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Democracy Quotations

Democracy quotations. Find, read, and share Democracy quotations. These are the best examples of Democracy quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left I swear to the Lord, I still can't see, why Democracy means, everybody but me. Quote Right
Quote Left I swear to the Lord I still can't see Why Democracy means Everybody but me. Quote Right
Quote Left I swear to the LordI still can't seeWhy Democracy meansEverybody but me. Quote Right
Quote Left 137 years later, Memorial Day remains one of America's most cherished patriotic observances. The spirit of this day has not changed - it remains a day to honor those who died defending our freedom and democracy. Quote Right
Quote Left What I want to fix your attention on is the vast overall movement towards the discrediting, and finally the elimination, of every kind of human excellence -- moral, cultural, social or intellectual. And is it not pretty to notice how 'democracy' (in the incantatory sense) is now doing for us the work that was once done by the most ancient dictatorships, and by the same methods The basic proposal of the new education is to be that dunces and idlers must not be made to feel inferior to intelligent and industrious pupils. That would be 'undemocratic.' Children who are fit to proceed may be artificially kept back, because the others would get a trauma by being left behind. The bright pupil thus remains democratically fettered to his own age group throughout his school career, and a boy who would be capable of tackling Aeschylus or Dante sits listening to his coeval's attempts to spell out A CAT SAT ON A MAT. We may reasonably hope for the virtual abolition of education when 'I'm as good as you' has fully had its way. All incentives to learn and all penalties for not learning will vanish. The few who might want to learn will be prevented who are they to overtop their fellows And anyway, the teachers -- or should I say nurses -- will be far too busy reassuring the dunces and patting them on the back to waste any time on real teaching. We shall no longer have to plan and toil to spread imperturbable conceit and incurable ignorance among men. Quote Right
Quote Left I say that democracy can never prove itself beyond cavil, until it founds and luxuriantly grows its own forms of art, poems, schools, theology, displacing all that exists, or that has been produced anywhere in the past, under opposite influences. Quote Right
Quote Left Civilization is the encouragement of differences. Civilization thus becomes a synonym of democracy. Force, violence, pressure, or compulsion with a view to conformity, is both uncivilized and undemocratic Quote Right
Quote Left The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting. Quote Right
Quote Left A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but won't cross the street to vote in a national election. Quote Right
Quote Left The territorial aristocracy of former ages was either bound by law, or thought itself bound by usage, to come to the relief of its serving-men and to relieve their distress. But the manufacturing aristocracy of our age first impoverishes and debases the men who serve it and then abandons them to be supported by the charity of the public. This is a natural consequence of what has been said before. Between the workman and the master there are frequent relations, but no real association. I am of the opinion, on the whole, that the manufacturing aristocracy which is growing up under our eyes is one of the harshest that ever existed in the world; but at the same time it is one of the most confined and least dangerous. Nevertheless, the friends of democracy should keep their eyes anxiously fixed in this direction; for if ever a permanent inequality of conditions and aristocracy again penetrates into the world, it may be predicted that this is the gate by which they will enter. Quote Right
Quote Left The President, in talking about freedom and democracy, is sparking a wave of very positive democratic sentiment that might help us override both Islamic fundamentalism that has formed in that region, and also some of the hatred for our policies of invading Iraq. Quote Right
Quote Left All of Western tradition, from the late bloom of the British Empire right through the early doom of Vietnam, dictates that you do something spectacular and irreversible whenever you find yourself in or whenever you impose yourself upon a wholly unfamiliar situation belonging to somebody else. Frequently it's your soul or your honor or your manhood, or democracy itself, at stake. Quote Right
Quote Left Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few. Quote Right
Quote Left It is the American vice, the democratic disease which expresses its tyranny by reducing everything unique to the level of the herd. Quote Right
Quote Left Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty. Quote Right
Quote Left The proclamation and repetition of first principles is a constant feature of life in our democracy. Active adherence to these principles, however, has always been considered un-American. We recipients of the boon of liberty have always been ready, when faced with discomfort, to discard any and all first principles of liberty, and, further, to indict those who do not freely join with us in happily arrogating those principles. Quote Right
Quote Left anytime you see white men suppose to fight each other an you not white, well you know you got trouble, because they blah-blah loud about Democrat or Republican an they huffing an puff about democracy someplace else but relentless, see, the deal come down evil on somebody don have no shirt an tie, somebody don live in no whiteman house no whiteman country. Quote Right
Quote Left Personally, I'm in favor of democracy, which means that the central institutions of society have to be under popular control. Now, under capitalism, we can't have democracy by definition. Capitalism is a system in which the central institutions of society are in principle under autocratic control. Thus, a corporation or an industry is, if we were to think of it in political terms, fascist that is, it has tight control at the top and strict obedience has to be establishedat every level--there's little bargaining, a little give and take,but the line of authority is perfectly straightforward. Just as I'm opposed to political fascism, I'm opposed to economic fascism. I think that until the major institutions of society are under the popular control of participants and communities, it's pointless to talk about democracy. Quote Right
Quote Left In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love they had five hundred years of democracy and peace and what did that produce The cuckoo clock. Quote Right
Quote Left The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That's one of these lies in society that no free and intelligent man can help rebelling against. Who are the people that make up the biggest proportion of the population -- the intelligent ones or the fools? I think we can agree it's the fools, no matter where you go in this world, it's the fools that form the overwhelming majority. Quote Right
Quote Left My thinking tends to be libertarian. That is, I oppose intrusions of the state into the private realm -- as in abortion, sodomy, prostitution, pornography, drug use, or suicide, all of which I would strongly defend as matters of free choice in a representative democracy. Quote Right
Quote Left In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love; they had five hundred years of democracy and peace and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock. Quote Right
Quote Left The world is weary of statesmen whom democracy has degraded into politicians. Quote Right
Quote Left To acquire immunity to eloquence is of the utmost importance to the citizens of a democracy. Quote Right
Quote Left Democracy is the menopause of Western society, the Grand Climacteric of the body social. Fascism is its middle-aged lust. Quote Right
Quote Left By and large the literature of a democracy will never exhibit the order, regularity, skill, and art characteristic of aristocratic literature; formal qualities will be neglected or actually despised. The style will often be strange, incorrect, overburdened, and loose, and almost always strong and bold. Writers will be more anxious to work quickly than to perfect details. Short works will be commoner than long books, wit than erudition, imagination than depth. There will be a rude and untutored vigor of thought with great variety and singular fecundity. Authors will strive to astonish more than to please, and to stir passions rather than to charm taste. Quote Right
Quote Left Democracy gives every man the right to be his own oppressor. Quote Right
Quote Left There is one expanding horror in American life. It is that our long odyssey toward liberty, democracy and freedom-for-all may be achieved in such a way that utopia remains forever closed, and we live in freedom and hell, debased of style, not individual from one another, void of courage, our fear rationalized away. Quote Right
Quote Left On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter what it does. Quote Right
Quote Left Their efforts are a tribute to democracy and an example that difficult problems can be solved peacefully through debate, negotiation and compromise. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Democracy

Quote Left Democracy is the garden where the seeds of liberty are sown by the hands of the many. -Aloo Denish Obiero. Quote Right
Quote Left Objectivity is a pillar of democracy. Quote Right
Quote Left In a democracy you are either a part of the solution or a part of the problem. There is no middle ground. Quote Right
Quote Left Never trust a leader who insists he must abolish democracy to save it. Quote Right
Quote Left Pakistan is the only country in the whole world whose agencies support Mafia Head for some specific reasons.Is this democracy or dictatorship? Quote Right
Quote Left One of the greatest threats to a democracy is a lack of objectivity. Quote Right
Quote Left When a person, group or party, by any and all means necessary, seek to gain, secure and remain in Power, at any and all costs, a true and functional Democracy of, by and for the People, ceases to exist. Quote Right
Quote Left When someone assumes that democracy can be switched to anarchy, that irrational mind pursues the howling wind which will cause a tempest. Quote Right
Quote Left Democracy was designed to replace war. When the rules of democracy are ignored in order to force an outcome, then there is only war. Quote Right
Quote Left When someone thinks that democracy can be replaced by anarchy, that irrational mind is pursuing the howling wind which will cause a tempest. Quote Right
Quote Left When someone thinks that Democracy can be switched to Anarchy, that irrational mind pursues the howling wind which will cause a tempest. Quote Right
Quote Left Law and justice in a democracy should be very strict, transparent and upright for one and all. otherwise democracy becomes a book of rights and crimes in disguise. It becomes a lethal tool. Quote Right
Quote Left The moment democracy yields, dictatorship takes over. --Vincent Van Ross Quote Right
Quote Left Most nations are cringing under the onslaught of capitalism. Today, democracy is the government of the capitalists, for capitalists and by capitalists. --Vincent Van Ross Quote Right
Quote Left Nationalism is the worst enemy of democracy--the true spirit of democracy is patriotism. --Vincent Van Ross Quote Right
Quote Left Democracy is the ultimate dream of most nations until they achieve it. Then, they find themselves staring at a new problem! --Vincent Van Ross Quote Right
Quote Left Submitting your poems to a Democracy and not getting accepted is like shouting down the hall and no one answering you Quote Right
Quote Left If 12 good men and women can decide a murder trial, why can't a few hundred men or women run a country? Random democracy is true democracy with proportional representation by all groups, women, men, aged, youth, ethnic minorities, etc. Quote Right
Quote Left random democracy is of the people, by the people and for the people Quote Right
Quote Left Merkel is still in power, Putin is still in power, Trump got in to power, Bush Bush. Democracy, it's a little bit vague. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Freedom of the press' is a firewall, behind which we stay safe from fascist viruses... It be the anchor what keeps Democracy from goin' adrift. Quote Right
Quote Left Fear by law and fear without law, is the difference between democracy and tyranny Quote Right
Quote Left Democracy is just a brand of dictatorship. Quote Right
Quote Left "Ethical behaviour is present in all true democracy's" Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs