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Defeat Quotations

Defeat quotations. Find, read, and share Defeat quotations. These are the best examples of Defeat quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Unkindness may do much, And his unkindness may defeat my life, But never taint my love. Quote Right
Quote Left Laugh at yourself and at life. Not in the spirit of derision or whining self-pity, but as a remedy, a miracle drug, that will ease your pain, cure your depression, and help you to put in perspective that seemingly terrible defeat and worry with laughter at your predicaments, thus freeing your mind to think clearly toward the solution that is certain to come. Never take yourself too seriously. Quote Right
Quote Left It is not the critic that counts not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or the doer of deeds could have them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the Arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood who strives valiantly who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming but he who does actually strive to do the deed who knows the great devotion who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails while daring greatly, knows that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls, who know neither victory nor defeat. Quote Right
Quote Left Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For defeat brings worse things than any that can ever happen in war. Quote Right
Quote Left The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause who at best, if he wins, knows the thrills of high achievement, and, if he fails, at least fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. Quote Right
Quote Left When the frustration of my helplessness seemed greatest, I discovered God's grace was more than sufficient. And after my imprisonment, I could look back and see how God used my powerlessness for His purpose. What He has chosen for my most significant witness was not my triumphs or victories, but my defeat. Quote Right
Quote Left It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again. Because there is no effort without error and shortcomings, he who knows the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the high achievement of triumph and who at worst, if he fails while daring greatly, knows his place shall never be with those timid and cold souls who know neither victory nor defeat'. Quote Right
Quote Left He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat. Quote Right
Quote Left Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Quote Right
Quote Left I have wrestled with death. It is the most unexciting contest you can imagine. It takes place in an impalpable greyness, with nothing underfoot, with nothing around, without spectators, without clamour, without glory, without the great desire of victory, without the great fear of defeat, in a sickly atmosphere of tepid scepticism, without much belief in your own right, and still less in that of your adversary. If such is the form of ultimate wisdom, then life is a greater riddle than some of us think it to be. I was within a hair's-breadth of the last opportunity for pronouncement, and I found with humiliation that probably I would have nothing to say. Quote Right
Quote Left It is not the critic who counts. Not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause. Who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. Quote Right
Quote Left There is no better adversity. Every defeat. Every heart break. Every loss. Contains its own seed, it's own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time. Quote Right
Quote Left Did is a word of achievement Won't is a word of defeat Might is a word of bereavement Can't is a word of defeat Ought is a word of duty Try is a word each hour Will is a word of beauty Can is a word of power. Quote Right
Quote Left Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. Quote Right
Quote Left When one is trying to do something beyond his known powers it is useless to seek the approval of friends. Friends are at their best in moments of defeat. Quote Right
Quote Left Many a man has finally succeeded only because he has failed after repeated efforts. If he had never met defeat he would never have known any great victory. Quote Right
Quote Left We recognize that Palestinians need help in consolidating security forces and training security forces that would defeat the terrorists that would like to stop the march of freedom. Quote Right
Quote Left There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time. Quote Right
Quote Left I have always felt that although someone may defeat me, and I strike out in a ball game, the pitcher on the particular day was the best player. But I know when I see him again, I'm going to be ready for his curve ball. Failure is a part of success. There is no such thing as a bed of roses all your life. But failure will never stand in the way of success if you learn from it. Quote Right
Quote Left We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated. Quote Right
Quote Left If a victory is told in detail, one can no longer distinguish it from a defeat. Quote Right
Quote Left Defeat should never be a source of discouragement, but rather a fresh stimulus. Quote Right
Quote Left Where faith is there is courage, there is fortitude, there is steadfastness and strength... Faith bestows that sublime courage that rises superior to the troubles and disappointments of life, that acknowledges no defeat except as a step to victory; that is strong to endure, patient to wait, and energetic to struggle... Light up, then, the lamp of faith in your heart... It will lead you safely through the mists of doubt and the black darkness of despair; along the narrow, thorny ways of sickness and sorrow, and over the treacherous places of temptation and uncertainty. Quote Right
Quote Left The pursuit of peace and progress cannot end in a few years in either victory or defeat. The pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials and its errors, its successes and its setbacks, can never be relaxed and never abandoned. Quote Right
Quote Left 17. Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory: (1) He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight. (2) He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces. (3) He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks. (4) He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared. (5) He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign. 18. Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself you will succumb in every battle. Quote Right
Quote Left Defeat in this world is no disgrace if you fought well and fought for the right thing. Quote Right
Quote Left An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep. Quote Right
Quote Left Death is the enemy. I spent 10 years of my life singlemindedly studying, practicing, fighting hand to hand in close quarters to defeat the enemy, to send him back bloodied and humble and I am not going to roll over and surrender. Quote Right
Quote Left When I consider how little of a rarity children are -- that every street and blind alley swarms with them -- that the poorest people commonly have them in most abundance -- that there are few marriages that are not blest with at least one of these bargains -- how often they turn out ill, and defeat the fond hopes of their parents, taking to vicious courses, which end in poverty, disgrace, the gallows, etc. -- I cannot for my life tell what cause for pride there can possibly be in having them. Quote Right
Quote Left The mountain remains unmoved at seeming defeat by the mist. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Defeat

Quote Left Death has already defeated the living. I’ve never heard a dead man say he wishes he could live a little… Quote Right
Quote Left The power of Christianity is in the heart. If you don’t believe in your heart that the Kingdom of God is a seed, you end up defeated in your mind, will, emotions and circumstances, Quote Right
Quote Left When efforts are made towards the soldiers, to remove their bullets and guns... the warriors are left to a desolate battlefield, where the defeat is measured in tons. Quote Right
Quote Left Jesus went behind the enemy lines of empire with no physical armour, no sword, no army and defeated the might and power of the Roman Empire, and all empires, past, present and future. He did it by wisdom and insight, spiritual power, identity, love and a cross mixed with His resurrection, ascension and glorification. The Romans had no idea what happened. Nothing has changed much has it? Quote Right
Quote Left If you are clever, use it effectively. If you want to bring in change, sweep gently. For the influencers too struggle to grab authority. Some times win is in defeat and the rise is in the fall. Quote Right
Quote Left “Failure does not mean defeat, it is simply a chance to get up and prove to the world how strong you are.” Quote Right
Quote Left Get Back Up: Even though we may fail many, many times in life, get back up, and continue to press forward to the prize that is laid before us. Today I must admit that I failed, but even though I may have fail I know I am not defeated, and neither are you. We only lose when we cease to continue in the race that God Yahweh has set before us. Don't ever give up, hold on to the hope we have in Jesus Christ. We must remain firm in our faith. Always remember to keep that hope alive. Quote Right
Quote Left When truth is ignored and avoided ... then trust becomes absent in defeat. Without trust, can be seen a barren landscape, where a lone horizon is traveled incomplete. Quote Right
Quote Left "When the clouds are darkened with remorse, never feel defeated, chase away the clouds and watch the sun brighten everything!" Quote Right
Quote Left The power of excellence, The strength in defeat is possessed only by those whose crossbows include indomitable will, focus and uprightness besides spectate, prospicience, strategy and strike. Quote Right
Quote Left To be good to do good is a conscious decision coz human is made up of errors and foibles. Sailing with the flow is quite enjoyable and easy. May be what is considered as attitude of the righteous, is the effort which goes in standing strong... A kind of rebel. What is seen as attitude and proud of a righteous is some where the defeat of those whose attempt in humiliating and every attempt in proving themselves superior goes in vain. The righteous is generally non reactive. Quote Right
Quote Left When you start using the word "Mandatory" on human beings, You defeat the purpose of anything, Even a goat will not eat grass by the use of Force. Only God can use such term on men. Quote Right
Quote Left Killing your enemy, is not defeating your enemy. June 2019. Quote Right
Quote Left Defeat is better than doubt. April 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left God rewards the defenders of justice, faith, and freedom with long life to narrate how they defeated tyranny. Quote Right
Quote Left Defeat is not a defeat but a setup for a comeback Quote Right
Quote Left I may suffer numerous defeats, but I'll never be beaten. Quote Right
Quote Left Embrace failure as an opportunity, use despair as motivation, and accept the fact that Failure is Not Defeat! Quote Right
Quote Left Recognize your Worth and trust your Ability, so you no longer Confuse Failure with Defeat! Quote Right
Quote Left the bitter wine of defeat is sweeter if you drink it from the cup of hope Quote Right
Quote Left Each birthday sets a milestone in everybody's life: do you express joy or worry? Isn't this a victory, rather than a defeat? Quote Right
Quote Left If in doubt you are admitting defeat before you even start. Quote Right
Quote Left "I utmostly believe in the uttermost subtlety that at every stage of liberal generation and human freedom, tyranny has never been defeated by compromise."- Jamiu Akolade Adeyemi Quote Right
Quote Left If we are always surrounded by good people, we may fail drastically! Bad people create a balance. They are the true teachers. Defeating us, they teach us to practise hard and fight back. Cheating us, they teach us to be observant and to react in time. They teach us how to lead. The soul definitely needs goodness around but the brain works better when it has to fight challenges! Quote Right
Quote Left when you are defeated seek victory, it's the spirit that'll get you through life, not the success or the failure, its about your attitude, bad attitude, bad life, good attitude, good life Quote Right
Quote Left Cruising in anger solves nothing but defeat. Quote Right
Quote Left "Perhaps, there is one thing that can defeat the Poet's heart, "Truth" in Love, because trust in Love is fallible without truth." (LadyLabyrinth, aka Leanne Lovejoy-Burton) Quote Right
Quote Left "Perhaps, there is one thing that can defeat the Poet's heart, "Truth" in Love, because trust in Love is fallible without truth." (LadyLabyrinth, aka Leanne Lovejoy-Burton) Quote Right
Quote Left The greatest opponent that ever defeated me was myself. Not because he knew me best, but because he was armed with my own doubt. Quote Right
Quote Left I will never be beat while I have a heartbeat, I will always compete until I'm complete and if I see defeat, repeatedly repeat because I'm offbeat I won't sit in my seat because I'm no deadbeat. I will always rise back up to my feet and never retreat. I'll become elite. I will be victorious and it'll taste sweet. Quote Right

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