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Guard Quotations

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Quote Left Why shouldn't I work for the NSA? That's a tough one. But I'll take a shot. Say I'm workin' at the NSA and somebody puts a code on my desk, somethin' no one else can break. Maybe I take a shot at it and maybe I break it and I'm real happy with myself cause I did my job well, but maybe that code was the location of some rebel army in North Africa or the Middle East and once they have that location, they bomb the village where the rebels are hiding, fifteen hundred people I never met, never had no problem with get killed. Now the politicains are sayin' 'Oh send in the marines to secure the area, cause they don't give a shit, won't be their kid over there gettin' shot just like it wasn't them when their number got called cause they were all pullin' a tour in the National Guard. It'll be some kid from Southy over there takin' shrapnel in the ass. He comes back to find that the plant he used to work at, got exported to the country he just got back from, and the guy that put the shrapnel in his ass got his old job cause he'll work for 15 cents a day and no bathroom breaks. Meanwhile, he realises the only reason he was over there in the first place was so that we could install a government that would sell us oil at a good price, and ofcourse the oil companies use a little skirmish over there to scare up domestic oil prices, a cute little ancilliary benefit for them, but it ain't helpin' my buddy at 2.50 a gallon. Their takin' their sweet time bringin' the oil back, of course maybe they even took the liberty of hiring an alcoholic skipper who likes to drink martini's and fuckin' play slolum with the icebergs. It ain't to long til he hits one, spills the oil, and kills all the sea life in the North Atlantic... so now my buddy's out of work, he can't afford to drive, so he's walkin' to the fuckin' job interviews which sucks cause the shrapnel in his ass is givin' him cronic hemroids and meanwhile, he's starvin' cause everytime he tries to get a bite to eat the only blue plate special their serving is North Atlantic scrod with Quaker State.... so what did I think? I'm holdin' out for somethin' better. I figure fuck it, while Im at it why not just shoot my buddy, take his job, give it to his sworn enemy, hike up gas prices, bomb a village, club a baby seal, hit the hash pipe, and join the National Guard. I could be elected President. Quote Right
Quote Left The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature. Quote Right
Quote Left And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord; and a Garden, the extensiveness of which is (as) the heavens and the earth, it is prepared for those who guard (against evil). Quote Right
Quote Left He always looked forward to the evening drives through the centre of Shanghai, this electric and lurid city, more exciting than any other in the world. As they reached the Bubbling Well Road he pressed his face to the windshield and gazed at the pavements lined with night-clubs and gambling dens, crowded with bar-girls and gangsters and rich beggars with their bodyguards. Crowds of gamblers pushed their way into the jai alai stadiums, blocking the traffic in the Bubbling Well Road. An armoured police van with two Thompson guns mounted in a steel turret above the driver swung in front of the Packard and cleared the pavement. A party of young Chinese women in sequinned dresses tripped over a child's coffin decked with paper flowers. Arms linked together, they lurched against the radiator grille of the Packard and swayed past Jim's window, slapping the windshield with their small hands and screaming obscenities. Nearby, along the windows of the Sun Sun department store in the Nanking Road, a party of young European jews were fighting in and out of the strolling crowds with a gang of older German boys in the swastika armbands of the Graf Zeppelin Club. Chased by the police sirens, they ran through the entrance of the Cathay Theatre, the world's largest cinema, where a crowd of Chinese shopgirls and typists, beggars and pickpockets spilled in the street to watch people arriving for the evening performance. As they stepped from their limousines the women steered their long skirts through the honour guard of fifty hunchbacks in mediaeval costume. Three months earlier, when his parents had taken Jim to the premiere of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, there had been two hundred hunchbacks, recruited by the management of the theatre from every back alley in Shanghai. As always, the spectacle outside the theatre for exceeded anything shown on its screen. Quote Right
Quote Left If we know we've got one graduating, we're looking for another one. It's like getting a point guard or a shooter. It's a kid with an edge. You have to have some of that. Quote Right
Quote Left And first Satan's endeavours have ever been, and they cease not yet to instill a belief in the minde of man, There is no God at all. . . . that the necessity of his entity dependeth upon ours, and is but a Politicall Chymera. . . . Where he succeeds not thus high, he labours to introduce a secondary and deductive Atheisme; that although, men concede there is a God, yet . . . that he intendeth only the care of the species or common natures, but letteth loose the guard of individuals, and single existencies therein: That he looks not below the Moon, but hath designed the regiment of sublunary affairs unto inferiour deputations. To promote which apprehensions or empuzzell their due conceptions, he casteth in the notions of fate, destiny, fortune, chance and necessity. . . . Whereby extinguishing in mindes the compensation of vertue and vice, the hope and fear of heaven or hell; they comply in their actions unto the drift of his delusions. . . . Quote Right
Quote Left i am everyone what if i were everyone in the world. every murder would also be a suicide. i'd be the person that shot myself, and the person that sued me for shooting me. id be the jury that sentenced myself to death. id be the judge that delivered the sentence. i'd be the preacher that gave me my last words and the chef that cooked me my last meal. i'd be the guard that escorted me to the little room. i would be the one to inject myself with lethal poisons. i would watch myself die, never feeling my own pain. i would be the preacher that preached at my funeral and the guests that attended it. i would be the pallbearers that carried my own coffin. i would be the person that dug my own grave and the one that set my coffin into the ground. and i would be the little girl that set flowers on the grave. setting flowers on my own grave Quote Right
Quote Left Therefore, to be possessed with double pomp,To guard a title that was rich before,To gild refined gold, to paint the lily,To throw a perfume on the violet,To smooth the ice, or add another hueUnto the rainbow, or with taper lightTo seek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish,Is wasteful and ridiculous excess. Quote Right
Quote Left And his people came to him, (as if) rushed on towards him, and already they did evil deeds. He said: O my people! these are my daughters-- they are purer for you, so guard against (the punishment of) Allah and do not disgrace me with regard to my guests; is there not among you one right-minded man? / They said: Certainly you know that we have no claim on your daughters, and most surely you know what we desire. Quote Right
Quote Left It is the great privilege of poverty to be happy and yet unenvied, to be healthy with physic, secure without a guard, and to obtain from the bounty of nature what the great and wealthy are compelled to procure by the help of art. Quote Right
Quote Left When a black Jacksonian looks about his home community, he sees a city of over 150,000, of which 40% is Negro, in which there is not a single Negro policeman or policewoman, school crossing guard, or fireman. Quote Right
Quote Left Search for the seed of good in every adversity. Master that principle and you will own a precious shield that will guard you well through all the darkest valleys you must traverse. Stars may be seen from the bottom of a deep well, when they cannot be discerned from the mountaintop. So will you learn things in adversity that you would never have discovered without trouble. There is always a seed of good. Find it and prosper. Quote Right
Quote Left Innocence always calls mutely for protection when we would be so much wiser to guard ourselves against it: innocence is like a dumb leper who has lost his bell, wandering the world, meaning no harm. Quote Right
Quote Left Surely Allah is with those who guard (against evil) and those who do good (to others). Quote Right
Quote Left 1 Peter 5:2: Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, watching over them – not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve (NIV)

Tend (nurture, guard, guide, and fold) the flock of God that is [your responsibility], not by coercion or constraint, but willingly; not dishonorably motivated by the advantages and profits [belonging to the office], but eagerly and cheerfully (AMP)

Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; (KJV)

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Quote Left I think we've gotten way too lackadaisical. Our society is very reactive rather than proactive, and it bothers me that the huge changes right after September 11, like the National Guard at the airport, have been cut back. Quote Right
Quote Left Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God, and the peace of God will guard your heart and mind in Christ. Phil. 4:6-7 Quote Right
Quote Left That there is also freedom in captivity, only a prisoner can claim. Coming from a prison guard, this statement would be blasphemy. Quote Right
Quote Left I have three treasures. Guard and keep them:
The first is deep love,
The second is frugality,
And the third is not to dare to be ahead of the world.
Because of deep love, one is courageous.
Because of frugality, one is generous.
Because of not daring to be ahead of the world, one becomes the leader of the world.
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Quote Left Bush has cruised through life fueled by booze, drugs and bravado. Hes proud to be an underachiever and he rests comfortably on the laurels of his father. Hes failed at every venture hes ever undertaken. And every mess hes created has been cleaned up for himarrests for drunk driving, cocaine, AWOL from the National Guard and numerous bad business deals. He is a self-made disaster. Yet, he was handed the keys to the kingdomTWICE! Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice. God help us all. Quote Right
Quote Left We do not want people to let their guard down. That's when we have the greatest number of deaths. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Another day nearer the battle, So drink up my lads and look brave, 'Cos every day nearer the battle Is another day nearer the grave.' Quote Right
Quote Left Become an internationalist and learn to respect all life. Make war on machines. And in particular the sterile machines of corporate death and the robots that guard them. Quote Right
Quote Left The political lesson of Watergate is this Never again must America allow an arrogant, elite guard of political adolescents to by-pass the regular party organization and dictate the terms of a national election. Quote Right
Quote Left Harsh necessity, and the newness of my kingdom, force me to do such things and to guard my frontiers everywhere. Quote Right
Quote Left Guard your roving thoughts with a jealous care, for speech is but the dialer of thoughts, and every fool can plainly read in your words what is the hour of your thoughts. Quote Right
Quote Left Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness. Quote Right
Quote Left The easiest period in a crisis situation is actually the battle itself. The most difficult is the period of indecision--whether to fight or run away. And the most dangerous period is the aftermath. It is then, with all his resources spent and his guard down that an individual must watch out for dulled reactions and faulty judgment. Quote Right
Quote Left True Socialism, in which everyone is truly equal, does not just resemble a prison - it is a prison. It can not exist unless it is surrounded by high walls, by watchtowers and by guard-dogs, for people always want to escape from any socialist regime, just as they do from a prison. If you continue your attempts to establish a model society you will need to build walls around it. You will be forced to do so sooner or later by the flood of refugees.. Quote Right
Quote Left Surely what a man does when he is taken off his guard is the best evidence for what sort of a man he is? Surely what pops out before the man has time to put on a disguise is the truth? If there are rats in a cellar you are most likely to see them if you go in very suddenly. But the suddenness does not create the rats: it only prevents them from hiding. In the same way the suddenness of the provocation does not make me an ill-tempered man; it only shows me what an ill-tempered man I am. The rats are always there in the cellar, but if you go in shouting and noisily they will have taken cover before you switch on the light. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Guard

Quote Left “Our lasting legacy lies not in the towering stone structures, but in the forests we nurture, the oceans we safeguard, and the skies we keep pure.” - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left "' I can recommend him for employment as a security guard. He is the most trustworthy, genuine honest, and conscientious person I've ever met!.'' "'I met him in jail two weeks ago'' ! Quote Right
Quote Left Every tree planted is a promise made to the future, an oath to safeguard the harmony between humanity and nature. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left The power of a government is a sacred trust, only justly exercised when it safeguards the liberties and aspirations of its populace. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Guard your aspirations as if they were diamonds, and the firmer you believe in them, the stronger they become and lead you to success. Quote Right
Quote Left I believe poetry is like sun bathing: one prepares himself, puts on the lotion and positions the chair -- and then the sun does its work. Train, learn...and it will happen. As with each of us, having an individual spirit, so poetry has a group spirit, seeing to its beauty and guarding its significance. Quote Right
Quote Left The duty of parents and guardians is to control their kids, To be God-fearing and urge them to dress decently and abide by the rules and teachings of Christianity. By Chipepo Lwele Quote Right
Quote Left Guard your thoughts. Guard your feelings – they are spiritual substance with physical consequences. Quote Right
Quote Left God made the clan of man to love one another, the race of the angels to guard them and the race of demons to teach them. one was moderate in appearance, another radiated with divine light and the third wore the horrors of mankind as skin to teach and remind others not recommit them Quote Right
Quote Left “Before long, the deck apes removed the rat guards from the mooring lines and secured the brow.” Quote Right
Quote Left Wars are made possible because most only guard their front door. Quote Right
Quote Left Agency is simply the ability to do good. There is nothing negative about it. Everyone has choice, even the adversary, for he choses how to carry out his plans. He and his followers put themselves in a position where they cannot, and will not do anything good. Agency is a fruit of the atonement, guarded and again granted unto us because of our faithfulness in our first estate. Now, we must use our agency to act righteously, and not be acted upon, thus successfully fulfilling our second estate. Quote Right
Quote Left A divided nation is a crumbling nation: guard its trust in the Eternal and the precious values of family and morality. Quote Right
Quote Left Desde sempre viva a vida como se fosse o último suspiro que você dá e cultue as pequenas coisas na vida. As pequenas coisas na vida são o que aquilo que conecta a todas as grandes coisas pelas quais se vive. Se quiser um conselho aqui vai um: guardem em um bolso todos os desafios e problemas. Entretanto, tenha a certeza de que o bolso tem um furo Quote Right
Quote Left Sempre acreditei que as pessoas que lideram, eleitas ou indicadas, devam fazer mais do que liderar. As pessoas que lideram devem fazer isso e preservar as virtudes, valores, ética e sabedoria. Isso é liderança guardiã. Esse tempo chegou. Atualmente, se as pessoas líderes falham em liderar com virtudes e valores à tona, em algum momento outras pessoas assumem o controle e farão lideres que falharam a seguirem. Quote Right
Quote Left Viver é escolher. Entretanto para escolher bem, você deve saber quem você é e o que defende, para onde quer ir e como quer chegar lá. Idade pouco importa. Nenhuma pessoa nunca é jovem ou vivida demais para liderar e proteger, guardar cinco virtudes (Dignidade, Confiança, Coragem, Compaixão e Fé). E acima de tudo nunca deve duvidar de sua capacidade de triunfar onde outras pessoas ainda não o fizeram. Quote Right
Quote Left A tarefa mais importante dos novos líderes guardiões é mostrar as pessoas como pensar e fazer as perguntas certas. A questão essencial nunca é: Até que ponto você é uma pessoa ocupada? A pergunta certa é: aquilo com o que sem ocupa te faz sentir bem? Quote Right
Quote Left Truque para perpetuar a relação. Quando quero perpetuar uma relação [...] faço de conta... Faço de conta... Faço de conta que posso reviver, faço aquilo que não fiz... Inovo, tento, invento. Quando quero perpetuar uma relação faço as perguntas que faltou fazer, reparo em tudo o que não vi; vivo uma última oportunidade de resguardar e de reter. Esse é o truque para perpetuar a relação na vida pessoal ou negocial. Quote Right
Quote Left Inocente ou Culpada. Na vida ou nos negócios se uma pessoa fica sem saber como fazer fica no escuro, deixa de fazer. Culpada nunca é ela que deixou de fazer, ao contrário, é aquela que guarda o conhecimento. Aquela que sabe e deixa de mostrar para outra aquilo que sabe se encontra muito abaixo daquela que nunca sabe. Quote Right
Quote Left mother held all the cards*for the love she guards*her hand held all aces*to no discerning player's faces*she swept pot after pot*into the dust pan's knot*like a string that's fraught*her poker face's all taut* her children take cards dealt*without chips on shoulders dwelt Quote Right
Quote Left Judge no one, be kind, be true to yourself, learn to accept everyone, listen, be slow to speak, avoid anger and guard your heart as in life there are many seasons and you never know when it's your turn. Quote Right
Quote Left There is no far that is far from the end. Be cautious for each progress is guarded by an army of possible retrogress. Daylights recapitulates darkness. Quote Right
Quote Left My greatest asset is loneliness, in that the guardians of the universe intend to leave me helpless, when upon the face of humanity. Quote Right
Quote Left Admiro as Equipes de Trabalho na Mary Kay. Essas equipes carregam sonhos e criam uma verdade fundamental: acreditam que se torna madrinha guarda, amiga, e incentivadora de muitas pessoas.Isso faz a equipe forte a pessoa integra e a empresa crescer. Isso permite pela atitude da equipe perseguir sonhos individuais. Assim de fato se pode recitar: E pluribus unum. Dentre muitos, um. Quote Right
Quote Left Um belo dia na medida em que uma pessoa cresce descobre que chegou aonde queria e ao que deseja. Fica feliz. Entretanto, percebe que as pessoas deixam de ver as coisas do jeito que levou ao seu crescimento. Resta guardar as maravilhosas lembrancas, e seguir em frente. Quote Right
Quote Left Um belo dia na medida em que uma pessoa cresce descobre que chegou aonde queria e ao que deseja. Fica feliz. Entretanto, percebe que as pessoas deixam de ver as coisas do jeito que levou ao seu crescimento. Resta guardar as maravilhosas lembrancas, e seguir em frente. Quote Right
Quote Left Husband and wife are the necessary guard for each other. Quote Right
Quote Left A Soldier Is Always On Guard By Dana Redricks December 6, 2015 A soldier never become so relaxed that they are not aware of their surroundings, and as Christian’s soldiers we have an enemy like a roaring lion seeking out to destroy us, so we must be on guard at all time, and in constant pray. Quote Right
Quote Left Maury pouch show security guard Matt Lynn of savannah credited for Isis law quote Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things