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Landscape Quotations

Landscape quotations. Find, read, and share Landscape quotations. These are the best examples of Landscape quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left The true beloveds of this world are in their lover's eyes lilacs opening, ship lights, school bells, a landscape, remembered conversations, friends, a child's Sunday, lost voices, one's favorite suit, autumn and all seasons, memory, yes, it being the earth and water of existence, memory. Quote Right
Quote Left When we began our analysis of the videogame landscape, it became apparent that EA SPORTS was best positioned from a marketing and development perspective to maximize the sales opportunities for college football, Quote Right
Quote Left The future is ever a misted landscape, no man foreknows it, but at cyclical turns There is a change felt in the rhythm of events: Quote Right
Quote Left If a man knows the law, find out, though he live in a pine shanty, and resort to him. And if a man can pipe or sing, so as to wrap the imprisoned soul in an elysium; or can paint a landscape, and convey into souls and ochres all the enchantments of Spring or Autumn; or can liberate and intoxicate all people who hear him with delicious songs and verses; it is certain that the secret cannot be kept; the first witness tells it to a second, and men go by fives and tens and fifties to his doors. Quote Right
Quote Left The term clinical depression finds its way into too many conversations these days. One has a sense that a catastrophe has occurred in the psychic landscape. Quote Right
Quote Left Softly the evening came. The sun from the western horizon Like a magician extended his golden wand o'er the landscape; Twinkling vapors arose; and sky and water and forest Seemed all on fire at the touch, and melted and mingled together. Quote Right
Quote Left In our own beginnings, we are formed out of the body's interior landscape. For a short while, our mothers' bodies are the boundaries and personal geography which are all that we know of the world. ... Once we no longer live beneath our mother's heart, it is the earth with which we form the same dependent relationship, relying ... on its cycles and elements, helpless without its protective embrace. Quote Right
Quote Left Spring has sprung. We're free at last, people. Free at last. Thank you mother nature, we're free. Time to toss open that metaphysical window and check out that psychic landscape. See lots of possibilities budding out there. Time to hoe those rows, feed that seed. Pretty soon you get a garden. Quote Right
Quote Left Have you ever been out for a late autumn walk in the closing part of the afternoon, and suddenly looked up to realize that the leaves have practically all gone And the sun has set and the day gone before you knew it - and with that a cold wind blows across the landscape That's retirement. Quote Right
Quote Left By avarice and selfishness, and a groveling habit, from which none of us is free, of regarding the soil as property, or the means of acquiring property chiefly, the landscape is deformed, husbandry is degraded with us, and the farmer leads the meanest of lives. He knows Nature but as a robber. Quote Right
Quote Left I have not written in vain if I have heretofore done anything towards diminishing the reputation of the Renaissance landscape painting. Quote Right
Quote Left Dead power is everywhere among us—in the forest, chopping down the songs; at night in the industrial landscape, wasting and stiffening the n... Quote Right
Quote Left I believe that organic sex, body against body, skin area against skin area, is becoming no longer possible, simply because if anything is to have any meaning for us it must take place in terms of the values and experiences of the media landscape. What we're getting is a whole new order of sexual fantasies, involving a different order of experiences, like car crashes, like travelling in jet aircraft, the whole overlay of new technologies, architecture, interior design, communications, transport, merchandising. These things are beginning to reach into our lives and change the interior design of our sexual fantasies. We've got to recognize that what one sees through the window of the TV screen is as important as what one sees through a window on the street. Quote Right
Quote Left Something ignoble, loathsome, undignified attends all associations between people and has been transferred to all objects, dwelling, tools, even the landscape itself. Quote Right
Quote Left We shouldn't forget how terrifying untamed landscape was to early settlers. From their perspective, mankind was put here in the New World to conquer the wilderness. Quote Right
Quote Left There exists a black kingdom which the eyes of man avoid because its landscape fails signally to flatter them. This darkness, which he imagines he can dispense with in describing the light, is error with its unknown characteristics. Error is certainty's constant companion. Error is the corollary of evidence. And anything said about truth may equally well be said about error: the delusion will be no greater. Quote Right
Quote Left Large department stores, with their luxuriant abundance of canned goods, foods, and clothing, are like the primary landscape and the geometrical locus of affluence. Streets with overcrowded and glittering store windows...the displays of delicacies, and all the scenes of alimentary and vestimentary festivity, stimulate a magical salivation. Accumulation is more than the sum of its products: the conspicuousness of surplus, the final and magical negation of scarcity...mimic a new-found nature of prodigious fecundity. Quote Right
Quote Left What I so like about Poussin and Cezanne is their sense of organization. Ilike the way in which they develop space and shape in architecturalcontinuity - the rhythm across their paintings. When I paint a landscape, Iget the greatest pleasure out of composing it. As I paint, I try to work outa visual sonata form or a fugue, with realistic images. Quote Right
Quote Left Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again. Quote Right
Quote Left The geometry of landscape and situation seems to create its own systems of time, the sense of a dynamic element which is cinematizing the events of the canvas, translating a posture or ceremony into dynamic terms. The greatest movie of the 20th century is the Mona Lisa, just as the greatest novel is Gray's Anatomy. Quote Right
Quote Left The marriage of reason and nightmare which has dominated the 20th century has given birth to an ever more ambiguous world. Across the communications landscape move the specters of sinister technologies and the dreams that money can buy. Quote Right
Quote Left A garden is a complex of aesthetic and plastic intentions; and the plant is, to a landscape artist, not only a plant - rare, unusual, ordinary or doomed to disappearance - but it is also a color, a shape, a volume or an arabesque in itself. Quote Right
Quote Left Any landscape is a condition of the spirit. Quote Right
Quote Left In our own time we have seen domination spread over the social landscape to a point where it is beyond all human control. Compared to this stupendous mobilization of materials, of wealth, of human intellect, of human labor for the single goal of domination, all other recent human achievements pale to almost trivial significance. Our art, science, medicine, literature, music and charitable acts seem like mere droppings from a table on which gory feasts on the spoils of conquest have engaged the attention of a system whose appetite for rule is utterly unrestrained. Quote Right
Quote Left There is nothing in which the birds differ more from man than the way in which they can build and yet leave a landscape as it was before. Quote Right
Quote Left To pray is to pay attention to something or someone other than oneself. Whenever a man so concentrates his attention -- on a landscape, a poem, a geometrical problem, an idol, or the True God -- that he completely forgets his own ego and desires, he is praying. Quote Right
Quote Left Under his spurning feet, the road Like an arrowly alpine river flowed And the landscape sped away behind Like an ocean flying before the wind.... Quote Right
Quote Left I don't think the WNBA is going to disappear from the sports landscape anytime soon. It's likely to keep chugging along. It's never going to be part of the mainstream in pro sports leagues, but it can find its place as long as expectations don't get too high. Quote Right
Quote Left Major social movements eventually fade into the landscape not because they have diminished but because they have become a permanent part of our perceptions and experience. Quote Right
Quote Left Come out of the azure. Love the day. Do not leave the sky out of your landscape. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Landscape

Quote Left In the shadows of conflict, humanity weeps as peace becomes the casualty, leaving scars etched on the landscape of nations. Quote Right
Quote Left When truth is ignored and avoided ... then trust becomes absent in defeat. Without trust, can be seen a barren landscape, where a lone horizon is traveled incomplete. Quote Right
Quote Left The treasure of mankind landscape should not be tilled with greed but merely tilling his field with pure contentment with life. Quote Right
Quote Left A breeze stirs leaves, a gale changes landscapes. Be the gust of wind that changes whole generations, not the breeze that wavers a few opinions. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs