on 5 July 1995 in Tampa Bay, FL) while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26-year-old question to Armstrong. This time he finally responded. Mr. Gorsky had finally died and so Neil Armstrong felt he could answer the question. When he was a kid, he was playing baseball with a friend in the backyard. His friend hits a fly ball which landed in the front of his neighbors bedroom windows. His neighbors were Mr. And Mrs. Gorsky. As he leaned down to pick up the ball, young Armstrong heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky. 'Oral sex! You want oral sex?! You'll get oral sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!' Quote Right
Quote Left Perhaps our supercilious disgust with existence is a cover for a secret disgust with ourselves; we have botched and bungled our lives, and we cast the blame upon the environment or the world, which have no tongues to utter a defense. The mature man accepts the natural limitations of life; he does not expect Providence to be prejudiced in his favor; he does not ask for loaded dice to play the game of life. He knows, with Carlyle, that there is no sense in vilifying the sun because it will not light our cigars. And perhaps, if we are clever enough to help it, the sun will even do that; and this vast neutral cosmos may turn out to be a pleasant place enough if we bring a little sunshine of our own to help it out. In truth, the world is neither with us or against us; it is but raw material in our hands, and can be heaven or hell according to what we are. Quote Right
Quote Left Prostitution is the supreme triumph of capitalism. Worst of all, prostitution reinforces all the old dumb clich?s about women's sexuality; that they are not built to enjoy sex and are little more than walking masturbation aids, things to be DONE TO, things so sensually null and void that they have to be paid to indulge in fornication, that women can be had, bought, as often as not sold from one man to another. When the sex war is won prostitutes should be shot as collaborators for their terrible betrayal of all women, for the moral tarring and feathering they give indigenous women who have had the bad luck to live in what they make their humping ground. Quote Right
Quote Left And nice to have seen you, Sue. Good luck, he called after her as she disappeared down the path, a pretty girl in a hurry, her smooth hair swinging, shining - just such a young woman as Nancy might have been. Then, starting home, he walked toward the trees, and under them, leaving behind him the big sky, the whisper of wind voices in the wind-bent wheat. Quote Right
Quote Left It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree. Quote Right
Quote Left It's bad luck to drown a postman. Quote Right
Quote Left The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of people who have become wealthy have become so thanks to work they found profoundly absorbing. The long term study of people who eventually become wealthy clearly reveals that their Luck arouse from the accidental dedication they had to an area they enjoyed. Quote Right
Quote Left The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of people who have become wealthy have become so thanks to work they found profoundly absorbing. The long term study of people who eventually became wealthy clearly reveals that their 'luck' arose from accidental dedication they had to an arena they enjoyed. Quote Right
Quote Left I busted a mirror and got seven years bad luck, but my lawyer thinks he can get me five. Funny Quote Right
Quote Left Luck is not chance, it is toil. Fortune is expensive smile is earned. Quote Right
Quote Left The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of people who have become wealthy have become so thanks to work they found profoundly absorbing. The long term study of people who eventually became wealthy clearly reveals that their 'luck' arose from accidental dedication they had to an arena they enjoyed. Quote Right
Quote Left We were a bit lucky tonight. It is a fantastic achievement and the team has great character. We didn't manage to play tonight, I don't know if that was for physical reasons or psychological reasons. We never came into our fluent game � we needed luck and resilience and we had both tonight. Quote Right
Quote Left When a woman marries again it is because she detested her first husband. When a man marries again it is because he adored his first wife. Women try their luck; men risk theirs Quote Right
Quote Left Beyond talent lie all the usual words: discipline, love, luck -- but, most of all, endurance. Quote Right
Quote Left The others died, the luck of it blurting through them. I could not, I was a silly broken umbrella... Quote Right
Quote Left As ill-luck would have it. Quote Right
Quote Left The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others it is in yourself alone. Quote Right
Quote Left I believe in luck: how else can you explain the success of those you dislike? Quote Right
Quote Left Beyond talent lie all the usual words discipline, love, luck -- but, most of all, endurance. Quote Right
Quote Left Friends LOVE misery, in fact. Sometimes, especially if we are too luck or too successful or too pretty, our misery is the only thing that endears us to our friends. Quote Right
Quote Left Something that irritates you and won't let you go. That's the anguish of it. Do this book, or die. You have to go through that. Talent is insignificant. I know a lot of talented ruins. Beyond talent lie all the usual words: discipline, love, luck, but, most of all, endurance. Quote Right
Quote Left The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month. - from Fisherman's Luck Quote Right
Quote Left Fortune's a right whore. If she give ought, she deals it in small parcels, that she may take away all at one swoop. Quote Right
Quote Left It is the mark of an inexperienced man not to believe in luck. Quote Right
Quote Left I think luck is the sense to recognize an opportunity and the ability to take advantage of it... The man who can smile at his breaks and grab his chances gets on Quote Right
Quote Left Luck is not chance, it is toil. Fortune is expensive smile is earned Quote Right
Quote Left The only sure thing about luck is that it will change. Quote Right
Quote Left It will generally be found that men who are constantly lamenting their ill luck are only reaping the consequences of their own neglect, mismanagement, and improvidence, or want of application. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Luck

Quote Left "Reeds love rivers, as the fading and transitory things of the world delight us. If, however, anyone shall pluck up this reed from the Earth, and strip off it's useless parts, spoiling the old man with his deeds, and guide it by the hand of a Scribe writing quickly, it begins to be no more a Reed, but a Pen, which impresses the precepts of the Heavenly Scriptures on the Hidden Places of the mind and writes them on the Tables Of The Heart" - St.Ambrose Quote Right
Quote Left How bricks by bricks don't know next and made a house is luck. Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left “Some say, and believe, bad luck lurks in threes.” from the poem “Triad of Troubles” by Maxwell Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left “Bad luck, they say, unfolds in a three-act play…“ from the poem “Triad of Troubles” by Maxwell Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left Lucky is a two way street; Me wanting you and you wanting me. Quote Right
Quote Left On luck: "Bad luck, some say, unfolds in a three-act play." from the poem "Triad of Troubles" by Max Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left Without luck, intelligence is sour. is similar to unsweetened coffee. Quote Right
Quote Left If you tell yourself you can, you can. Maybe, with a little luck.., you will. -QtR Quote Right
Quote Left To have faith in others is testing human reasoning: do the less fortunate have the same treatment as the lucky, or wealthy ones? Society is unfair and favors the elite, or the ones who flatter them to obtain favoritism. Quote Right
Quote Left The greedy will never stop their race to obtain other riches such as those stolen by force from those humble folks who prospered with the sweat of their brows, but for a stroke of bad luck their honor and dignity were taken away from them, making them servants like beasts locked up in a cage while the stingy and cruel master denied them prosperity and harmony with deceit. Once they were happy and free like a flock of crows screeching under a sky bluer than the sea. Quote Right
Quote Left Some brilliants minds have climbed the ladder so confident of reaching their goal: was it luck or merit? If one is born with everything, he accomplishes very little. Quote Right
Quote Left It is lucky to see a living  electric fish in lake Tanganyika, but It is a curse to touch  it with out plastic glaves. By Alfonso Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris Quote Right
Quote Left I am not lucky but I am gifted Quote Right
Quote Left My luck is so bad the day I die everyone on the planet will stump their toe on coffee table or step on a lego or catch trailer ball with shin this is necessary to even things out again Quote Right
Quote Left If wishes were kisses life would be bliss, everyone would be blessed with lucky lips. Quote Right
Quote Left Brief autumn breeze ... she always wanted to pluck the reddest roses —Issa, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch This is a haiku Issa wrote after the death of his daughter Sato with the note: “Sato, girl, 35th day, at the grave.” Quote Right
Quote Left In love there's only the two of you once.., twice if you're really lucky. -QtR Quote Right
Quote Left “Peaceful Until Plucked” Quote Right
Quote Left When the aliens come, when humans become robotic, when sci - fii movies become a reality... Do you want to stand and watch? Be a part of this change.... We are the luckiest generation for getting an opportunity to live thru this change. Make every single effort, not just to witness, but to be the change. Quote Right
Quote Left Maybe it was my fault, I demanded more than luck. Quote Right
Quote Left "He looks at her like he can't quite believe that she exists, like she's an otherworldly creature and he can't quite figure out how he's lucky enough to behold her. He looks at her like he's afraid she's going to disappear." Quote Right
Quote Left A dream is a message from the mind that represents current situation and different events of the past, present and future. “For Example.” 1.Fruit and vegetables in the dream mean wish and desires. 2.Snake is the omen of risk and danger. 3.Crying and weeping indicate emotional and physical needs. 4.Nightmare is the symbol of suffering and bad luck. 5.Pain is the symptom of reality and real pain or distress etc. Quote Right
Quote Left Keep on wishing others evil ,you will walk a path of badluck and empty promises all your life Quote Right
Quote Left “How lucky am I, to stand on the ground that holds my head, my gut, and my heart all together, all in one place.” ~ TiNa Art Quote Right
Quote Left bad luck for you, good luck for me Quote Right
Quote Left With my luck .....I'd be a fish that couldn't swim Quote Right
Quote Left Genius is 99% chance and 1% luck Quote Right
Quote Left I hate memories because they are constant reminders that things were once real. You were once there. You had witnessed everything and you could've had the ability to alter the situation, if given any luck or power to undo things, to exit the other door, and to look back for safety measures.But we're mortals and we just got to live with all these haunting memories. Quote Right
Quote Left It is fate that i met my best friend. it is luck that we will be friends forever. Quote Right
Quote Left my mum told me to wear clean pair of underpants in case I had an accident, and my dad told me to wear a clean pair of underpants in case I got lucky Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs