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Essence Quotations

Essence quotations. Find, read, and share Essence quotations. These are the best examples of Essence quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left The essence of life is seeked through polarities such as , health and illness, happiness and suffering, wealth and poverty and so on. Quote Right
Quote Left The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude. Quote Right
Quote Left Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation. Tooting, howling, screeching, booming, crashing, whistling, grinding, and trilling bolster his ego. His anxiety subsides. His inhuman void spreads on like a gray vegetation. Quote Right
Quote Left Man would be otherwise. That is the essence of the specifically human. Quote Right
Quote Left To endow the writer publicly with a good fleshly body, to reveal that he likes dry white wine and underdone steak, is to make even more miraculous for me, and of a more divine essence, the products of his art. Far from the details of his daily life bringing nearer to me the nature of his inspiration and making it clearer, it is the whole mystical singularity of his condition which the writer emphasizes by such confidences. For I cannot but ascribe to some superhumanly the existence of beings vast enough to wear blue pajamas at the very moment when they manifest themselves as universal conscience. Quote Right
Quote Left The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety. Quote Right
Quote Left The entire essence of America is the hope to first make money -- then make money with money -- then make lots of money with lots of money. Quote Right
Quote Left Every act of rebellion expresses a nostalgia for innocence and an appeal to the essence of being. Quote Right
Quote Left The poet gives us his essence, but prose takes the mold of the body and mind. Quote Right
Quote Left You are outside life, you are above life, you have miseries which the ordinary man does not know, you exceed the normal level, and it is for this that men refuse to forgive you, you poison their peace of mind, you undermine their stability. You have irrepressible pains whose essence is to be inadaptable to any known state, indescribable in words. You have repeated and shifting pains, incurable pains, pains beyond imagining, pains which are neither of the body nor of the soul, but which partake of both. And I share your suffering, and I ask you: who dares to ration our relief? We are not going to kill ourselves just yet. In the meantime, leave us the hell alone. Quote Right
Quote Left The essence of independence has been to think and act according to standards from within, not without. Inevitably anyone with an independent mind must become "one who resists or opposes authority or established conventions": a rebel. If enough people come to agree with, and follow, the Rebel, we now have a Devil. Until, of course, still more people agree. And then, finally, we have --- Greatness. Quote Right
Quote Left The essence of destiny: Watch your thoughts for they become words. Choose your words for they become actions. Understand your actions for they become habit. Study your habits for they become your character. Develop your character for it becomes your destiny. Quote Right
Quote Left True humor springs not more from the head than from the heart. It is not contempt; its essence is love. It issues not in laughter, but in still smiles, which lie far deeper. Quote Right
Quote Left Every epoch which seeks renewal first projects its ideal into a human form. In order to comprehend its own essence tangibly, the spirit of the... Quote Right
Quote Left The essence of independence has been to think and act according to standards from within, not without. Inevitably anyone with an independent mind must become 'one who resists or opposes authority or established conventions': a rebel. If enough people come to agree with, and follow, the Rebel, we now have a Devil. Until, of course, still more people agree. And then, finally, we have --- Greatness. Quote Right
Quote Left Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today -- but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all. Quote Right
Quote Left There are certain things that are fundamental to human fulfillment. The essence of these needs is captured in the phrase 'to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy'. The need to live is our physical need for such things as food, clothing, shelter, economical well-being, health. The need to love is our social need to relate to other people, to belong, to love and to be loved. The need to learn is our mental need to develop and to grow. And the need to leave a legacy is our spiritual need to have a sense of meaning, purpose, personal congruence, and contribution Quote Right
Quote Left Existence precedes and rules essence. Quote Right
Quote Left Love in its essence is spiritual fire. Quote Right
Quote Left Politics is repetition. It is not change. Change is something beyond what we call politics. Change is the essence politics is supposed to be t... Quote Right
Quote Left As we approach the new millennium, we see how much remains to be done to give our young and future generations a better world to live in: a more peaceful society with a healthier, cleaner environment and a pattern of sustainable development which seeks to eradicate poverty. Education is the single most powerful means to improve the quality of life... the single most powerful weapon against poverty and intolerance. Education builds a culture of peace ... it empowers human beings, both young and adult, to be effective in their chosen sphere of activity ... education in its essence, opens doors to both personal and social development. Quote Right
Quote Left To hide a passion totally (or even to hide, more simply, its excess) is inconceivable: not because the human subject is too weak, but because passion is in essence made to be seen: the hiding must be seen: I want you to know that I am hiding something from you, that is the active paradox I must resolve: at one and the same time it must be known and not known: I want you to know that I don't want to show my feelings: that is the message I address to the other. Quote Right
Quote Left The family must be democratized in that sense in which each individual within its bond shall be sustained in seeking and in maintaining the conditions of personality. No one human being to live solely for other's service..., but all to seek the utmost perfection of individual life as a contribution to the common life; this is the democratic ideal. There seems to be no other inherited institution in which this spiritual essence of democracy can be so clearly and so well realized as it may be and today often is in the private monogamic family. Quote Right
Quote Left Style and Structure are the essence of a book; great ideas are hogwash. Quote Right
Quote Left He who gives what he would as readily throw away, gives without generosity; for the essence of generosity is in self sacrifice. Quote Right
Quote Left O Children of Men! Know ye not why We created you all from the same dust? That no one should exalt himself over the other. Ponder at all times in your hearts how ye were created. Since We have created you all from one same substance it is incumbent on you to be even as one soul, to walk with the same feet, eat with the same mouth and dwell in the same land, that from your inmost being, by your deeds and actions, the signs of oneness and the essence of detachment may be made manifest. Such is My counsel to you, O concourse of light! Heed ye this counsel that ye may obtain the fruit of holiness from the tree of wondrous glory. Quote Right
Quote Left All our thoughts and concepts are called up by sense-experiences and have a meaning only in reference to these sense-experiences. On the other hand, however, they are products of the spontaneous activity of our minds they are thus in no wise logical consequences of the contents of these sense-experiences. If, therefore, we wish to grasp the essence of a complex of abstract notions we must for the one part investigate the mutual relationships between the concepts and the assertions made about them for the other, we must investigate how they are related to the experiences. Quote Right
Quote Left Every time you suppress some part of yourself or allow others to play you small, you are in essence ignoring the owner's manual your creator gave you and destroying your design. Quote Right
Quote Left The society of merchants can be defined as a society in which things disappear in favor of signs. When a ruling class measures its fortunes, not by the acre of land or the ingot of gold, but by the number of figures corresponding ideally to a certain number of exchange operations, it thereby condemns itself to setting a certain kind of humbug at the center of its experience and its universe. A society founded on signs is, in its essence, an artificial society in which man's carnal truth is handled as something artificial. Quote Right
Quote Left Acting is not about dressing up. Acting is about stripping bare. The whole essence of learning lines is to forget them so you can make them sound like you thought of them that instant. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Essence

Quote Left God has everything, needs nothing from us...except our love. Love is priceless. Love is the pure essence of truly being. Quote Right
Quote Left If I reflect upon the essence of existence: I'm fascinated by a mystery more ample of the infinite universe. Can a person comprehend the visible as much as the invisible? Quote Right
Quote Left In the book of life, love is the most profound chapter; and the very essence from which all other chapters derive their meaning and depth. - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left "I am a child of God, clothed in the divine image, handpicked and cherished by the Creator. My worth is unwavering, my purpose undeniable. No words, no opinions, no doubts can diminish the sacred essence within me. For I am fearfully and wonderfully made, a testament to God's love and grace." Quote Right
Quote Left Time ... is an abstract construct, measured by the calendar and clock. Yet its essence is still elusive, with a past and future that holds the present to unlock. Quote Right
Quote Left True valour blooms not in grand display, but roots in deeds, where honesty holds sway, Like mighty oak, standing firm and tall, A brave soul's essence, in echoes, shall enthral Quote Right
Quote Left Curiosity, in its purest form, also nurtures the essence of creativity. It encourages us to view things from new perspectives, to imagine the unimaginable, and to create what has never been created before. Quote Right
Quote Left What do we know of God, or surmise? Aware of everything, infinite beyond time and space as generally understood. Omnipotent, no need to duplicate anything exactly, seemingly obsessed with our individuality, yet with a definite preference toward Pure Love -- His self-essence proliferating endlessly. Quote Right
Quote Left Let us embrace forgiveness's embrace, And let resentment find no space, For in its essence, we find our own light, Guiding us through the darkest night. Quote Right
Quote Left Each one of has a bridge to cross to get to the other side. Some choose to take it while others do not. That is the essence of life, choosing to choose. Quote Right
Quote Left A poets desire is to be understood through the essence of a rhyme. His words are yesterdays memories borrowed from the passing of time. Quote Right
Quote Left When one continually sees what is wrong with people, things or events; it is inherent that their focus is on the appearence rather than the true essence of that person, thing or event. Quote Right
Quote Left There are too many psychologist on pulpit today, it is a real torture of the soul to endure ninety minutes or more of deliveries without the essence of the soul, without the message of the cross, without the personality of Christ, without a reflection of eternity, it is a torture to those who seek Christ in every sermon Quote Right
Quote Left Snow can be quite beautiful and the silence that creates such a essence of God's spirit within it always amazes me - it is a silence louder than thunder. Quote Right
Quote Left if honesty be essence of the rose and the rose truth of the spirit where in then does benevolence fit in the human soul Quote Right
Quote Left Shadows will transform to Light when your whole being and essence of living is completely illuminated. - VickManuelQuotes (VMQ) Quote Right
Quote Left Her Aroma is the Essence of her Smile Quote Right
Quote Left "Creativity is the essence of joy." By Dawne Zacharias Quote Right
Quote Left Life, of its nature, is a tragedy, it needs a person to make it a comedy, this is the essence of living. Quote Right
Quote Left Hope is a miracle. The word holds the essence of everything worth waiting for, or yet to come. Quote Right
Quote Left Truth contains the essence of the universe, for truth is one. Quote Right
Quote Left The very essence of creativity comes from the soul. Quote Right
Quote Left The ego disguises itself. The ego tells us we are separate. When in essence we are one.. Quote Right
Quote Left We are human beings not human doings, every once in a while we need to stop to smell the roses, hear what is being said, taste essence of life, touch someones heart and see life for what it truly is, a journey with rest areas. Quote Right
Quote Left Being poor and not feeling it, is a living being's well being of the immaterial essence. Difficult acquisition. Come, come back. Don't go, do not leave, wellness. Quote Right
Quote Left We have died in a previous image, when we were completely unaware of the self known as "I". We had abandon ourselves by our acknowledgement of being apart of something that was us and not us, all at once. It was beautiful. But we have forgotten. When we die in this reality we transcend in to the next. however when we're living the door to this other reality is open to us. we must just remember our previous death. In essence death is birth and when we were born, we died. Quote Right
Quote Left The essence of creativity is God's law brought to order in life's struggle for identity. Quote Right
Quote Left Have a goal Sleep think about your goal Think about your life and Think how to put your goal Into place And keep your goal to yourself Until it is finish and when your plan Is in play just keep running Your way to success Essences And Desires (c)All Rights Reserved Quote Right
Quote Left Sher-vawn's Essences and desires The reason I smile Is because I am happy With my life Happiness comes from having Peace with yourself Sher-vawn Robinson (c) All Rights Reserved Quote Right
Quote Left Sher-vawn's Essences and Desires Music is life Music is dance Music is the gift of smile's Too life. Sher-vawn Robinson (c)All Rights Reserved Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things