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Description Quotations

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Quote Left It may be possible to do without dancing entirely. Instances have been known of young people passing many, many months successively without being at any ball of any description, and no material injury accrue either to body or mind; but when a beginning is made -- when the felicities of rapid motion have once been, though slightly, felt -- it must be a very heavy set that does not ask for more. Quote Right
Quote Left If experience has established any one thing in this world, it has established this: that it is well for any great class and description of men in society to be able to say for itself what it wants, and not to have other classes, the so-called educated and intelligent classes, acting for it as its proctors, and supposed to understand its wants and to provide for them. A class of men may often itself not either fully understand its wants, or adequately express them; but it has a nearer interest and a more sure diligence in the matter than any of its proctors, and therefore a better chance of success. Quote Right
Quote Left My one pupil has begun his work with me, and I will give you a description how the lecture is conducted. It is the most important point, you k... Quote Right
Quote Left We all start out with the same alphabet. We are all unique. Talent is not the most important thing --- discipline and dedication are. Craft can be learned but desire and longing are innate. Despite the demands of school and just being young, try to write SOMETHING every day --- a description, a captured emotion, a simile, a metaphor. Read, for crying out loud! A writer must read the way a ball player must go to the ballfield every day to practice. Everything is possible in this world of ours--- and so's publication. Quote Right
Quote Left Life!... It's a cybernetic psychedic explosion of garishly illuminated images, sounds, smells, and feelings! I am skewed, warped, distorted, twisted, altered in such a way as to defy description. I am discomboomulated to the maximum intensity of a technorave, industrial force. I'M ALIVE, DAMN YOU, AND MY HEAD IS TWEAKED TO THE Nth POWER! My mind is swirling and pulsing with wreckless, exuberant abandon! Pounding and surging in a vortex of sensory overload! Euphoric insanity!!' 'Sooooo..... how's life been treatin you?' 'I LIKE IT! Quote Right
Quote Left Myth is an attempt to narrate a whole human experience, of which the purpose is too deep, going too deep in the blood and soul, for mental explanation or description. Quote Right
Quote Left Man torturing man is a fiend beyond description. You turn a corner in the dark and there he is. You congeal into a bundle of inanimate fear. You become the very soul of anesthesia. But there is no escaping him. It is your turn now... Quote Right
Quote Left The events of human life, whether public or private, are so intimately linked to architecture that most observers can reconstruct nations or individuals in all the truth of their habits from the remains of their public monuments or from their domestic relics. Archaeology is to social nature what comparative anatomy is to organized nature. A mosaic reveals an entire society, just as a skeleton of an ichthyosaur suggests an entire creation. Everything is deducible, everything is linked. The cause allows one to guess the effect, just as each effect allows one to reconstruct a cause. The scientist can resuscitate in this manner even the warts of ancient times. From this comes without doubt the prodigious interest that an architectural description can inspire when the writer's fantasy is faithful to its basic elements. Cannot each person reattach it to its past by rigorous deductions? And as for man, does not the past singularly resemble the future? Tell him what was and is this not almost always the same thing as telling him what will be? Quote Right
Quote Left For her own person, It beggared all description: she did lie... Quote Right
Quote Left The type of fig leaf which each culture employs to cover its social taboos offers a twofold description of its morality. It reveals that certain unacknowledged behavior exists and it suggests the form that such behavior takes. Quote Right
Quote Left I open with a clock striking, to beget an awful attention in the audience -- it also marks the time, which is four o clock in the morning, and saves a description of the rising sun, and a great deal about gilding the eastern hemisphere. Quote Right
Quote Left And yet a little tumult, now and then, is an agreeable quickener of sensation; such as a revolution, a battle, or an adventure of any lively description. Quote Right
Quote Left The greatest honor that can be paid to the work of art, on its pedestal of ritual display, is to describe it with sensory completeness. We need a science of description. Criticism is ceremonial revivification. Quote Right
Quote Left And yet a little tumult, now and then, is an agreeable quickener of sensation such as a revolution, a battle, or an adventure of any lively description. Quote Right
Quote Left This place is the Devil, or at least his principal residence, they call it the University, but any other appellation would have suited it much better, for study is the last pursuit of the society; the Master eats, drinks, and sleeps, the Fellows drink, dispute and pun, the employments of the undergraduates you will probably conjecture without my description. Quote Right
Quote Left Utopias are presented for our inspection as a critique of the human state. If they are to be treated as anything but trivial exercises of the imagination. I suggest there is a simple test we can apply. We must forget the whole paraphernalia of social description, demonstration, expostulation, approbation, condemnation. We have to say to ourselves, How would I myself live in this proposed society? How long would it be before I went stark staring mad? Quote Right
Quote Left A sound mind in a sound body is a short but full description of a happy state in this world. Quote Right
Quote Left Take that Poppy seed, for instance: it lies in your palm, the merest atom of matter, hardlyvisible, a speck, a pin's point in bulk, but within it is imprisoned a spirit of beauty ineffable, which will break its bonds and emerge from the dark ground and blossom in a splendor so dazzling as to baffle all powers of description. Quote Right
Quote Left America is woven of many strands. I would recognize them and let it so remain. Our fate is to become one, and yet many. This is not prophecy, but description. Quote Right
Quote Left A sound mind in a sound body is a short but full description of a happy state in this world Quote Right
Quote Left A sound mind in a sound body, is a short, but full description of a happy state in this World: he that has these two, has little more to wish for; and he that wants either of them, will be little the better for anything else. Quote Right
Quote Left What women do to each other is beyond description. No Chinese torture comes close. Quote Right
Quote Left All tragedies are finished by a death, All comedies are ended by a marriage; The future states of both are left to faith, For authors fear description might disparage The worlds to come of both. . . . Quote Right
Quote Left Even in a less exaggerated description, any verbal account of a person is bound to find itself employing an assortment of waterfalls, lightning rods, landscapes, birds, etc. Quote Right
Quote Left I think Morse's thing about being a poor policeman but a good detective is a very good description of him. Quote Right
Quote Left All I can really say is it's bloodier than hell. In this one I'm going to be much more direct and honest in my description of the actual killings and the crime scene. Quote Right
Quote Left Words, when well chosen, have so great a force in them that a description often gives us more lively ideas than the sight of things themselves Quote Right
Quote Left When someone tells you something defies description, you can be pretty sure he's going to have a go at it anyway. Quote Right
Quote Left The most beautiful description of a woman is by understatement Quote Right
Quote Left The ancients of the ideal description, instead of trying to turn their impracticable chimeras, as does the modern dreamer, into social and pol... Quote Right

Member Quotes About Description

Quote Left Men who have the genuine baptism of the spirit carries about a power that beggars description, They are connected to the source of all Power, You cannot be around them and not be inflamed, They don't shout on podium, but when they do, It stems from the source. every expression and emotions is stamped with divinity, You cannot fake it. every Preacher is merely a dramatist without the Power of the Holy ghost Quote Right
Quote Left "On rail,poverty thought to be a pathway to meet friends,it rather set the description membrane of class we belong to" Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things