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Lord Quotations

Lord quotations. Find, read, and share Lord quotations. These are the best examples of Lord quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Hope smiles on the threshold of the year to come, whispering that it will be happier. Quote Right
Quote Left I swear to the Lord, I still can't see, why Democracy means, everybody but me. Quote Right
Quote Left I swear to the Lord I still can't see Why Democracy means Everybody but me. Quote Right
Quote Left Yes, love indeed is light from heaven; A spark of that immortal fire with angels shared, by Allah given to lift from earth our low desire. Quote Right
Quote Left There was no exaggeration in Marian's definition of Flintcomb-Ash farm as a starve-acre place. The single fat thing on the soil was Marian herself; and she was an importation. Of the three classes of village, the village cared for by its lord, the village cared for by itself, and the village uncared for either by itself or by its lord (in other words, the village of a resident squires's tenantry, the village of free or copy-holders, and the absentee-owner's village, farmed with the land) this place, Flintcomb-Ash, was the third. But Tess set to work. Patience, that blending of moral courage with physical timidity, was now no longer a minor feature in Mrs Angel Clare; and it sustained her. Quote Right
Quote Left For I dipped into the future, as far as human eye could see, saw a vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be. Quote Right
Quote Left Ours not to reason why Ours but to do and die. Quote Right
Quote Left Her eyes are homes of silent prayers. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. Quote Right
Quote Left Roll on, deep and dark blue ocean, roll. Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain. Man marks the earth with ruin, but his control stops with the shore. Quote Right
Quote Left Society is now one polished horde, formed by two mighty tribes - Bores and Bored. Quote Right
Quote Left Look you, Doubloon, your zodiac here is the life of man in one round chapter. To begin: there's Aries, or the Ram -- lecherous dog, he begets us; then, Taurus, or the Bull -- he bumps us the first thing; then Gemini, or the Twins -- that is, Virtue and Vice; we try to reach Virtue, when lo! comes Cancer the Crab, and drags us back; and here, going from Virtue, Leo, a roaring Lion, lies in the path -- he gives a few fierce bites and surly dabs with his paw; we escape, and hail Virgo, the virgin! that's our first love; we marry and think to be happy for aye, when pop comes Libra, or the Scales -- happiness weighed and found wanting; and while we are very sad about that, Lord! how we suddenly jump, as Scorpio, or the Scorpion, stings us in rear; we are curing the wound, when come the arrows all round; Sagittarius, or the Archer, is amusing himself. As we pluck out the shafts, stand aside! here's the battering-ram, Capricornus, or the Goat; full tilt, he comes rushing, and headlong we are tossed; when Aquarius, or the Waterbearer, pours out his whole deluge and drowns us; and, to wind up, with Pisces, or the Fishes, we sleep. Quote Right
Quote Left Rudyard Kipling coined the phrase: 'The female of the species is more deadly than the male.' Well - look at Jeannette Rankin. Probably a hundred men in Congress would have liked to do what she did. Not one of them had the courage to do it. The Gazette entirely disagrees with the wisdom of her position. But, Lord, it was a brave thing! Quote Right
Quote Left The poor dog, in life the firmest friend, The first to welcome, foremost to defend, Whose honest heart is still the master's own, Who labours, fights, lives, breathes for him alone, Unhonour'd falls, unnoticed all his worth, Denied in heaven the soul he held on earth, While man, vain insect hopes to be forgiven, And claims himself a sole exclusive heaven. Quote Right
Quote Left I hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. Quote Right
Quote Left I love not man the less, but Nature more. Quote Right
Quote Left If thou shouldst never see my face again,Pray for my soul. More things are wrought by prayerThan this world dreams of. Quote Right
Quote Left I am a part of all I have seen. Quote Right
Quote Left Though we are not now at that strength which in better days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; one equal temper of heroic hearts made weak by time and fate but not in will; To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield Quote Right
Quote Left I am monarch of all I survey, My right there is none to dispute; From the center all round to the sea, I am lord of the fowl and the brute Quote Right
Quote Left Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee and I'll forgive Thy great big one on me. Quote Right
Quote Left There lives more faith in honest doubt, believe me, than in half the creeds. Quote Right
Quote Left Where there is mystery, it is generally suspected there must also be evil. Quote Right
Quote Left At fourteen I married My Lord you. Quote Right
Quote Left The king-times are fast finishing. There will be blood shed like water, and tears like mist; but the peoples will conquer in the end. I shall not live to see it, but I foresee it. Quote Right
Quote Left We have progressively improved into a less spiritual species of tenderness -- but the seal is not yet fixed though the wax is preparing for the impression. Quote Right
Quote Left Keep our Empire undismembered guide our Forces by Thy Hand, gallant blacks from far Jamaica, Honduras and Togoland; protect them Lord in all their fights, and even more, protect the whites. Quote Right
Quote Left A louse in the locks of literature. Quote Right
Quote Left Yes! Ready money is Aladdin's lamp. Quote Right
Quote Left I hold it true,what'er befallI feel it, when I sorrow most'Tis better to have loved and lostThan never to have loved at all. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Lord

Quote Left If suspended my time by fate...then, Dear Lord, let my animation be love! Quote Right
