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Hearing Quotations

Hearing quotations. Find, read, and share Hearing quotations. These are the best examples of Hearing quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Goddamit! He beat me to it. Quote Right
Quote Left Seeing, hearing, feeling, are miracles, and each part and tag of me is a miracle. Quote Right
Quote Left Not a single star will be left in the night. The night will not be left. I will die and, with me, the weight of the intolerable universe. I shall erase the pyramids, the medallions, the continents and faces. I shall erase the accumulated past. I shall make dust of history, dust of dust. Now I am looking on the final sunset. I am hearing the last bird. I bequeath nothingness to no one. Quote Right
Quote Left The hearing ear is always found close to the speaking tongue; and no genius can long or often utter anything which is not invited and gladly entertained by men around him. Quote Right
Quote Left One does not jump, and spring, and shout hurrah! at hearing one has got a fortune, one begins to consider responsibilities, and to ponder business; on a base of steady satisfaction rise certain grave cares, and we contain ourselves, and brood over our bliss with a solemn brow. Quote Right
Quote Left If I was telling that story in a '50s style, it would have been a melodrama, ... a story of 'An innocent girl falls into the seedy, sordid world of bondage and then sees the light and is born again.' If I were telling it now in an urban, sophisticated way, you would have a story about a girl who is a free spirit, who does these lighthearted bondage photos, then she crashes and she turns to religion which would be the tragedy in the modern view, because it's so polarized now that people see any religion as representing the horrible forces of puritanism. I was trying to comment on the sad confusion surrounding sex at that time, present it in a complex way, and give her religion a fair hearing too. Quote Right
Quote Left Silent companions of the lonely hour, Friends, who can never alter or forsake, Who for inconstant roving have no power, And all neglect, perforce, must calmly take,-- Let me return to you; this turmoil ending Which worldly cares have in my spirit wrought, And, o'er your old familiar pages bending, Refresh my mind with many a tranquil thought: Till, haply meeting there, from time to time, Fancies, the audible echo of my own, 'Twill be like hearing in a foreign clime My native language spoke in friendly tone, And with a sort of welcome I shall dwell On these, my unripe musings, told so well. Quote Right
Quote Left God speaks to me not through the thunder and the earthquake, nor through the ocean and the stars, but through the Son of Man, and speaks in a language adapted to my imperfect sight and hearing. Quote Right
Quote Left Alexander received more bravery of mind by the pattern of Achilles, than by hearing the definition of fortitude. Quote Right
Quote Left We should get into the habit of reading inspirational books, looking at inspirational pictures, hearing inspirational music, associating with inspirational friends. Quote Right
Quote Left Why should Allah chastise you if you are grateful and believe? And Allah is the Multiplier of rewards, Knowing / Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech unless (it be) by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing. Quote Right
Quote Left Hearing often-times the still, sad music of humanity, nor harsh nor grating, though of ample power to chasten and subdue. Quote Right
Quote Left The seeing of objects involves many sources of information beyond those meeting the eye when we look at an object. It generally involves knowledge of the object derived from previous experience, and this experience is not limited to vision but may include the other senses: touch, taste, smell, hearing, and perhaps also temperature or pain. Quote Right
Quote Left People have often said to me, 'Surely when you are with the tramps they don't really accept you as one of themselves? Surely they notice that you are different--notice the difference of accent?' etc., etc. As a matter of fact, a fair proportion of tramps, well over a quarter I should say, notice nothing of the kind. To begin with, many people have no ear for accent and judge you entirely by your clothes. I was often struck by this fact when I was begging at back doors. Some people were obviously surprised by my 'educated' accent, others completely failed to notice it; I was dirty and ragged and that was all they saw. Again, tramps come from all parts of the British Isles and the variation in English accents is enormous. A tramp is used to hearing all kinds of accents among his mates, some of them so strange to him that he can hardly understand them, and a man from, say, Cardiff or Durham or Dublin does not necessarily know which of the south English accents is an 'educated' one. In any case men with 'educated' accents, though rare among tramps, are not unknown. But even when tramps are aware that you are of different origin from themselves, it does not necessarily alter their attitude. From their point of view all that matters is that you, like themselves, are 'on the bum'. And in that world it is not done to ask too many questions. You can tell people the history of your life if you choose, and most tramps do so on the smallest provocation, but you are under no compulsion to tell it and whatever story you tell will be accepted without question. Even a bishop could be at home among tramps if he wore the right clothes; and even if they knew he was a bishop it might not make any difference, provided that they also knew or believed that he was genuinely destitute. Once you are in that world and seemingly of it, it hardly matters what you have been in the past. It is a sort of world-within-a-world where everyone is equal, a small squalid democracy... Quote Right
Quote Left Be able to recognize when you're reading or hearing material biased to your own side. Quote Right
Quote Left I always wondered what hearing one's own obituary might sound like, and I sort of feel like I may have just heard part of it at least. Quote Right
Quote Left It is surely a matter of common observation that a man who knows no one thing intimately has no views worth hearing on things in general. The farmer philosophizes in terms of crops, soils, markets, and implements, the mechanic generalizes his experiences of wood and iron, the seaman reaches similar conclusions by his own special road; and if the scholar keeps pace with these it must be by an equally virile productivity. Quote Right
Quote Left Every particle of factual evidence supports the factual contention that the higher mammalian vertebrates experience pain sensations at least as acute as our own. To say that they feel pain less because they are lower animals is an absurdity; it can easily be shown that many of their senses are far more acute than ours - visual acuity in certain birds, hearing in most wild animals, and touch in others; these animals depend more than we do today on a the sharpest possible awareness of a hostile environment. Apart from the complexity of the cerebral cortex (which does not directly perceive pain) their nervous systems are almost identical to ours and their reaction to pain remarkably similar, though lacking (so far as we know) the philosophical and moral overtones. The emotional element is all too evident, mainly in the form of fear and anger. Quote Right
Quote Left For I have learned to look on nature, not as in the hour of thoughtless youth, but hearing oftentimes the still, sad music of humanity. Quote Right
Quote Left Odors have an altogether peculiar force, in affecting us through association; a force differing essentially from that of objects addressing the touch, the taste, the sight or the hearing. Quote Right
Quote Left [By the end, the baseball metaphors of the early hearing had given way to gambling analogies. Schumer one-upped Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.), who had declared that senators were] rolling the dice with you, Judge. ... This isn't just rolling the dice. It's betting the whole house. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Peace, woman,' Mr. Crawley said, addressing her at last. The bishop jumped out of his chair at hearing the wife of his bosom called a woman. ... Quote Right
Quote Left Certain it is that scandal is good brisk talk, whereas praise of one's neighbor is by no means lively hearing. An acquaintance grilled, scored, devilled, and served with mustard and cayenne pepper excites the appetite; whereas a slice of cold friend with currant jelly is but a sickly, unrelishing meat. Quote Right
Quote Left To be shelterless and alone in the open country, hearing the wind moan and watching for day through the whole long weary night; to listen to the falling rain, and crouch for warmth beneath the lee of some old barn or rick, or in the hollow of a tree; are dismal things -- but not so dismal as the wandering up and down where shelter is, and beds and sleepers are by thousands; a houseless rejected creature. Quote Right
Quote Left Senator, I started my life in a house without water or electricity. So I don't cede to you the high moral ground of not knowing what life is like in a ditch. to Senator Robert Byrd at a budget hearing Quote Right
Quote Left I love hearing my relations abused. It is the only thing that makes me put up with them at all. Quote Right
Quote Left We think that we're going to become intimately involved with the arbitration process given the nature of how young our roster is. The intent of the hearing is to solve differences that can't be resolved through negotiations. It's not ideal for the team or the player, but sometimes it's necessary. Quote Right
Quote Left Is no one inspired by our present picture of the universe? Our poets do not write about it; our artists do not try to portray this remarkable thing. The value of science remains unsung by singers: you are reduced to hearing not a song or poem, but an evening lecture about it. This is not yet a scientific age. Quote Right
Quote Left If Hollywood stars speak out, so do all sorts of other people. Now Hollywood stars can get a better hearing. Quote Right
Quote Left We should thank God that He did not give us the power of hearing through walls; otherwise there would be no such thing as friendship Quote Right

Member Quotes About Hearing

Quote Left Don’t go back and forth with quarrelsome people is like hearing a dripping faucet. Quote Right
Quote Left "I have spent all of my life, hearing God tell me things that were going to happen, and I see other things happen that try to make it look like God wasn't going to do what He said He would, and still to this day, none of those other things have convinced me otherwise." Quote Right
Quote Left Silence is an attachment to accusation as one puts silencer on a smoking gun when killing is done without others even hearing, let alone seeing. Silence is virtue for Inner emancipation. Quote Right
Quote Left No one likes to hear the truth... when they don't like what they're hearing. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Hurry Honey' Phone Sales..." Hello! Yes, Do you want a Hearing-aid - What? I can't hear YOU" Quote Right
Quote Left Despite hearing any thing about myself, when I don't react. You may call it weakness, I call it grace! Quote Right
Quote Left *PERHAPS OF LIFE* Perhaps the thing is, every negative act has a little beauty to look at. Perhaps you should stop fighting cold by sitting in the snow, try another method of payment to life trading. Perhaps try another one, life maybe tired of reading and maybe interested in hearing. Perhaps you should ask yourself, is there any other person that can savvy the language of pain that runs through me. *Paciolo Pen Saint???* Quote Right
Quote Left You meant that you live like lion but pardon my hearing mistake, I heard that you leave spike aeon.... Quote Right
Quote Left I knew I loved you when saying goodbye felt like a knife. When grief took over my body while you were still walking this earth. When your name stuck in my throat and hearing it felt like a dagger all over again. Although it was the right thing to do, even the right decision can feel like the wrong one. Quote Right
Quote Left All country and nature is my, I am in the heart of the world sees, set go sweet moments to rest and hearing the song. Quote Right
Quote Left How you sit to hear something, reflects how serious you are in hearing what is being said. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things