Quote Left When you have to make the decision of what's more important, to lose money or to compromise right for wrong, trust the God of your convictions, for all else, the Lord will provide. Quote Right
Quote Left Some times hold thyself to see how simple this life is! Some times give your touch to the leaves n petals around! Some times breathe in the fog and levitate! Some times admire simple things in people around! Some times give accountability to your own self n get thru with complete responsibility! Some times be the courage to support others! Some times....... Just be what the Lord wants you to be! Quote Right
Quote Left The day we see the Lord standing by the side n holding our hands tight..... We need no one else, even loneliness smiles! Quote Right
Quote Left Let the heart carry no pain, Let the brain not carry any calculations, Let the actions not carry revenge n agitation, Let the eyes not carry the weak moments, Let the lips not carry the sensations of vengeance. Wrapped up in cozy calmness, keep dropping into your Piggy bank... all the blessings, the Lord bestows out of love. Quote Right
Quote Left O Moon! The creator of my character, the treasure of my emotions; here I come along with the Supreme Charioteer in form of coiled life force in the spine, to surrender to you and provide me strength and wisdom. Lord Krishna, my dearest companion hold me strong; you are the only one upon whom I can count. Quote Right
Quote Left Intelligence is extremely emotional coz emotions analyse and rise. The chariot of emotions move in right directions isn't always destined. Righteousness alone qualifies to be the ideal charioteer. Lord Krishna... The subconscious charioteer in form of coiled life force in the spine, always resides..... It's just that inspite of being focused upon gazing the world, we got to look with in n shine. Quote Right
Quote Left Zafar Bhai Khuda paak ka qasam tun drug lord hai tun agencies ka khas ul khas hai. Tun PAK kay Top Ten rich logon mein hai. Quote Right
Quote Left Everything is possible I heard and nope We took any asset I Mark my possibility to be a judge your self Quote Right
Quote Left Writing became therapeutic for me and it looks like its bocoming therapeutic for others. If i can change someone’s life by sharing my story through poet then i believe we can all make a difference.” BIBLE VERSE: “ TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND LEAN NOT UNTO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. IN ALL YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE SHALL DIRECT YOUR PATH”. PROVERBS 3:5-6 Quote Right
Quote Left ,, lord Shiva and godess feelings get's failed to tell they are nope negative to your family or alse mud bring down Lotus Rose which was having thorns" Quote Right
Quote Left Special gift. the gift of yourself, modeled by our Lord Jesus. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
Quote Left When the Lord wants to bless you, he breaks human protocol_ Don't let negative energy bring you down_ Or destroy what, the Lord gave you as a gift or talent_ Because that's what differentiate you from others_ Making you a unique creature! Quote Right
Quote Left The universal road for all humanity under the sun is Death Before you die may your spirit meet peace with the Lord Almighty and fellow men. Lest you think big headed but bow down in humility before the Lord Almighty. By Chipepo Lwele Quote Right
Quote Left The greatest of man born of a woman, Is that he should acknowledge the Lord Almighty, In his struggles, pains, triumphs, victories, highs and lows. By Chipepo Lwele Quote Right
Quote Left All great men are humble by nature, They know they need the Lord Mighty and_ Team mates to win the battle! By Chipepo Lwele Quote Right
Quote Left It is true the magic of Christmas can be seen in the eyes of children, but the real magic can be found in those that look up when they pray and say thank you Lord for the eternal gift you gave us for Christmas... Quote Right
Quote Left Meet me at my end dear Lord that, there may be more of you and less of me. Quote Right
Quote Left P.S. my mind is not yours, it is the Lords... Quote Right
Quote Left The most dangerous words ever uttered by human lips are “thus saith the LORD.” — Michael R. Burch (keywords: lord, god, bible, religion) Quote Right
Quote Left Brace for impact when the Spirit of the Lord ignites a human heart. Quote Right
Quote Left When your words fail you, when society turns it back and tells you go to figure out things for yourself, will you then turn back toward your lord. Quote Right
Quote Left - By your "limitless" graces universe is healed, Only to dwell with you, Lord, may my death-knell pealed - Quote Right
Quote Left Everyone is the landlord in their own heart, but a guest in somebody else’s heart Quote Right
Quote Left Lord, it is time. Let the immense summer go. Lay your long shadows over the sundials and over the meadows, let the free winds blow. ('Herbsttag' or 'Autumn Day' by Rainer Maria Rilke, loose translation by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left How much is your life worth? Will you sell it for a moment of false happiness? Nothing is worth selling your Lord’s salvation for. Quote Right
Quote Left The good Lord made dogs so that we would always have unconditional love. Quote Right
Quote Left “Murder most foul!” cried the mouse to the owl. “Friend, I’m no sinner; you’re merely my dinner. As you fall on my sword, take it up with the Lord!” the wise owl replied as the tasty snack died. ('Murder Most Fowl!' an allegory about wisdom by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left Jesus is my savior He Knows my very heart He loves me inside and out Every single part I thankyou Lord Jesus for saving my soul and giving me eternal life Now that I know I have no fear of death or the the things of the world For I know who watches over me and that person is my Lord Jesus who lives I'll never turn back to my old sinful ways I'll just follow Jesus Christ the rest of my days Quote Right
Quote Left "Jesus is Lord and King and blood is what He shed on Calvary just for you and me so that we could be eternally set free." Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs